Toward the beginning of Beetlejuice, the 1988 comedy-horror blockbuster directed by Tim Burton, the ghosts of Barbara and Adam Maitland (played by Geena Davis and.
Contact: Brenna Galdenzi, Trapping to be Allowed Under Certain Circumstances STOWE– In a remarkable show of legislative strength, 25 House representatives have co-sponsored legislation to restrict inhumane and indiscriminate steel-jawed leghold and other body-gripping traps for recreation and commerce in fur in Vermont. The bill, H.191, led by Rep. Larry Satcowitz would continue to allow trapping to protect property, including crops, livestock and domestic animals; public health and safety; municipal and state infrastructure, as well as trapping to protect endangered species. The bill prohibits common methods of killing trapped animals, including bludgeoning, strangling and stomping on the chest. It
Trapping has been going on for years in Vermont, protected and promoted by the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department, yet it hasn’t taken responsibility to proactively inform the public about it.
When Pete Stever, who trapped his first muskrat at age 12 on his family’s farm in West Fairlee, heard about what had happened in East Corinth last month, he knew immediately what it meant.“It doesn’t look good,” he said. “It only takes one bad egg to.
In the midafternoon of Dec. 20, while some people were tying up work ahead of the long holiday, and others were shopping for presents, Anne McKinsey was trudging about a half-mile through the snow, trying to get her dog to the veterinarian. McKinsey.