This year marks the 75th year since the horrific events of the Nakba began. Al-Nakba, an Arabic phrase meaning ‘The Catastrophe,’ refers to Israel’s ethnic cleansing and violent dispossession of the Palestinian people and the establishment of the Zionist settler-colony. Between 1947 and 1949, 15,000 Palestinians were killed and over 750,000 were forcefully displaced by Zionist military forces to create the state of Israel. These events, cumulatively with the current violence perpetrated by the Zionist entity, have been characterized as genocide by Palestinian
Avodah claims it was not influenced by a right-wing smear campaign when it fired Anna Rajagopal, but the organization’s actions legitimized the harassment of anti-Zionist activists.
Posting bigoted rhetoric from the safety of America, a self-appointed anti-colonialist with no grasp of our lived reality hurts Palestinians and Israelis