never be in s.a.e. headquarters immediately closed-the-chapter and members suspended perhaps indefinitely. we apologize for the unacceptable and racist behavior of the individuals in the video and disgusted any member would act in such a way. andrew clark is a reporter with the oklahoma daily joins me by phone. good morning. what more can you tell us about what happened here? well as you know, the video was leaked online yesterday. it was members of s.a.e. on the way to their date party and it sparked, to say the least, pretty big outrage here. now this was allegedly filmed on saturday evening. correct? yes. what are people on campus saying about this? people are just outraged. right now there s a protest going on a peaceful protest, where students are, what they just did was a, are in the student union and they are posting sticky notes to a glass door in the union just expressing how they feel and they were instructed by the leaders of the protest to go up
we ll talk more about the heat but first monica with your monika with your traffic. first one is an overnight accident westbound on i-70 after route 2. that one did involve a tractor trailer. once you are beyond that you are okay out to mount airy and frederick. on the beltway american legion bridge no problems between 270 and tyson s corner. you are running smoothly. this time over to the other side of town. there had been an accident north of dale city sitting on the shoulder for awhile. you are okay now up into woodbridge springfield northbound side of i-95. frank conia springfield parkway. coming up in my next report we ll look at 66. twice this weekend the computer glitch brought metro rail systems to a standstill. there is still no word on what caused the problem. 9news now is live at the hendley town station are the escalators working? reporter: the escalators are working. let s keep our fingers crossed for that one. this morning after a frustrating commu
spent the last two days trying to reign in skeptical tea party members, who say the cuts are still not enough. it s time to call the questions. the democrats say speaker daner s bill has no chance of clearing the senate. but that does not mean republicans will have wasted their time. there s still a chance of final compromise could be crafted and ended before the august 2nd deadline. senator harry reid says his man represents a true compromise and is the best choice. democrats are not willing to put our economy on the line. reporter: u.s. treasury officials have already started deciding which bills will get bade paid, and which one won t, if congress fails to raise the debt limit by tuesday. jay dow, wjz eyewitness news. and this is a live look right now at the discussions in the house on boehner s budget plan. senate majority reid said if the house passes the bill, the senate will take it up immediately and defeat it tonight. armed and dangerous. an awol sold