The Telluride Farmers’ Market (TFM) will open next Friday morning, June 7. With over 50 vendors operating along South Oak Street, there is an even split this year between food
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Mary Ann Schlegel
Mary Ann Schlegel
The flower of wild ginger is dark red-brown to green-brown and is usually hidden below the leaves.
Mary Ann Schlegel
Mary Ann Schlegel
Spring beauties grow from a deep underground stem. When cooked, the stem tastes like a potato, which leads to one of this plant s common names: Indian potato.
Mary Ann Schlegel
Mary Ann Schlegel
Members of the mustard family are known for their taste and spread. Cut leaf toothwort also is known for its beautiful flowers.
Mary Ann Schlegel
Mary Ann Schlegel
The roots and stem of bloodroot are red-orange. The red juice has been used by Native Americans as a dye for baskets, clothing, war paint and insect repellent.