A new mindset is developed. Moral absolutes are replaced with a flexible mindset. All of the past Industrial Age of academic knowledge-based content would be tossed into the air to let fall in disorder and chaos. 2 + 2 = 5. Equity and democracy would create the level playing field. There would be no
The shocking realization is that our country is at the tipping point that will change the future of America forever. Deprogramming our kids is in full assault as Hillary’s suggestion implies while wide-scale adoption of PBIS is being implemented in American classrooms…and the Medicaid money keeps fl
As for your future, do not be blinded by the sugar coating of social and emotional learning, Title I portability money, or choice in education. There is no choice but to remove your kids from public school and stop the federal money flow to private and religious schools. We are paying for brainwashi