This time of year, there’s a lot of emphasis on giving gifts. Manure is not topping most people’s wish list, but with its slow-release characteristics and organic qualities, manure is
row, be greeted with a vote against banning wasteful pork spending. talk about doubling down on a bad hand. ap charles payne, dagen mcdowell, adam lashinsky, and gary. he wouldn t have admitted that before the mid term election, right? at least he s honest now, but it s sick, it s crazy. neil, think about this and you create temporary jobs and long-term white elephants because now you have to maintain all of this stuff that you build and the bottom line is, you know, it s in an age where we know we have to tighten the belts and the deficits and the debt is out of this world and it s nuts. but this is a washington d.c. problem and not just a harry reid, democratic thing. everyone in washington fair and balanced, dagen. because it s blueberry, or my personal favorite, swine and animal manure management. that it s right and the left. neil: and this morning about your personal favorite,