occupyybaltimore protestors.. disrupt a speecc at johns hopkins university. the other thing they re disrupting.. that was planned for mckeldin square.. this weekend. you know i think it s a little unreasonable tt expect their emppoyees to come into the ssore at 11 pm pmnoo everyone is thankful for extended black friday hours. juss how early your favorite storrssare opening this &ppear. and the petitioo goin happening. 3 p3 wednesday, november 16th 3 3 33 3 3 mmp iber map 3 3 3 map fiber map 3 as occupiirs continue their protests across the country. controversy is becoming widespread . both here in baltimore. and at the original protest in new york. york.early yesterday morning, poliie in riottgear evicted hundreds of protesters who protestors are allowed back. but can only bring one small bag with them.thht means no teets or sleeping bags.this new york city can prevent protesters from camping out at &poccupy wall street. mos says: you need to look at that park and what wa
we have some school closings to pass along to you this mmrning.james mosher elemmntary school & calverton elementary/middle school in the city are closed due to heating problems.staff must rrport to tte professional development center. 3 3 3 29 maa -3 &pmore controversy over the occupy baltimore camp.amid allegations of rape and drug use. there s concern this morning over money. taxpayer mmney being used to keep the site plugged in.megan gilliland isslive with just how much this ould be costing . you.gooddmorning patrice, members of occupy baltimore have been out here for nearly still have some oo the comforts of home with them. pf you take close look behind me. you ll see the big light poles set up ll around this park..that happen to come with outlets. outlets.ccty powered outlets group s laptops, microwave flat screen t-v s.these items are bbing powered a city permit. which meaas taxpayers are footing the bill. (woman) t s not good.. &p(man) i have to pay my way.. (ma
3 an occupy protest meets dramatic end.where baltimore s rotest could be theenext one forced to pack up. and.. don t leave home without your hand sanitizer.the four things you l probablyytouuh areethe mosttcontaminated with 3 bbcteria. 3 33 weddesday, october 26th &p 3- 3 175 map 33 bad news for all you morning commuterr. it could soon cost you a lot moreeto get to workkit appears a new gas tax is on the fast track in annapolis.megan gillilaad is go.good morning patrice,the a 3 pain attthe pump just keeps geeting worse.prices have long. aad unfortunatley it - appears the worsttis still tt c. come.just yesterday in annapolis. a blue ribbon raising the gas tax byy 15-cents a gallon. a nickel a year over three yearr.it s po registration fees, emission inspection feessand mta fares. back into the staae s transportation trust fund.in tte past decade, lawmakers have drained aamost a billion dollars from the fund and used it for purposes other than transportation.now, roadssare fu
g-o-p debate.the presidentiall candidate that started the personal attaaks. 3 3 3 3 3 -occupy baltimore protesss -pregnant protester is being p scufffe-she s experiencing some labor pains &p aa, october 19th 3 3 33 fiber map 3 promoters predicted the have a grand impact on the - city.. but nnw study suggests it was less than a third, of what was expected.. joel d. smith is livv downtown with some of the reasonssresearchers saa it stalled. ggod mooningg joel d. daa weekend, this was one of inaugural baltimore grand prix. the couuse was lined withhfans, and it looked great on tv. but how many fans were really here, and how much did phey spend? that result is fast becoming a controversy here in the city. the stands were not always packed. theerace would bring 70-million doolars in spenddng to altimore. but economists from umbc say the peal number is closer to 25 - million.. they surveyed 210 random race- goers..questioning them abbut what they re spending &pand where they re fro
bank.. inssde their school. and who s trusting them with their money. 3 3 & -m & t bank sttdium wednesday, october 5th 3 3 map fiber map 3 3 first on fox.. a northwest baltimore gas station. hands over 50-thousand dollars in a joel d. smith is - live at the station now, where the vvctim says, all she her tires. ggod in - morning joel d. . so thiss confrontation was caught on cam? that s riggh megan, the owner of this bp station is not talking, butt the cell phonn video evidence, to the victim says a lot. 3 (ááánats uu full: yea, yea i got it...ááá) the glass at erica barber and - erica says she sttll why? - doesn t know. she says in march of 2010, at the bb statton here on hhrforddroad at 25th street, she stopped to bput airrin a flat tire, but needed chhnne for a dollar to do it. when she asked the refused, and shooed her away. barber said she would buy gas first, but still the wwrker refused, and shouted a felloo customer started - recordinn. and after filing a repo