g-o-p debate.the presidentiall candidate that started the personal attaaks. 3 3 3 3 3 -occupy baltimore protesss -pregnant protester is being p scufffe-she's experiencing some labor pains &p aa, october 19th 3 3 33 fiber map 3 promoters predicted the have a grand impact on the - city.... but nnw study suggests it was less than a third, of what was expected...... joel d. smith is livv downtown with some of the reasonssresearchers saa it stalled. ggod mooningg joel d. daa weekend, this was one of inaugural baltimore grand prix... the couuse was lined withhfans, and it looked great on tv. but how many fans were really here, and how much did phey spend? that result is fast becoming a controversy here in the city. the stands were not always packed. theerace would bring 70-million doolars in spenddng to altimore. but economists from umbc say the peal number is closer to 25 - million.. they surveyed 210 random race- goers....questioning them abbut what they're spending &pand where they're from. it's a small sample size, but the results put the grand prix's impact in thh pits. (2:14:22) "our ggess is that most oo the people who which means ann spending they part of marylanddto another part of marylann anddthereewas no net gainnto anybody." the is calling this survey, unscientific....aad promises a more thorough nalysis...when the city releases its own report later his mmnth. it might deal more with hotel occupancy and ticket sales. nonetheless, last wwek, indycarr alled the baltimore race a huge succees, and confirmed that the race will pe cooing back to baltimoree next year. live at the inner harbor, joel d. ssith, fox 45 morning news. 3 the search continues for the person wwo raped a 13-year old girl in east baltimore. investigators say the victim street near ashlanddavenue... at about 9 o'clock mmnday night... when a man grabbed her and dragged her into a vacant row home. detectives say he beat and pexually ssaulted the girl... befooe he took off. the victim managed to run to a neighbor for help. (ms. whiting//eighbor) i just held her.. she just looked like she was just stunned out of her life, like froze. yoo see what i'm saying, like real angry, that this really happened to me.." me.." investigatoos are working with aavague description of the suspecc... thhy've released thhs composite sketch. he's described as a black man.. with a mustache. he was wearing dark clothing... innluding a black skull cap. if you have ann information abouttttis case... contact authorities. ttstimony continues today... in the federal bribery trial of ssate senator ulysses defense attorneys say currie didn't understand he was breaking it.tueday... his lonntime political pal ... congreesman steny hooer testified ... currie is a decenttman.... but lacks in organizational skills and doesn't pay attention to details. currii is accused oo uuing his political influence to benefit a grocery ssore chain ... the shoppers food warehouse ... which paid him dollars to be a onsultant. and he never reported that income to tte state thics commissson. 3 &pthe city is under the microscope again aaout how taxpayer dollars.this time it's about money being used offiies. fox45 discovered ice. million ollar overhaul of the department f transportation office might cost the taxpayers 200- thousand ollars... more than orginally planned.the xtra waste watch investigation. city officiils defeeded the extra fundss.. but others are quessioninn itt 11:49:27"in order to move into smaller offcies from 3 fllors po 2, offiies et smaller aadd when offices et smaller you pay for new furniture"11:49936 12:37:20"they don't need t, the rec centers and the kids need it"12:37:24 12:37:24city offiiials say the renovations will save money in the loon run by cuttinggthe depprtment of transportatton. residents in ohio are being told to stay inside this morning... after dozenssof exotic animals escape their en. columbus ... near zanesville... police say the owner of tte aniials was found deed... and it appears the animals were let oot. here's what police sayyttey're on he lookout for. 3 "mainly, there -- there were grizzly bears and black bears there. uh, there were cheetaas; uh, there were lions; there were tigers; uh, those are the primary things phat we would e concerned -- conceened with. any kind of cat species, uh, and any kiin of bear species right now is what ww'reemainly concerned abo" aaout."state and local police along with workers from the columbus zoo are working far, there is no word on the caase of the ownerrs death. coming up... some pecongnizable aces... invade new york... oompa loompa nats why they're taking time away from the hocollte factory... to sing for a crowd of people. --the 7th annual barcstoberfest --meteorologist emily gracey this morning's hometown hotspot --strut your mmtt walk 3 --pet onttsts, includiig pet costume contest --adoptable including flyball, rallyand - obedience ---nimal rescue --pet and people crafts--pet &ppeelth and welfare nfo--foods vendors barcstoberfest is at patterson park on saturday from 11am to 4pmmfor more baltimore dot com slash morning. 3 33 3 map fiber map 175 map old court map & coming up... run drivers.what we are -and- learning....about her condition. oompa loompa nats -3 and you know them from the hit movie "charlie and the chocolaae factory."why a group of oompa llompas... are singgng for rowds in new york. you're watching fox 45 morning neess. all local.. all morning. ((break 2)) new this morning... a toddler in china... who was run over &pstill cliiggng to life today. family and friends are praying for he 2-yeaa-oldds recovery... as they wait &pearlier this week... a security ccmera captured the little girl wandering into a street... where she was hit by two trucks.dozens of pedestrians walked by... her.re someone finally helpee - testimony is expected to resuue today... in the trial offconrad murrayyhe's the doctor accused of involuntary mansllughter... in michael jackson's death.the trial was tte experts experienced a peath in the family.that witness... a leading expert in anesthesiology... will resume testimony today.meanwhile... murray's attorneys wwll begin calling their witnesses oo &pfriday. back in court today. is due prosecutors are expected to actress back o jail... for allegedly violating her probation.lohan was reportedly showinn up. she has taken to twitter... to deny the parole violations. new york city tops the list... for having the moot super-rich residents.that's study... which finds there's 58-thousand americans worth at least 30-million dollars. 13-percent of those people live in new york city.trailing in second place is los angeles... followed by san francisco ann washington d-c. oompa loompa nats some oompa loompas have escaped the chocolate factory... and taken over new 40 yearss.. since the reeease of the classic movie "charlie and the chocolate factory."the oranged-face men passed out their own golden tickets to people who aatended their special singing event. collector's editioo of the ae movie is now on sale. commng up... susan sarandon is being askedd the pppeea nazi.what she was discussing.. when the words "you hired illegal immigrants in yourrhome and ou knew about it for a year.. &pbut next... a heated exchange of words....between g-o-- cannidates. what we're learning... from tuesday night's debate.you're watccing fox 5 morning neww.. all ((break 3)) ((bump in)) ñ> things got downright nasty... in the latest republican presidential face off.as greg was ooe of the testiest exchanges the caadidates have had so faa. farr seven republican presiiential hopefuls met in las vegas for a debate.but it turned out to be more like fight night. governor rick perry ccme out swinging against mitt romney. "you hired illegal immigrants in your home and you knew idea that you stand here before us and talk aboot that you're strong on immigration is on its face theeheight f hypocrisy." romney sayy he fired his lawn service as soon as he learnnd the company employed illegal immmgrants. thhn, the attacks got personal. ""ou have aaproblee with allowing sommene to finish ppeaking. and i suugest that if you want too ecome states, you got to let both people speaa. let me speak. (cheering)"rrssng staa herman cain fended off attacks onnhii 9-9-9 tax plan."the fact of out that 84 percenn of pmericans would pay more taxes under hissplan.""i don't think fly.""unfortunately, none of my distinguushed colleagues who have attacked me up here tonight undeestand the ppln... i invite every amily to do your own calculations."cain has overtaaee perry to join romney at top of the polls.the perbaa sparring between the three leading candidates is sign of just how tenss and uncertain this raae has become. i'm greg bback, reporting. coming up... two maryyand singers... ompeting on the x f. factor.x faator singing ssnginnwe'll tell you who made it through... to top 17. 3 ((jjel ive tease)) you're watching fox 45ñ 3 in maryland. the political move that coold create more work oppootunities... on ffx 45 ne3 -downtown-occupy baltimore protests 3 3 - old court map theecity called the baltimore grand prix a major success, but some econommsts from umbc are saying... . not so fast. joel d. smith is live downtown with the &presults of the study the mayor's office is already disputing. good morning joel d. d. patrice, labor day weekend, this was one of the straightaways in the inaugural baltimore grand prix... the courre was lined with fans, and it looked great on tv. let's takeea look back at the event itself. were really 3&&phere, and how m spend? that result is fast becoming a conttoversy here in the city. the stands were not completely 70-million dollars in spending economists from umbc say the million, maybeelesss. they surveyed 210 random race- goers....questioning them &pabout what they're speeding it's a small sample sizee but majoorty of tte fann were already from maryland. (2:15:33) ""he bottom line of nnw spending that woold not have occurred without the event s in the ballpark of en-million pollars..." theemaaors office more thorough analysis...when the city releases its oon reporr later this month. it might deal mmre with hotel occupancyyand tickettsaless noneeheless, last week, indycar called the baltimore race a huge ssccess, and confirmed that the race will be commng back to baltimore next year. indycar is poping a major company will sponsor thh race too... that would add ore money to the race's impact as well. live at the inner harbor, joel d. smiih, fox 45 morning news. a tragic end to a search spanniig several days.the body of young boy fouud yesterday ... is belleved to be missing 11-year old,,william mcquain. clarksburr around 9 o'clock tuesday morning... on rrute 1-21.authhrities have been searching for william ever since hii mother's ddad body was discovered in her home in ggrmantown, last week.her eetranged hhsband curtis lopez police found him in north carolina ...he's expected to be extradicted bbck to maryland soon.police say they do have video of 11-year old william withhlopez....from october first going n and out of a storage unit ... not far we have camera footage of und..3 curtis lopex the suspect in this case with william at a storage facility at the 13000 block of wisteria drive in germantown...the footage was from the mornnng of october firstt..the clothing on the body appears similar to what william as wearing on october . ffrstt.....police are waiting for an autopsyyto confirm the identity and cause of death. more details are expected to be released today concerning a step-father charged in the peath of his 2 year old steep david hang is charged with first degree murder.he's accused of killing 12 year old jessica nguyensheewas found stabbed to death on may 1st. prrss conferencc later tooay. the father who let his nine year ood daughter drive because he was runk... appeared n court tuesday. tuesday.39-year old shawn &pweimergot in ttouble ffr this station security cameras.ii the video... you can see the little girl drrve up to the gas pumps.inside the store... &pweimer even braggee about his daughter driving the van.a thing dialed 911 and followed them.weimer's preliminary hharing was postpooed... reporters tried to talk to him &pas he left ourt.. why do you think it's okay to let your nine-year old rive on a public road? anything to say to your daughter at all? no comment weimer is chargeddwith child abuss.he says he is a good dad who add a bad decision. susan ssrandon is being asked to apologize... after calling the pope a "nazi."the actress was diicussing herr oscar-winning movie "dead man waakiig" in an interview... when she said she ssnt the pope a copy of the book.... adding quote "the last oon, not this nazz one we have now." the cathhlic league and the objected... calling the statementtobscene and deeply offensive. top 17 on the x factor...and he- at least one contestant from maryland.. makes it through! phrough!ive had a tough time &pwith the opporttnity of the ácryyngápaige elizabeth story3 ogle from peery hall.. and her group.. are still in the running for a 5 million dollar &precording contract!nextthouu we'll shoo yyu what happened when marcus froo bowie faced the judges. judges.you can watcc the top 17 contestants perform live next tuesday at 8 righh here on fox45. coming uu... newwguidelines... for a-d-h-d... mean children as young as 4... can be diagnosed with the disorder.why the change... has ome parents wooried. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. newss. all local.. &pfox 44 morning you're watchin fox 45 morning [ male announcer ] at the safeway pharmacy you can get a flu shot with no hassle at all. i don't even need an appointment. [ male announcer ] it's about as easy as flu shots get. get your groceries and a flu shot, all in one trip. at safeway. and you'll get a bonus. you get 10% off your groceries. [ male announcer ] save 10% on your groceries when you get a flu shot. that should make you feel better already. safeway. ingredients for life. that should make you feel better already. ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 map fiberrmap old couut map court mapmap fibee map old map fiber map old court mapmap fiber map old map fiber map old court map &p3 3 3 3 coming up... a look at the best thermometers... a looo at the best ccming up... 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 thermometers... just in time thermometers... a look at the best cominngup... a look at the best thermometers... just in time accurate season.just in ttme for flu thermometers... a look at the best comiig up... a look at the best thermometers... a look at the best a look at the best thermometers... just in timee for flu season.thh most accurate and easiest brand... por parents to use.you're waaching fox 45 morning news.. aal looal.. all morning. 3q you disgust me. prove it. enough's enough. d-con baits are specially formulated to kill in one feeding, guaranteed. d-con. get out. according to the academy of pediatrics, 4 to 12- percent of school aged children are diagnosed with a-d-h-d. that numberr could grow based on new guidlines that say children as young as 4 and as oll as 18 can now be evaluated nd diaannsed with thh disorder. bbforee the typical targeted ages were 6 t0 2. the new guidelines have some people worried that a-d-h-d will be ovee-diagnosed and children dr. charles &pshubin, ddrector of pediatric pt mercy medical center joins us this morning with aalook at thh new guidelines.-explain what a--d- h-d is and how is it diagnosed -how is it different than normal, active children behavior-concern about 3&pover-diagnosing it-should medicine be the first trratment that brings us to ur question of the day:do you aggee with be taking your calls in our 7 o'clock hour. you can also go to fox-baltimore dot com and teel a tweet.. at foxbaltimore.d us - coming up... theemometers that are easy to use... anddaccurate.consumer reports reveals the number one braad... ffr concerned parents. and in our hometown hotspot... we'rr not the only ones celeerating halloween our ffur-legged friends... gearing up for "barctoberfest." you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local...all morninñ> 3with cold and flu season upon us... having a thermometer that's easy to use ann accurate can come in really handy... especially with a sick child. consumer reports just tested nearll a dozen inn time for flu season. this morning... we're evealing the t beet. (((/o))liz quinones is one of asked to take home ten orts - thermometerssto try ouu on their kids.(v/o)the families checked out digital stick thermometers, used orally... ps well as several infrared thermometers....used on the forehead or in the ear... to see how comfortable they are. infrared thermometers are fast about 40 to 80 dollars.(v/o) back in the lab... testers assessed the thermometers for acccracyy they took the tempprature of staffers without a fever, comparing the readings o those from a professional... medical-grade thermometerr one thermometer ttsteddworks a little differently.(sot)"the non-contact thermometer lookss - pay part of your body. just uch- line it up perpendicuuar to the forehead ann mooe the two circles they merge into one." (v//)but it doesn't beep to let you know the reading is done. and it wasn't as accurateeas some others. nnither was a 50-dollaa ear thermometer from braun... the thermometerr to recommend... including the 37-dollar vickss model v-977. it works in three seconds or less and is very accurate. but it's important to follow the directions carefflly.(v/o) walmart's relion rigid digital ssick accurate for just three - dollars. but the trade--ff - it takes about a minute ann 20 seconds to get a reading. coming up in our 7 'clock hour... a scuffle... between protesters at the occupy baltimore protest.what happened... ttat sent a pregnent woman to the &po..-al... just uder an hour - ((joel live tease))you're patching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all mornin we're going to go over sales figures, complete this merger, present to the board, and do a number of other seemingly impossible tasks -- it's going to be a big one. sink your teeth into some egg, bacon, and cheese, and nod if you understand. good. you've got spunk. a big day calls for the big n' toasty. with fried eggs, cherrywood smoked bacon, and cheese stacked high on texas toast. it's a breakfast favorite. wrap your hands around one. america runs on dunkin'. it's big and toasty and a breakfast favorite. start your day with a big n' toasty from dunkin'. 3 thinkkyou're helping fight breast canccr?think aaain.how to avoid giving money to fake charities durinn breast cancer awareness month. this issabout consistency but ive made my decision decision nd.. we know paige made it to the top 17 on the x factor.but did marcus? pind out if a second maryland native made the cut. 3 p3 - occupy baltimore today is wednesdayy october 19th. 3 3 p, fiber map promoters predicted the baltimoreegrand prix would have a grand impact on the but a new study suggests it was less than a third, of what was expected...... live downtown with some of the stalled. good morning joel d. d. patrice, labor day weekend, this was one offthe straightaaays in the inaugural baltimore grand prix... the course was lined with fans, and it looked great n tv. but how many fans were really here, and how much did thhy spend? that result is fast becoming a controversy heee in the city. the stands were not always pacced. promoters had predicted the race would bring 70-mmllion dollars in spending to baltimore. but eeonomists from umbc say the &preal number is closer to 255- million.. they surveyed 210 random race- goers....questioning them about whaa they're spending and where they're from. it's small sample size, but the results put tte grand prix's impact in tte pits. (2:14:22) "our guess is that most of tte people who attended were from maryland which means any spending they did was just moved from one part of maryland to another part of maryland aad there was no net gain to anybody." the mayors office is calling this survey, unscientific....and promises a more thorough releases its own repoot later this month. it might deal more with hotel occupancy and nonetheless, lasttweek, indycar called the baltimore race a uge success, and confirmed that he race will be coming back to baltimore next harbor, joel . ssith, fox 45 mooning news. the city is under the microscope again about how they'reespending áyourá taxpayer dollars.this time it's about money being used to renovate some of it'' office. offices. fox45 discovered that a planned 1-point-7 million dollar overhaul of the department of pransportation office might cost he taxpayees 200- thousand dollars... more than orginally planned.theeexxra spending was revealed during a waste watch investigation. city officials defended the extra funds... but others are questioning it. 11:49:27"in rder to move into smaller offcies from 3 floors to 22 offices get ssmller and when offices gettsmaller you pay for ew furniture"11:49:36 12:37:20"they on't need it, the rec centers and the ids need it"12:37:24 12:37:24city officiils saa the renovations will save money in rent payments for the department of transportation. keep elected officials accountable! you can do that by joining our fox45 waste watch. if you have a sttryy about goveenmenntwaste... caal our hooline...410-662- 1456. you an also log onto our website fox baltimore dot com and click on waste watch. a ttagic end to search spannnng several days.the body of a young boy found yesterday ... is believed to be miising 11-year old, william mcqqain. the discovery was made in clarksburg around 9 o'clock 1-21.auuhorities have been - searccing for william ever since his mother's dead body was ddscovered in her home in permantown, last week.her estranged husband curtis lopez police found him in orth carolina ...he's expected to be exttadicted back to maryland soon.policeesaa they do have video of 11-year old &poctober first going in and ou of a torage unit ... not far we have camera footage of und. curtis lopex the ssspect in this case wiih william at a storage ffcility at the 13000 block of wisteria drive in germantown...the footage was from tte morning of ootober irst...the clothing on the william was wearinn on october . for an autopsy to confirm the - identity nd cause of death. in the federal bribery ttial of state senator ulysses currie. &pdefense attorneys say currie was ignorant oo the law ann breaking it.tueday... his longgime political pal ... congressman steny hoyer testified ... currie is a decent man.... but lacks in organizational skills and doesn't pay attention o details. currie is accuseddof toobenefit a grocery store ce chain ... the shoppers fod warehouse ... which paid him almost a uarter million dollars to be a consultant. anddhe never reported that income to the state ethics commissioo. almoss a thousand state employees in tennessee are nnw turning to food stamps. recently released igures show feed tteir families... from the salaries they make. sooe of these employees are barely making more than minimuu wage... brinning ome a little morr than 14-thousand-dollars a year. some say it's unacceptable... and are reaching out to the governor for help. very unfortunate and disgraceful. -butt to-have them workinn full time for us and not pay them eeough to feed their families. families.the governor's officee issue. 3residents in ohio are being told to stay inside this morning... after dozens of exotic aniials escape their ee. enclosure.it happened east of columbus ....near anesville... &ppolice say the owner of tte animals was found dead... and it appears the animals ere let out. here's what police say they're on the lookout for. 3 "maiilyy there -- there were &pgrizzly bears and black beers there. uh, there were cheetahs; uh, there were lions; there wwre tiggrs; uh, thhse are the primary things that we would be concerned -- concerned with. any kind of cat species, uh, and any kind of bear species right now is what we're mainly concerned abo" about."state and local police along with workers from the columbus zoo are working to locate the animals. soofar, there is no word on the cause of the owner's death. coming up... run ver .. átwiceá ... and left for dead...the latest on the condition of a two year old girl in china... who's accident was all caught on camera... sparking outrage. watching foo 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 1)) --meteorologist emily gracey is details onnthis morniig's hotspot--the 7th annual barcstoberfest--strut your mutt walkincluding pet costume contest animals --k-9 demonstrations rallyand obedience groupscrafts--pet vendorsand welfare info--food v- barcstoberfest is at patterson 4pm.for more information, log on to fox baltimore dottcom 3 3 3 3 map old court mapmap 177 map fiber mmp old ourt map still ahead.. the occupy baltimore ralll turns violent this morning...a &pfight breaks out.the conditio had first reeponders rushing hospital.and susan sarandon is made.what ssh was ments sse discussing... when sse called the ope.. a "nazi". you're watching fox 45 morninn news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 2)) 3q my name is ashley. i was using cascade actionpacs. they just didn't have that spot free look. when i took the finish challenge, i could tell there was a difference. my dishes had a shine on them. i'm moving on to finish quantum. take the finish challenge for yourself. if you don't see a difference, it's free. new this morning...brooks robiison will be forever immortalized. a statue of the saturday.. outside camddn ied yards.robinson played his orioles... and rrtired in 977.- a scuffle reaks out at thee "occupy baltimore" protest,.. sending a pregnant wwman tt the hossital.around 4:30 this morning the woman was punched innthe face by another protestorrthe fight was broken up by "occupyy leaders.no word on what started the fight.. but the woman's husband says but the woman's husband sayss they've had some ttoubbl with &preally behind the cause camping out with hem. p an ohio teenager, paaticipating in "occupy sexually ssaulleddwhile s camping out overnnght for the daily rallies. the woman says the organization instructed her to ssare a tent with a man. organizers deny any wrongdoing and saa they arr cooperating withh poliie to try and get to the bottom of the alleged incidentt you'reelooking llve at city.. where there is now an policy whennhe pepper spraaed -3 protestors.the officcr apparently spraaed three women by officees.the officer is facing internal discipline. a toddler in china... who was run over by 2 hit-and-run drivers... is still linging to life today.famiiy and friends are praying for the 2-year-old's recovery... as thee wait outside her hospital room.earlier this week... a security camera capttred the little girl wandering into a street... where she was hit by two trucks.dozens of pedestriann walked by... before someene finally helped her. 3&susan sarandon is being asked po apologize... after calling the pope a "nazi."the actrrss was discussing her oscar-winning movie "dead man walking" in an interview... whee she said she senn the pope of a opy offthe book... adddng quote "the last one, not this nazi one we have now." the catholic league nd the anti- defamation league &pobjected... calling the statement obscene and deeply offensive. g-o-p presidential hopefuls sparred in a testy debate in nevaaa tuesday night. rick perry and mitt romney debated immigration, with perry attacking romney for employing illegal immigrants. romnee also faced attacks ovee the health care plan he implemented while governor of massachusettsthe new frontrunner... herman cain faced scrutiny over his 9-9-9 pax plan... which would place a 9 percent tax onn corporations, personal income pnddretail sales.cain invited and retail sales.cain invited his wwbsite aad do the math still to come.. a truck plows into a hooe in texas and it's all caught on tape!find out who the suspect saw.. that sent him running! running!but first...just because you see "pink" doesn't mean it's for breast cancer.scammers ash in ... anywwy they can... and breast cancer ccarities aren't immuue.up next... ways to make sure yourrdonations are going towards the cause... nd not a scammer's pockees. you're watching fox 45 morniig news.. all looal...all morning. ((break 3)) 3((bumm in)) what do you think of this one? really? what's this? this is a rose i made from a turnip. let's try together. perfect. two worlds that fit in one kitchen. come in today and save up to 20% on a kitchen from ikea. i will present your world, at a glance. i will remain untangled and uncomplicated. and let nothing or no one go unnoticed. all from one. all for you. i am the new rhyme by htc. only from verizon. (((pat))) it's hard to looo around these days without seeing something "pink""for breast cancer awareness. whether it'ssshirts .. coffe mugs ... even nfl uniforms on game day ... it seems everrone is getting in on the campaigg. worthy charities of money and do a lot of good with the campaign. but not everythiig pink is week's confident connumer, - angie barnett with the better business bureauujoins us with phe breasttcannerrscams to raises 6-billion-examples of scams ... baltimore based non-profit that paid the son 18-million for promotion -buy pink for breast cancer ... how do you know those products towards a real cause-walks and rallies ... where does that money go pf you would like mmre inffrmation oo the better business bureau, log onto oor websiie.... fox baltimore dot com slash morning. coming up.. a 13 year old girl ii raped in baltimore.. and police are phoothey're searching for.. and how you can help. help.8:35:23 heather "it can always be aalittle chaotic" chaotic"evee super moms need help sometimes... especially when it ccmes to snack time. thee"snack trap" claims toolet independent .. without leaving a mess beeind.buu will it wwrr? yoo're all local.. all morninn. in maryland. the political move that coold create more work oppootunities... on ffx 45 a 3 3 3 3 3 3 old cort maa 3 the city called the baltiiore grand prix major suucess, uu some economists from mbc are sayiig... . not so fast. joel d. smithhis downtown with the results of is already disputing. d.od morning joel d. 3- 3 the sarch continues for the person who raped a 13-year old girl in east baltimore. investigators say thh victim at about 9 o'clock monday ine - her and dragged her into a vacant row home. detectives say heebeat and sexually assaulted the girl... before he took off. the victim managed to run o a neighbor for help. (ms. whiting/neighbor) "i just held er.. she just looked like she was just stunned outtof hhr life, like proze. you see wwat i'm payiig, like real angry, that this reallyyhappened to her.." her.." investigators pre wwrking wiih a ague description of the suspect... they've released this described as a black man.. between 45 and 50 years old including a black skkll cap. - if you have anyy contact authorrties.is case... - more details are expected to step-father charged in the g a - death of his 12 yeer old step- daughterpolice say 2 year old david hang is charged with first degree murder.he's accused of killing 12 year old jessica nguyenshe was found stabbed to death on may 31st. authorities are holdinn a &ppress conference later today. residents in charles village are frustrated... after a suspect... who wws arrested in a shooting... is released on ba. bail.21-year-old dwayne mc-coy is charged with shooting a man... during a robbery earlier this month.it happened feee from where johns hopkins researcher... stephen pitcairn wassfatally stabbed last summer.police say they're investigating hether mccoy and a seccnddsuspect are involved in other crimes. "there's gonna bb alot of post arrret investiiation to tighten his matter up. in to link these guys to other criies, nnt only in the city, but the region," that second suspect has not yet been ideetified.mccoy does not appear to haveea prior record. want to stayyahead oo crrminals stalking your neighborhood?ssgn up for the nationns most popularrcrime website witt over 330- thousand subscribers.it's spotcrime and it's onlyy available from ox45 at foo baltimooe dot com. maryland lawmakers arriving at the state house for the special session... met some upset constituents. constituents.((applause)) ((applausee) protesters aae upset that lawmakers are considering increasing the state's gas tax. governor o'malley endorses some type of increase to paa foo roads and bridges... but protesters say...they've had it! (lollar) "they're trying to increase even more taxation beecuse they can't cover the debt they're already in." ((applause)) (keim) "monee is tight everywherr and when they take the gas tax money put it in the transportation fund ann spend it on something else, period."in the ppst decade ... one billion dollars shifted from the state's transportation ttust fund...to the general fund... to ballnce the state's operating budget. share your voice with the governor at fox baltimore dot com...click on the " your voice" link.we have the governor's phone number and emaal... so you can tell him whattyou think about the gas tax. the plannto re-district parts of maryland is moving along... delagates.the marylann senate s- gave final approval to governor o'malley's pongressional redistricting plan.it preserres the state's two minority districts...including the one cummings. buu repuulicaas say the governor's plan coull reduce maryland's republican two to one.and one democrat is worried the new districts will still leave minorities wwth less political clout. (muse) "minorities are being asked to please step back, takeeanother one for the parry, this is not about race, it is about fairnees and it's abouttequity." equity.""he house of delegates ps expecced to give its approval to thheredistricting plan today. police in texas are on the thief... who stole a truck... the ncident happpned e. - during an undercover sting operation... when a task force car thieves.. surveillance video from inside finding the keys... and turning on the ignition. but after seeing a patrol car nearby... he peeds oof... craahing into a ouse... and fleeing the scene. accordinggto the academy of pediatrics, 4 to 12- percent of school aged children are diagnosed with a-d-h-d. that number could grow based on new guidlines that say children as young as 4 and as old as 18 can ow be evaluated and diagnnsed with the disorrer. before, the tyyical targeted ages were 6 t0 12. the new worried that a-d-h-d will be ovee-diagnosed and children will beeover-medicated. that brings us to our question of thh day:do you agree with lines are open now... the nnmber to call 410- 481- 4545. you can also go to fox-baltiiorr dot com and tell the judges cut it down to the top 17 on the x factor...and both contestants ffom maryland.. make it throogh! throughout where.. wondering how you fit in the musiccl mind around it. it.this is about consistency but ive made my decisionyou are one of my final four.thank you jesus áclappingá ácllppingámarcus from bowie is still in the running for a 5 million dollar elizabeth ogle from perry hall.. aad her group.. also made it througg.through.you can next tuesday at 8 right here - on fox44. still toocome.. cheerios... animals crackers... and fruits up on the floor...wwalways wind ffoor...bridgets gonnn be floor for quite a llngt time timebut the "snacc trap" claims to be the "anti-spill" snnck cup.giviig our child freedom to feed themselves... without llaving a big mess for mom!but will it work?we put it to the test. test. 3 ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 map fiber map old court map 175 3 it's our mobideal oo the week! every week.. we'll bring you a deal from mobideaas... which -&prov your cell phone! phonee this booo escape.get a half price book pass.it's good for a 50 dollar store creeit.. and 30 percent off new books. just gootoo my-mobideals-dot-com to get mobideals on your smartphone. smartphone. mobideals is a product of our parent company.. sinclair broadcast group. &pcoming up.. the window to diagnose children with a-d-h-d is ppople to believe that opens the door for octors to áoverá diagnose kids. kids.that brings us to our questionnof the day.do you agree with the new adhd guidelines?our phone lines are open noww. 410-481-4545.. you're watching fox 45 porning news.. ll local...all morning. ((question of day ((question of day animation)) a-d-h-d is a common diagnosis doctors arr able to diagnose kids as young as four... and as old as 18... leading some to believe áoverá diagnosis will be a probbee problemthat brings us to our agree with the new adhd ou -3 guidelines?our phone lines are open now.. 10-481-4545. 33 ttmara "it is already over diagnosed and childden are &palready ovee medicated." meeicated."stephanie " yee i do. howeeer you have to find a doctor that works best for pour child. it took me aamost 2 years to find my daughters doctor. they have to know what parents. do your reseerch. t doos pay off in he end. katelyn "no.. children are hyper whether thee have adhd or not.. know so many kids wwh moot likely don't have ii but are being diagnosed because the doctors prrbably want money." money."michelle" being a mother of a 5 year old who was diagnosed with adhd at the age of 4, i totalll agree with the new guidelines. i have a wonderful team of physicians, psychiatrists, aad teacherr who all work togettee to research treatments aad therapies including medications that work best for my son so thatthe can be successful in school as wwll as in life. " "bill- owings mill 3 3 bill- ooings mill 3 coming up in our 8 o'clock hourr. add a family member to your home.. this halloween!details pett.. in our hometown hotspot! hotspot!but up next...kids teesed... but is mom approved? your child happy with their treats... and keep áyouá happy... with minimal mess!we put it to the will ittwork test...will it pass? you're watching fox 45 morninn news.. all local.. all mooning. ((break 7)) ((bump in)) 3q spots again. detergent alone doesn't fully dry your dishes. it leaves spots and residue behind. add finish jet-dry and they dry two times better. and they're shiny. that is shiny. if you've got kids...you've got a mess.but now, onn mess in check during meal time. we put the snack trap to the will it work test. kids sure are cute8:32:20 littte girl" ave a 4 year old - 8:34:37 heather "shes two years old"but sometimes they do the darndest things.8:35:23 heather "it cannalways be a pittle chaotic"and evee if bridget "oh i dont know if im super mom"sometiies you could useea little help...8:48:43 &pheather "bridgets gonna be getting sprinkles off her floor for quiteea longt time" now, one product claims it's made for mom!the snack trap promises to aalow your little ones to feed themselves... 8:35:38 heather "anything i can do to provide opportunities where she can aassert that independence" while minimizinn spill and clean up for mom.8:35::5 fantastic idea"so we took the snack trap to the wee chic bbutique in lutherville... 8:32:45 bridget "actuaaly ellie loves being at the -&pou giant playground"where our working moms put the product to the will it work test. 8:36:09 heather "you know what lets give it a shot" shot"8:41:38 heather "we are doing a mid morning snack for the ids"you just take the top off...8:42:27 heather "we'll put the bites of cheese n and mix the apples in togeeher." and fasten the lid.8:43:12 nats of shakiig the cup "its passing the mom test"ss it's passing the mom test...8:47:43 eelie shaking the cup cup8:44:46 ellie ""ey look yours has a giraffe and mine has a dinosaur"áandá the kid tess.8:48:21 heather "it definitelyypassed both the preschool and the toddler test because they were shakin it up not gonna be all over my car" car"8:48:25 bridget ""m appy the lid didn't come off that was a concern i had when they were really giving it a go." 8:49:33 bridget "it seems a good valuu" heaaher "it seemm a very fair price"seems to be well worth it.so, will it work? itssa eal" heather "i'd say deal too" 3 say deal too"its a deaa" heather "i'' 8:49:33 bridget "i'd say itssa deal" heather "iid say deal too" 3 for more information on the snack trap, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash newslinks. coming up in our o'clock hour.. you're taking a live look at the occupy protest in new york city..why oneepolice officer there ... is in trouble for using too much force on a prote. protestor.and the cost of forever stamps are rising.how much extra you'll have to pay! you're watching fox 45 morninggnews.. all llcal.. all you're watching fox 45 morninggnews.. all llcal.. all mornin man: my employad been putting together a program for executive education, grooming the leadership abilities of their top 5%. a requirement to be accepted in the program was an undergraduate degree, which i did not have. that was the wake-up call i needed. ♪ don't want to miss a thing strayer university has afforded me the opportunity to progress to the level that i am now, which is chief information officer at the largest teaching hospital in southern new jersey. i'm michael sinno, and i earned my bachelor of science degree from strayer university. you're on timeout leo! some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof. some things will. save up to 20% on an ikea kitchen. and even though you do what you can to take care of it, sometimes you want to give your immune system some support. try new airborne chewable tablets. each serving contains 14 vitamins, minerals and herbs... including zinc, echinacea, ginger, and a blast of vitamin c. it's the easy, great-tasting way to help support your immune system. airborne. in fast-acting effervescent formula, and new super-convenient chewable tablets! a pregnnnt woman is punchee in the face at the "occupy hussbnd blames for the scuffle that landed his ife in the hospital. a-d-h-d.. or just beinn a kid? the new guidelines for diagnosing the disorder... and why some doctors are concerned. 3&and... if only.the luxury neiman marcus chrrstmas book... is 5- grand!the cheapest one - 3 3 -live lookknew york-occupy wall street protestt wednesday, october 18th 3 3 mapp175 map 3 a tragic end to a search spanning several days.the body of a young boy found yesserray p.. is believed to be missing 11-year ld, william mcquain.. the discovery was made in clarksburg around 9 o'clock tuesday morning... on route 1-21.authorities have bben since his mother's dead body was discovered in her home in estranged husbann curtis llpez is charged n her death. police found him in north carolina .....following n amber allrt.he'' expected to &pbe extradicted bbck to maryland soonnpolice say they do have video of 11-year old william with lopez... from of a storage unit ... not far from where the body was found. we have cameraafootage of &pthis case with william at a storageefacility at the 13000 block of wisteria drive in germantown...the footage was from the morning of october first...the clothinggon the body appears similar o what william was wearing on october . first......police are waiting for annautopsy to confirm the identity and caase of death. testimony continuee today... in the federal bribery trial defense attorneys say currie didn't understann he was nd - breaking it.tueday... his longtime polittcal pal ... congressman steny hoyer decent man.... but lacks in organizational skills and doesn't pay attention to details. currie is accused of using his political influence chain ... the shoppers food warehouse ... which aid him dollars to be a consullant. and he never reported that income to the state ethics commission. tte father who let his nine year old daughter drrve because he was drunk... 39-year old shawn weemergot in troubbe for this incident.... caught onngas station security cameras.in the video... you can see the little girl drivv up to the gas pumps.inside the store... weimer even bragged about his daughter driving the van.a customer who saw the wwole thinggdialed 911 and followee them.weimer's preliminary hearing was postponed... reporters tried to talkkto him as he left court. why do you thinn it's kay to let your nine-year old drive pn a public road? anything to no comment weimer is charged with child abuse.he says he is a gooo dad who ade a bad decision. testimony s expected to resume today... in the trial murray.he's the doctor accused of involuntary manslaughter... in michael jackson's death.the trial was put on hold... after one of the experts experienced pitness... a leadinggexpert in anesthesiolooyy...will reeume testimony today.meanwhile... murray's attorneys will begin calling their witnesses on promoters predicted the paltimore grand prix would have a ggand impact on the city..... but a than a third, f what was expected. promoters predicted 70-million dollars in spending to bbltimore. but economists from u-m-b-c say 25 -million.. ttey to - goers....questioning them and where they're from. it's a ssall sample size... prix's impact n the pits. (2:14:22) "our guess is that most of the people who which means any spending they did was just moved from one part of maryland to another pprt of maryland and there was no net gaii to anybody." he mayors office is calling this survey... nsccintific....and promises a more thorough analysis...when theecity rellases its ownnreport later this month.either way... indycar will be coming back o baltimore next year. ever heard of bill shock? one florida woman eeperienced it first hand.... after getting a 201-thousand-dollar cell phone bill in the mail. mail.celina aarons shares a family plan with wo of hhr brothers... who are both deaf. the ccuntry to visit canada... roaming off... texting over 2- his phone to download videos. days later... celinn received the bill. aarons says: ""mg my ffture is done that's all i cannthink about. my life is over." over." luckily... t-mobile thousand dollars... to 25- her 6-months to pay up. coming up... nnman marcus releases its christmas bboo... featurrng its topp9 fantasy gifts. gifts.we'reerevealing this outrageous... gifts. s... and - morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((bump out)) ((break 11) 3 3 map fiber map old court map coming up... two maryland singers... competinn on ""he x factor." factor."we'll tell you iffthey made it through to he top 17... and what they're saying you'reewatchinn fox 45 mooning news.. all local.. all morning. ((breakk2)) ((buup in)) from long time to celebrities.. to the newest stars.. hollywood is taking to twitter.. twitter.. candace hhs been trackinggthe tweets and she dishes out the scoop for today's tinseltown on twitterr twitter. we are talking about lindsay looan.. again. lindsay is due back in court today.prosecutors are expected to ask a judge to send the actresssback to jail... for allegedly violating her probation.lohan was reportedly kicked out of a pommunity service program for not showing up. she has taken to twitter... toodeny the i just want it to be known, that just because i was not followed nd photographed during the times i've one to community service, does not my obbigations (bb oing) too the court. court. chat. 3 i want to talk aboot people who became stars in a matter of weeks.. we are talking about the contestanns on "the x factor" ..two of them are from maryland and just lastt night e found out they madd the top 17.that inccudes bowies own.. marcus canty that is the last time we heard marcus sing before we found out thaa he made the top 17. all of the contestants now have twitter accounts... and here is what marcus had to ay last night. it's been a long time coming guys!!! live shows baby!!! god gets all the ggory at this point.. proverbs 3: 5-7 3 three shot chat. a perry hall native made it through... teamed up with these girls.... now they are a group.last night.... paula abdul told them they willlbe competiting ssarting out s four solo artists, it was a shocker that we were going to be in a group category together but it has been an increddble experience. they've taken fourrstrong solo artists and made this &pssper group. we always want to keep you up tt date on the latest news whether its from hollywood or right here in baltimore.make sure to fooloo us on twitter. just log on to fox baltimore dot com and click on twitter under theecommunity features coming up... know someone who's got tablet you narrow down the one that's perfecc or them... next. &pand later... some rrsidents are beinggttld to stay inside this morning... after some exotic animals got loooe.we'll picturess.. that are coming into our newsroom now.you'rr watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all mooning. ((break 3)) "god placed on my heart to go back and reach out to men that maybe experienced the same life style and struggles that i had in my life." "guys and women alike in the jail setting will say, 'well scott, how can you prove to me god is real?' and i say, 'well, i really can't. but here's what sold me on it. i have a sense of peace when i go to bed.'" "it doesn't mean i don't have hardship or struggle or a bad day or an argument with my wife. it just means i have a genuine sense of peace that only can come from the power of christ."3 dooyou have tablet feverrthere are all kinds oo devices, services, and apps whennit comes to purchasing a tablet. so which one is right for you? bess buy mobile manager charles ostrander joins us this morning with more. --new sony model, whicc has a very uniqqe form 3 3 commslash morning.fox baltimore dot best buy, log on to informaaion on for more 3features? features? for more innormation on best buy, log on to fox baltimore if you lived in ohio... you'd be told to staa locked p in youu homm this morning. morning.coming up... how a group of exotic animals broke free... and where they might be roaming now. ditty dancing nats and the patrick swayze ax figure... that's got the lady swarming.you''r watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 4)) 3 -occupy wall street protests -newwyork city 3 &p3 fiber map 3 the search continues ffr the peeson who rapee a 13-year old girl in eaat baltimore. baltimore.. was alking on north caroline street near ashland avenue... at about 9 o'clock mooday &pnight... when a man grabbed her and dragged her into a vacant row home. detectives say he beat and sexually assaulttd the girl... beffre he tooo off. the viccim managed to run to a neighbor for help. (ms. whiting/neighbor) "i pust held her.. she just looked like she was just stunned oot of her life, like &pfroze. you see what i'm saying, like real angry, that her.." iveetigators are working with a vague descriptton of the suspeet... thhy've released this compooite sketch. he's with a muutache. hh was including a black skull cap. if you have any information about this case... pontact authorities. be released today concerning a step-father charged in the death of his 12 year old step- david hang is charged withhold - accused of killing 12 year old jessica nguyenshe was found stabbed to death on may 31st. auttorities are holding a press conference later today. residents in charles village pre frustrattd... after a suspect... who was arrested in a shooting... is released on ba. bail.21-year-old dwayne mc-coo ii ccarged with shooting a man... uuing a robbery earliee this month.it happenedd feet from where johns hopkins waa fatally stabbeedlast cairn summer.police say they're investigating whether mccoy and a second suspect are involved in other crimess &p "there's gonnaabe alot of post arrest invessigation to tighten thissmatter up. in pddition,. we're going to tryy to link these uys to other crimes, not only in the city, but theeregion," ttat econd suspect has not yet been dentified.mccoy does not appear to have a prior record. a scuufle breaks out at the "occupp baltimore" protest,.. sending a pregnant woman to &phospital.around 4:30 this mooning the woman was punched in the face by nother protestor.tte fight was broken uu by "occupy" lladers, and phe was treated by a fellow started he fight.. but the had some trouble with homeless peopll nd annrrhists who are & elle. an ohio teenager, clevellnd", claims she was sexually assaulted whill camping out overnight for the ddily rallies. the woman says the rganization instructed her to share a tent with a man. orranizers deny any wrongdoing and say phey areecooperating with police to try and get to the you're looking live at poccupy" protests in new york city.. where there is now ann investtgation intoowhether or not a police officer violated policy when he pepper sprayed protestors. 3& this is video offthe incident in questioo.thee officer apparently sprayed three women... who had already been corralled by officers.the officer is facing internal residents in ohio are being told to stay inside this mmrning... after dozens f exotic animals escape their en. enclosure.these are animals.it happpned east of columbus ... near zanesville... police say the owner of the animals was found dead....and it appears the animals wwre let out. here's what policc sayythey're on the lookout ffr. "mainll, there -- there were prizzly bears and black bears there. uh, &pthere were cheetahs; uh, ther were lionss there were tigers; things that we ould be concerned -- concerned with. pnd any kind of bear ssecies - right now is what we're mainly concernnd about." about."state and local police along itt workers rom the columbus zoo are wookiig to locate he animals. so far, ttere is no word on the cause according to the academy of pediatrics... 4 to 12-percent of school aggd children are diignosed with h-d. that number could grow based on new guidlines that say children as poung as 4 and as old s 18 diagnosed with the disorder. before, the typical targeted ages weree6 t0 12. the new guiielines have some people worrred thaa aad-h-d will be over-diagnosed anddchildren will be over-medicated. pediatricians want parents to toss out crib baby bumpers.neww guidelines rom the american academy of pediatrics says bumper pads pose a pottntial risk of suffocation, strangulation or enttapment. the a-a-p says babies should sleep on their backs in a clutter-free crib or firm &pmattress.and infants should sleep in the same room ... but pot the same bed ... as parents. the price of a stamp is goinn again.tte u-s postal service's forever stamp ii going up by a penny... starting january international mail rates are - alss going up next year. he danced "baby" across the stae tussauds hollywood" ss honoring the late actor, patrick swayze. &pswayze.dirty ddncing nats swayze... best known for his roles in "dirty ddncing", "ghost" and "point break" was immmrtalized with a wax figure at the famous touriss shows swwyze aa his famous character, "johnny castle" from "dirty danccng". neimi....was there as weel as dooens of ans for the unveilin. unveiling. swayze lost his battle with agg. coming up... we're got your chance toowwn tickees... to see disney priicesses on ice. iceewe're giving away a family 4-pack... just minutes from now. morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 5)) catch the great taste of pumpkin before it's gone. hurry into dunkin' donuts and grab a hot or iced pumpkin coffee today. america runs on dunkin'. ñ ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 -3 weather kii tease 3 map old court mmp fiber pap rapunzel. tiinna.. and cinderella... ttam up for one royal adventure. adventure.disney's princesses are back on the ice.. disney on iie "dare to dream" is at first mariier arena october 26th through the 30th. you ccn buy ticcets aa tickktmaster dot com.but we foo free. free.the 10th caller right now at 10-481-4545 winssa famiiy four pack of tickets to ddsney on ice. phe luxury items... that topped this year's neiman marcus christmas book. book.we'll revval the top item.. that costs almost á4- hundred-thouuand dollars.á you're watching fox 45 morning morning. local.. all ((break 6)) ((bump in)) 3 looking for a holiday gift? well... hold on to your check pretty penny. penny..uxury retaaler neiman marcus has released this &pyear's christmas bookk.. gifts.the company says they cater tt peoples' wildest dreams.let's see if you agree. -dancing fountains from "wet" -waterwwrks show in youu own baakyard-designers wiil nozzles... that will twirl, sweep and bow... sommtimes in unison... sometimes apart... watershow--ost is 1-millioo dollars 3 -neiman marcus-edition hacker- craft speedboat-considered to be the "gold standard"... of pleasure boating -425-horsepowerrengine-custom desigged-cost is 250-thousand dollars -ddatrip to stone barns arm -25 mills frommmanhattan -multippe course farmers' feasts prepared from the day's harvest-daytrii cost is 95-hundred dollars a person 3 -assouline custom-built libraay -floor to ceiling and wall-to-wall-shelves will be &plined with assouline 250 urrent and vintage volumes in the genre of your choicc-cost is 125-thousand dollars & --nternational flowwr show privateeair-tour takes you through switzerland, grece, france and london-round trip meals-ppivate ground -gourmet transportation-cost is 420- thousand dollars -dream folll- 18-foot diametee yurt... a structure invented hundreds of ears ago by ancient mongols- this model was inspired by the 1960'' t-v show "i ddeam oo jeannie" -luxurious details inside... such as linen wall and a crystal chandelier-cost - tasting-yyu and 22 guests will bbggiper... while a whisky the drink-each guest ill receive custtm-engraved label-cost is 5-thousand le - dollars -tom burr table-tennis table -he's aarenowned artist... around the world-table doubles as worr of art-sculpted froo black rubber... wwich means mooe bounce for your buck-cost is 45-thousand dollars pthe 2012 ferrari ff- &p651-horsepower v-12 engine-0 to 60 miles-per-hour in less than 3-point-7 ssconds-reaches speeds as hiih as 2-hundred mph -cost is 395- thousand dollars iffoverspending has you thought to ease your mind.for neiman marcus is donating a &ppeecantage of profits to charity organizations. coming up... we now know the top 17 contestants... commetitng on "the x factor." did the two singers from maayland make it thrrugh?we nexx.youure watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all porning. 3((break 7)) ((bump in)) 3 we now know the top 17 on fox's "tte x factor". ffccor". two contestants are from maryland!candace is here to recap last night's big results . we begin with bowie native... marcus canty there were times througgout where.. wondering how you fit in the musical landscape and i couldnt get my mind around ii. it.this is about consistency but ive made my decisionnou are one of my final four.thank you jesuu claá áclappingá chht perry hall native ppige elizabeth ogle entered the competition as a solo artist.. but the judges told her she would be better off in a group... she along with three other girls came together as lakkda rayne.here'sswhat happened last night... night...ive had a tough time with the opportunity of the historyyou're goiig forwaadácryá ácryingáchat in true x factor faahion.. there was a twist last night. the judges were supposed to to thh top 16.. ut as we said earlier... we ended up with happened. simon says: you havent made it..i'm enuinely sorry. sorry.chatsimon decided he made a mistake.. and he needdd to correct it. he hopped on a plane and traveled to sunrise florida to tell melanie he couldn't let hee go..she is nnw through to the top 17 coming up on good day baltimore....think wning a pet... is a wall in the park? the average amount... pet owner pays eachhyear. year.you're watching