3 3 29 map a baltimore county man fights or new trucking regulationss.. after his wife is killed and his sonn nearly parallzed.ed slattery is going to washington d.c. megan gillilanddis here with the driving laws that could change as a resuut. good morning patrric,youure taking a live look t 1-95 at jolted by some startling statistics.according to the u-s ddpaatmeet of prrnsportation about 3-to-4 thousand people are killed &pevery year in trucking acciients.slattery is fighting to change that. that.his family was on an ohio inttrstaae in august of last year. when a tired trucker barreled into the family s car. the accident kklledd slattery s wife susan.. and left his 14-yyar-old son pnjury.it was discoveeed that the driver had been behind thh wheel of that semi for more than 10 hourss.. without a &pbreakknow, slattery and other truckksafety advocates. are trying tt change that from ever happening again. (slattery) the experts in prefer to see it go ddwn to 8 hours. but you k