28 and tomorrow plenty of sunshine a bit warmer and breezy in the afternoon Friday's high 59 Clear tomorrow night low 30 for Saturday plenty of sun Saturdays also 59 and mostly sunny Sunday with a breeze in the afternoon high 52 m Accu Weather dot coms some for 100.7 The 100 points of the word. Colorado 3 a service of Salem Media Group $100.00 The word insight for living is sponsored by tried for a living ministries. David was seeking the heart of his heart was open to be responsive to God He meditated upon the things that he saw around and everything that David Saul he saw all the things are printed in it all the footprint of God behind and a man whose heart is after the heart of God is a man whose priority is own deep abiding personal warm intimate fellowship with. The stories of great people in the Bible you assume that you could never be what they were today in touch with Dr Charles Stanley will once again look at David not as one who is beyond us but one who is like. Stay with us now you can develop heart that Congress for God. But you turn to accept the 13 and this is not for us and 2nd Samuel But that's what we are talking about but there's a passage here that refers to what we're going to be talking about this evening and the title of this message a man after God's own heart so I want you to look in the 13th chapter the book of Acts and Paul in his company it says are all been Antioch. And in verse 14 it says they went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day and sat down and after the reading of the law and the prophets the rules of the synagogue Sinan to them saying even inbred than you have any word of acts or Taishan for the people say it then Paul stood up and beckoning with his hand said men of Israel and ye that fear God gave audience that's a good way to said it again it is true and if you had any fear for God Listen to what I'm going to say the god of this people of Israel chose our fathers and exalted the people when they dwelt as strangers in the land of Egypt and with the how not on brought he them out of it. And about the town of 40 years suffered he their man is in the wilderness and when he had destroyed 7 nations in the land of Canaan he divided their land to them by lot and after that he gave under them judges about the space of 450 years until say mule the prophet now what Paul is doing in his sermon he's giving them background about themselves so they'll have to listen to what else he's getting out of the temple and afterwards they desire to Kenyan God gave Him to them so all the son of sis a man of the tribe of Benjamin by the space of 40 years and when he had removed him that is Saul from being king he raised up under them David to be their king. To whom also is speaking of God Now to whom also he God gave testimony and said I have found David the son of Jesse a man after my own heart who. Fulfil all my will. Now when you say. What do you mean a man after God's own heart Paul gives is the key right there listen he says God said I have found David the son of Jesse a man after man own heart who shall fulfill all will. Now there are oh a lot of things you and I can look at the bottom and say well I could possibly do that but I couldn't do this and I probably can live up to that more than I can live up to this but let me ask you this Can you think of anything in a higher goal for your life as a Christian than this to be a man or woman after God's own heart. That is one seeking to fulfill God's desire for you. Well the question comes what are the qualities in a person's light that would make one a man or woman up to God's own heart. One of the messages we went through 1st and 2nd Samuel and one of the messages dealt with the character qualities to be found in day and we went through a whole list of qualities here that we found in him and some of those a couple of those I want to mention here this evening but I want to mention a different light as I've read and reread it and looked at the Book of the 1st and 2nd Samuel and looked at the life of Dave and asked myself the question one of the character qualities what is the nature what is it about a man or a woman that will make them a person after God's own heart is it possible for one of us to be like the. Other qualities found in David just limited to Old Testament sayings are all they are bailable to folks like you and me. One of those qualities Well the 1st character quality I think of the 1st characteristic of a man or woman up to God's own heart and that's this. A man or a woman after God's own heart has a priority on their personal fellowship with God. A man after God's own heart is going to be a person who has put a priority on that personal private fellowship with the Lord God I began to look through the scriptures and and looking at the life of David here I really believe that's one of the reasons probably the motivating factor behind his zeal and you know if you sit down and read through 1st and 2nd Samuel about stopping you'll see that David was a zealous go getta type fellow I believe one of the reasons for his zeal was that he had such a deep abiding fellowship with the Lord he knew where he was headed and he had confidence and that confidence was based on that fellowship with Him and we come through these 4 characteristics you going to found very quickly that all 4 of them all depend upon each other and you really can't separate any of them you want a hot day was able to perform as he was able to perform because he lived in a deep abiding relationship of the Father and God said here is a man after mile mark why did he say that because David was seeking to know God David was seeking the heart of God His heart was open to God responsive to God He meditated upon the things that he saw all round and everything that they did so all he saw all the things the print in it all the footprint of God behind it. He never saw anything that he didn't see God and a man whose heart is after the heart of God is a man who's proud already is own deep abiding personal warm intimate fellowship with Him because you see how can you be a man after God's own heart if you don't know God's heart and how would you ever know God's heart if you don't meditate upon it. And we talked about that one of the phrases we talked about later on in 1st Samuel and the Scripture says that they did say that the full Lord. He knew how to be still and quiet and meditate and I believe any way you cut it. And about whom God can say there is a man and there is a woman with a heart after God God's own heart I believe you'll find the person who's proud it is to fellowship and communion and meditate with the Lord God Almighty The 2nd characteristic I want you to see of course this would be very evident of you and that is a man up a woman up to God's own heart has a strong desire to obey God Now this is I didn't say they just won't to they wish they could but a person up to God's own heart has a strong desire to obey God. If you say well I have it is out obey God Do you have a strong insatiable hunger ring thirsting yearning desire to obey God it isn't in you always will but can you say I have these strong yearning hungering thirsting desire to obey God listen to obey God anytime and every time in any situation and in every circumstance he said will know about it don't you can't say that. All right what is the real crux of the matter here now watch this in a very important you understand this particular point because it's easy to say well I don't know why God would say that about David here is the reason. A man after God's own heart has a certain kind of spirit it is a spirit we said 1st of all that hungers for God a priority only his own personal meditation and being alone before the law that's the 1st characteristic The 2nd is he has a strong hungering thirsting desire to obey God but then watch what about when he disobeys to God please don't miss this. The reason I could say that David was a man after God's own heart though he disobey though he failed though he had his weaknesses just like all of us when he send against God. He had made it he asked soon responsibility for it he didn't try to hide it when God's servants said you are guilty he said You are right I have sinned against God I am responsible to God. Not only that when God took his child he grieved of the death of his son he green Likewise over the reputation of Israel and later on in 2nd Samuel when he had. Number the people of Israel in chapter 24 and here's the reason a number of them said well why would God judge him for numbering because you see God wanted David to trust the Lord not in his legions of so choose. And he should have done it but he did it in a way and the scripture says in verse 10 and David's heart smote him that is they did start came on the conviction that he had numbered the people and David said to the Lord I have sinned greatly in that I have done this and now I beseech thee o. Lord take away the iniquity of by a servant for I have done very foolishly you don't see David covering up and excusing and explaining away and rationalizing you see now I want you to watch this . Verse 17 when God began to judge them David said in verse 17 Lo I have sinned I have done with glee but these sheet they are the people of Israel who have been killed in battle here he says what if they don't lift on the hand I pray thee be of against me and against mine for all those who are now listen all of it tremendous Wes and every one of us when I go to be perfect we going to sin against God our hearts desire is to be absolutely unquestionably old b.t.n. Think God And we going to fail him at times. The key that determines whether a man's heart is a heart after God or not is not how often he obeys the disobeys But what is his spirit when he is obeys and God confronts him with his sin. Is it immediate confession and a spirit of great tendency toward God always that rationalizing in confessing and blaming somebody else. And I believe here is the whole key to why he could say here's a man up to God's own heart that his desires through will be God he sell the Lord he saw the Lord he saw the Lord. But when he did fail he was willing to acknowledge his favorite pen the biggest sins weeping and tears before God and the Bible says that God forgave he'll do the same thing for you and me the 3rd characteristic. A man or woman up to God's own heart is one who has the courage to put their they in God. Man a woman after God's own heart is one who is excited really about trusting the Lord one who has the courage to put their faith in God when things are tough in the middle of the battle from the bottom drops out maybe things caving in and darkness is all around there hang in there trusting and believing in God Well there's no more beautiful example of that early in his life and I believe the reason early in his life because the 1st thing I said was also a prerequisite in his own life days his priority was on his fellowship and dwelling upon listening sitting out there with those sheep at night time thinking about gala . Drawling upon him net attending upon him absolutely going into his soul and then Trek TNG how God had worked in his life he was the man who trusted God Listen when you read the songs and you see Dade's comprehension and his understanding of who God what He created the supernatural power of God and all things found their source in him is it any wonder that he could come to the 17 chapter and say what he said. This Look at 7 pm chapter. Here is facing. The most beautiful expression of genuine faith a man apt to God's own heart is a man who has and is learning who's excited about trusting God. Listen he's not trusting God with fear and trembling he's trusting God with excitement with and dissipating of the consequences he comes out to face Ogunleye burst $45.00 the 1st Samuel 17 then said David of us that he's a man after God's own heart 1st thing you'll 17 he's facing a giant David said to him Goliath. You come to me with a sword and with a spear with a shield but I come to the in the name of Joe who opposed the God of the armies of this rule whom thou hast defied this day will the Lord is fayre will the Lord deliver the into mine hand to listen Brian he was an old war with the rest of Isreal hollowing across the valley. He was looking him right in the hour balls I saw were just about as tall as David was with his arm a bear a bear all in his arm and he says This day will go lower deliver the into mine hand now this is a young strapping teenager talking to a giant that is spade. He is excited about trusting God. When he's in a position and the only way out is God Himself. The 4th characteristic. But a man after God's own heart. He must pose as. A serpent's spirit. Man after a long enough to God's own heart must close this a servants. Now. The $89.00 song says they and this is the. Day to night song. The 1st one is says I have found David my servant. With my whole the oil have. Now if you begin to look back and just recall some of the incidences that we have discussed about him. Let me ask is What do you think would motivate a man or a woman to have a servant spirit one of the things that would motivate us to have a servant Spirit is our reverence for God. When we understand who he is and what he's like that's going to have some effect on motivating you to have a servant spirit. But if you go back in 1st Samuel you recall that in the very beginning he was called to souls house in order to play for him and to just sort of soothe him so he became a circuit the very beginning. It was teaching him very early in life to have a servant spirit not to be rebellious. You see a rebellious spirit in the life of a child will work against them all of their life in developing a servant spirit and I believe here is a beautiful example and here is an acid test of a servant spirit and you can apply this in your business you can plot in your vocation you can plot anywhere you want to watch this. Here is the most perfect example the acid test of a certain spirit. They did willingly voluntarily or with the spirit of a servant serve Saul even when he knew God had Jack did Psalm. That is the acid test of a certain spirit am I willing to subject myself to someone who is not a Christian who is on godly where I work where roster of all the test is why I believe that's the case you see even when he was young and he came into. Soul's household he came in recall a one occasion with the women in the streets dancing in saying Saul Cain Saul is kill is thousands but dated is 10000 he wasn't. When Saul offered him his daughter he said Who him on who him on to become the son in law of the key he had a servant. He could have killed Saul but he waited he could have become king of the whole nation of Israel but he waited he waited until God's timing was right David Saul himself subject to a subset of year to year of it to surrender to obedient to Almighty God and he was not about to step out of that in any way in order to lift himself up so no watch this a man or a woman who has a heart have to go. But put a priority on fellowshipping and knowing who he is. Strong desire to obey God takes pride in about trusting the Lord. And willing to serve wherever God puts a spear Now listen. But wiser thing could you do than to pray Lord teach me how to put my priority on knowing you. Strengthen my desire to obey you and leave the consequences to you sin to me into lives experiences that will grow up so that I will be excited about every single challenge of my life and Lord . Teach me how to have a servant spirit and labile to begin by serving those around me. When you and I get to heaven if the only thing Jesus Christ would say that was is. There. My son. Will welcome him to glory. You have a heart after man you could just forget everything else if he says that about you forget everything yes. There is no higher call. Then for God to say to you and me here is a man I want to console. You are listening to in touch with Dr Charles Stanley if you want to know God and follow him make this your earnest prayer to God teach me how to put my priority on knowing you. To learn more about prayer for the character of God or how to read the Bible for yourself is that our website and touch dot o.-r. G. We have a wide variety of resources that can help you seek and find a deeper relationship with the Lord and if you'd like to have a copy of today's complete message you can order online the title is a man after God's own heart or order Dr Stanley's teaching sack pursuing God's heart again you'll find these resources at In Touch dot o.-r. G. Or call 1800 in touch to write to us address your letter to In Touch post office box 7900 Atlanta Georgia 30357. The Bible tells us to seek God and why we seek. Matters The explanation is just ahead in today's moment with Charles Stanley it's time for exploration on the 2018 intention Alaskan cruise experience wildlife up close with photo safaris and whale watching enjoy sank seeing adventure tourists and cow x. Planes and tanks discover rain forests came those places and historic towns there's something for everyone on the 2800 in touch Alaska cruise visit in touch that the r. G.'s Alaska go to get there. Are you living a life of preferences one that's based on Johnson to enjoy a strong life one that makes me turn a limb we have to break free from the factors that make us weak and Dr Charles family's book Standing strong believers will find encourage me to construct a life based on the strength of enduring faith built on compromise biblical convictions to order your copy your standing strong call 1800 in touch or visit in touch. From the pastor's heart is Dr Charles Stanley's personal letter to you each month your enjoyed biblical inside encouragement and inspiration to receive from the pastors heart each month call $1800.00 intact would you like to hear from God are you 1st committed to following his instruction with inside for believers Here's a moment with Charles. When you are confronted with a question in your life. When you are facing a decision in your life do you consult and seek out. And search the know the mud to God because you know in your heart whatever he says you are going to do. Ah do you want to know the mind of God because you want to see what he says and then you'll decide what. I'm going to tell you something I really believe that one of the reasons many people do not know what God's move in life is is simply because then I've committed to doing it they want to know and then after they've heard then they have to consider it I'm going to tell you that's not the way God operates. But a man after God's own heart doesn't seek to know the mind of God to consider what they need most to do not manage to God seeks the mind of God in all the too old a double as of God Period he doesn't seek it for consideration but he seeks it in all of the buildings. Visit us at In Touch. To learn more about the believers life of faith. Would you like to hear today's message again you can stream it on our website or download Podcasts and take in touch with you our web address again is in touch. Tomorrow Dr Hello this is the summer are we doing in visit many of the historic sites made famous by the Reformation invite you to join me on this multi-city tour that includes a cruise down the beautiful Danube River. Learning about the Reformation 1st and I hope to see you there to find out more about the Reformation crews would. Go to the word f. 107 dot com Here's another inspiring story from a learning brain training center before learning r.x. 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And Samsung for home college business or pleasure we have the technology unique in the price you can afford it was voted number one computer repair center in Colorado Springs so let our service center get your technology in working order as the good news so discover the empty tomb and tell her the Risen Savior and share the good news join me in verse one now when the Sabbath was passed Mary Magdalen Mary the mother of James and Salome bought spices that they might come and anoint him that the Sabbath was ended the Sabbath was concluded they could do no work on the Sabbath so now is the 1st day of the week for the nation of Israel even to this day the 1st day of the week is is Sunday and Sunday morning before the sun has come up very early in the morning they're coming to the tomb of Jesus Christ because there was no time in his burial to anoint his body they were able to do it properly so now they want to come. Back in anoint the body of Jesus Christ Mary Magdalene we see an example of tremendous love for Christ we know that she was possessed was 7 demons Christ delivered from those demons she followed Christ she was at the burial of Christ and now she's the 1st one back at the resurrection of Christ tremendous tremendous love that she has for Christ very early in the morning on the 1st day of the week they came to the tomb when the sun had risen early in the morning they come to the tomb we're going to find Mary Magdalene is the 1st person that Christ reveals Himself to you after His resurrection maybe you found that no matter what time of the day it is there's a blessing when you come to draw near to Christ when you come to minister to Christ but there is something special about the morning isn't there something special about giving the 1st fruits of your day to the Lord and the 1st person that I want to meet with is the Lord but it's also difficult to get out of bed isn't it. Alarm clock went off or maybe you wake up before the alarm clock a day like today when there's some extra clouds and a little bit of rain I just want some extra sleep i think i really need some sleep this morning but the Spirit of God inside of us is mind get up I'm ready to meet with you Jesus is ready to meet with you the words alive and well I've never regretted getting up and spending time with the Lord there's a special blessing that comes with rising early to me with the Lord and they said among themselves who will roll way the stone from the door of the tomb for us another example of their love for Christ is there's this obvious obstacle that has been rolled over the tomb of Christ and they didn't consider this in going to the tomb many of us would say well there's no point in buying the spices to anoint the body of Christ because we can't roll away the tomb or we might say. Oh yeah there's this evident difficulty so I need to bring 45 people with me so I can roll away the stone but love doesn't know an obstacle doesn't love doesn't get stopped by a difficulty when we're really in love with someone and pursuing someone we're not going to let distance or time affect us I remember when Amber and I are were dating and she was in Glenwood Springs in Colorado Mountain College going to school I was youth pastor here it at arms and we would call each other on the phone on a crazy thing called a landline because it costed too much money to use our cell phones we had just gotten cell phones very few minutes on on the cell phone the charges were crazy if you went over your minutes so I don't landline in my my apartment because don't know what those are I'd feel free to talk to me afterwards I can explain it more. But then also I have a calling card this is plastic 18000 calling card because in my apartment I didn't have a long distance plan and so you would put a bunch of minutes on this card and we'd be talking late into the night all of a sudden you'd hear the voice comes through the card and say you know you have 2 minutes left I say let's keep talking when it goes out I'll charge it back up and all call you back right so if you're dating and you've got just unlimited minutes on your phone and you can talk through the Internet and you can text you don't know how lucky you are how fortunate you are to be able to communicate in the way the Love says there's no obstacle and hopefully there's that attitude in our relationship with the Lord receive Christ I love you You're right my Savior and so I'm not going to let a stone keep me from pursuing I'm not going to let an obstacle keep me from drawing near to you so when they looked up they saw that the stone had been rolled away for it was very large you can imagine the shock the concern and the confusion that would come over them if you went to visit the grave. The loved one in the grave had been altered had been dug up and the casket had been opened you say this is strange what in the world is is going on they discovered the empty tomb and that brings us to our 1st point this morning is discover the empty tomb with the resurrection of Jesus Christ we need to spend some time understanding how magnificent it is and how important it is that Christ has risen from the dead and his tomb is empty Christ predicted his death and his resurrection I'll be killed and then 3 days later I will rise again and he also claimed to be God So the fact that he fulfilled this claim of the resurrection proves the fact that he is God if he didn't follow through with this you'd be a liar wouldn't a hero lunatics predict stuff like this I'm going to be killed and then 3 days later I'm going to rise from again yeah yeah right you're neither one of those those crazies so he'd be a liar he'd be a lunatic but if he fulfills this he's Lord this is what separates Christ from everybody else as you predicted his death and he predicted his resurrection can we count on the fact that this actually happened does it hold up is there historical evidence to point to the empty tomb a lawyer he's a famous defense attorney he's in the dentist Book of World Records for an unprecedented 245 consecutive defense murder trial acquittals he's now passed away but this was his quote about the resurrection He says I've spent more than 42 years as a defense trial lawyer appearing in many parts of the world and I'm still an active practice I've been fortunate to secure a number of successes in jury trials and I say unequivocally that the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ is so overwhelming that it compels acceptance by proofs which leaves absolutely no. No room for doubt this is looking at the evidence he comes to the conclusion that there's no doubt that Christ is risen from the dead maybe you have some questions about the resurrection and you're wondering is there historical facts for I would encourage you to look into it to do the research I think a lot of people dismiss the resurrection without doing the research once you've looked at the facts and you want to reject it that's another thing but at least take the time to look into it what are some of the evidence is of the resurrection early Christian apologist cited hundreds of eyewitnesses some of whose documented their own experiences so we have hundreds of eyewitnesses of encountering the resurrected savior of which we're reading this morning we're reading any count Mary Magdalen's account of encountering Jesus Christ in his risen state also some of the majors kept Dick's put their faith in a risen Savior one being the apostle Paul who was Saul he was convinced that Jesus wasn't God that he didn't rise from the dead until the resin savior encountered his life and he went from being a skeptic to a follower of Christ James who wrote the book of James in the New Testament was the half brother of Christ not believing in Christ until the resurrection and then he went from skeptic to believe or another important part of the resurrection is the truth of the resurrection took root in Jerusalem. Where Christ 6 was very publicly crucified everybody in Jerusalem at that time was aware of the fact that Christ was crucified as they had the body of Christ the chief priests the scribes those that work so hard to kill him they would have produced it. To try to silence this rumor of the resurrection but they couldn't produce the to the body of Jesus Christ the dead body of Christ because he was alive. There is the historical. And then there's the personal experience and the historical evidence is there but then also if you're a believer you know Christ is risen because he's present in your life you know Christ is risen because you trust Him for salvation so we discover. A verse 5 and entering the tomb they saw a young man and Angel closed in a long white robe sitting on the right side and they were alarmed that's an understatement some things are so hard to describe in words you finally get the courage to go into detail. After 3 it's been altered with you wouldn't expect to see a young man closed in a white robe not everybody wore a right. I didn't I didn't expect to see you there ever been alarmed by your kids or alarmed by a friend or a family member sometimes one of our kids will come in while I'm sleeping specially when they're younger they're standing right next to you. Then you wake up with a kid in your face or what in the world I didn't expect you did to be there right this is this is that type of experience for you you know and there's a lot of them they're scared but he said to them Don't be alarmed. Who was crucified he has risen and he's not here place where they laid him Don't be afraid don't be alarmed I know you but he's risen and he's risen from the dead inspect the place where they laid him. The 1st 7 go until his disciples and Peter that he is going before you into Galilee there you will see him as he said to you but go and tell the disciples and Peter why the emphasis on Peter because Peter has just denied the Lord 3 times that he didn't know. What is the resurrection of Christ mean to Peter. It is written he's forgiven Christ is risen he can be restored it's on the heart of God being Angel is the messenger of God saying you need to tell the disciples and you need to tell Peter if you've gone through a season of struggle of difficulties compromise walking away from the Lord you're thinking Could God forgive me could he restore me absolutely yes yes you can look at it look at Peter it's the heart of God He inserts our name go tell the disciples and go tell Peter the resurrection and so much to Peter in his letter and his 1st of his soul he said that we've been be gotten to a living hope. Speaking of the resurrection of Christ he encountered the Risen Savior and he says My hope is alive my my hope is living one of the things that we find in these encounters with the disciples and the resurrection is the instruction to go and tell so with the good news of the resurrection you might want to write this down is the commission to go and tell. They were either so excited about it inside of their own soul that they just naturally when told others or they're instructed by the angel instructed by Jesus you need to go and tell this person that Christ is risen what is the disciples in Mary they just hold on to this information they don't tell anyone the Gospel never goes out the impact never takes place what if the disciples never see or that Christ is risen and for us as well that's God's heart that's God's hard for us as he wants us to have that hard to say you know I'm so thankful that my hope is alive however there's so many people around me that have no hope they don't know Christ they don't know that Jesus loves them. That Jesus died for their sins and rose again I want to go into I want to go and share. In verse 8 so they went out. Quickly in fled from the tomb for they trembled in were amazed and they said nothing to anyone for they were afraid some major processing here what does this mean angel said the Christ is risen there's a focus on Mary Magdalen now when heroes early on the 1st day of the week you paired 1st to Mary Magdalene that is whom he cast 7 demons she went and told those who had been with him as they mourned in wept when they heard that he was alive and had been seen by her they did not believe come to our 2nd point in town for the Risen Savior Mary Magdalene encounters the Risen Savior 1st they've heard from the angel but Mary's The 1st one to Christ in his resurrected state he instructs her now go tell the disciples when she tells the disciples their morning they don't believe or. We try to put ourselves in the shoes of the disciples and even though Jesus had told them he was going to rise from the dead they didn't comprehend it they didn't grasp it they didn't hold on to that what if you had a family member a close friend passed away and someone comes and tells you hey they rose from the dead. They're hanging out a village and go see him. But. They're not hanging out of religion so messed with me like that that's not even fair So this I quickly dismiss this about Mary Magdalene please be in your Bible to John 20 let's look at John's account of Jesus . Encountering Mary Magdalen we get a little bit more detail from John. John 20 verse 11. The way. But Mary stood out by the tomb weeping and as she wept she stooped down and looked into the tomb Mary stays by herself while the others leave she's weeping she's confused and she saw a white sitting one at the head and the other defeat where the body of Jesus had lain so 1st they only saw one unusual but now they see 2 she gets more detail as she waits sometimes in our relationship with God We just need to wait don't be in such a hurry it's not just a 15 minute exchange. Carved out some time my heart is broken here I'm going to wait upon you then they said to her Woman Why are you weeping she said to them because they've taken away my Lord and I don't know where they have laid Him So even though the angels said he's risen and has been so good she thinks someone has stolen the body of her board now when she said as she turned around and saw Jesus standing there and didn't know that it was Jesus Jesus said to her Woman Why are you weeping whom are you seeking supposing him to be the gardener said to him sir if you had carried him away tell me where you have laid Him and I will take you and I will take him back I'll take him away. Jesus said to her marriage she turned and said to him which is to say teacher. This is when Mary recognized Christ when Jesus called her by name I recognize that voice this is my Savior and we find in the resurrection of Christ as we look at these accounts in the Gospels that Jesus is tremendously personal his personal with Mary his personal. Thomas says Thomas I know you're doubting this but do you go ahead and touch my hands he's personal Peter he makes breakfast he's personal with the disciples on the road to amaze and this is what I'm so thankful about our Savior he died 1st since he rose again and he's personal in our lives. For me this is what really led me to Christ I made it a profession of faith as a young child but then in my freshman year of high school feeling my own emptiness and calling out to the Lord. God speak to me not all out of leave not out loud. But the thought that came over me was air call you wanted nothing to do is me I wanted everything to do with you and that made the difference in my life they Jesus was real the Jesus was personal that it wasn't just academic study and in your life this morning have you encountered the Risen Savior maybe you've come to church maybe you really haven't come to church much but the real question is is Christ real in my life you know there were years of my childhood were Jesus felt a lot further away than Mars Mars was just as close to Jesus to me even though I was I was hearing a lot about him and it wasn't until I encountered him in maybe you saying well how do I encounter Christ marries a good example trying to make some time for him. Draw near to him in time in the word cry out to him there's a promise that God gives to us says if you draw near to me I will draw near to you he's not saying you have to try to figure me out and if you pull on the right strings then I'll respond he's ready to respond he's already made that commitment saying if you draw near to me if you cry out to me if you want to have a relationship with me I want to have a relationship with you and for us as believers sometimes we can go a lot of days in our lives without countering our risen Savior he. It's as much with us today as the day that we got saved Amen He says much with me today as I was walking home from the gym my freshman year of high school called called out to the Lord and this is astounding about Christ is His promise is that he's always with us they will never leave us or forsake us in fact he's promised when 2 or 3 believers gather in His Name that he's in our midst Christ is here this morning he's walking the aisles he's sitting next to you he's in your heart as we're driving down the road he's with us and sometimes we're aware of his presence sometimes that car instead of being a prison becomes of cells here with our Savior doesn't it. Sometimes we were laying down in our bedroom I call Jesus you're with me I want to encounter you I want to walk with you encounter your Savior and as we encounter our Savior then we're going to be moved to the same place that Mary has a look with me and John 20 verse 17. Jesus said to her Do not claim to me for I have not yet ascended my father but go to my brother in and say to them I am ascending to my father and your father and to my God and your God Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord and that he had spoken these things to her we encounter Christ we can't help but go and share Mary goes and shares Jesus told her go to hell and she does she just experience this incredible great news we tend to talk about things that we're excited about don't worry. We have a mission team right now over in good the Uganda Dan Johnson our missions pastor is leading them and their courage ing can back out who are missionaries there some of you may be remember Pastor he's going to be here in the summer to share with us to share the word with us but can't he loves food he specially love Smashburger across the street. That guy can describe Smashburger for 10 or 15 minutes easy and why you should go get a burger so whenever I met Smashburger I'd take a picture of my burger and text it to him right. In love of course. But why does he talk about Smashburger because he loves it right things that we love we talk about things that impacted us as we encounter Christ and sometimes when it comes to the Great Commission we get the cart before the horse we feel this obligation or we've got to talk about Jesus and tell people about Jesus and that's not what we find here with the early disciples of Christ was real in their life and since Christ was real in their life there was this overflow to talk about Christ and to talk about the good news let's go back to the Gospel of Mark in verse 12. 12. And then after that he appeared in another form to 2 of them as they walked in and went into the country and they went and told it to the rest but they did not believe them either this is the road to him a more detailed account in Luke 24 they walked. To the town as Jesus walked with them they didn't realize they were talking to Jesus he went through the Old Testament pointing out all of these places where pointed to Christ pointing to the Messiah they finally get to a man and they have a meal and Jesus broke bread and at that moment they recognize that Jesus is the Christ and then Jesus disappears in his glorified body he has the ability to appear and disappear so there's a boom I'm out. Overwhelms that they've just encountered the Risen Savior but they rushed to go tell the other disciples the other disciples still do not believe it $127.00 The word is giving away $3000.00 with the Shamrocks we've safe sign up to when at the word f.m. $107.00 dot com This is Pastor Brian Michaels from springs lighthouse and our take it to the world radio broadcast I'd like to invite you to join us at 7 am Sunday mornings right here on 100.7 The word for verse by verse Bible teaching bringing light to a darkened world that's take it to the world 7 am Sunday mornings brought to you by our friends at c o lumber and real wood furniture you can find more information on our website at Springs lighthouse dot org Join us or take it to the world Sunday mornings at 7 a this is Dr Eric Carter and Dr Steve. Grammer with 30 minutes to thrive join us Tuesdays at 4 pm for our radio show and how to improve and transform your health naturally we're a couple of Colorado Springs doctors that believe that your body can heal itself if given the chance and we talk about how you can do that every Tuesday at 4 pm tuning in and join us for the 30 minutes to thrive radio show discover natural remedies solutions that really work and our Dr directed and help improve yours and your family's health every Tuesday 4 pm join us at 100.7 the word. This is Michael Medved for townhall dot com Black Panther has made movie history as the 1st smash hit about a blank superhero but it's worth noting some necessary reservations despite strong performances from a distinguished cast the movie creates a totally fictitious African utopia that ignores fundamental truths about civilizations The story centers on the fantasy kingdom of a condo which in carefully guarded isolation is developed technological advances that leave the world in fact isolation invariably produces stagnation Moreover what Condon The movie is a medieval tribal society choosing all powerful rulers through trial by combat and magical incantations in the real world advancement in well being pro reliably from democratic free market institutions not from authoritarian societies echoing Game of Thrones I'm Michael Medved. The Pepperdine Graduate School of Public Policy impacting policy decisions today pairing public leaders for tomorrow. Victoria Newman is married to a California Highway Patrol officer she says most wives don't understand what law enforcement wives deal with I did open up to some gals who were not law enforcement wives and I just read the book why going. Being the wife of a cop this week of family life today with a straight family life today weekdays that 8 am and 9 pm on 100 points the word. Standing in the Sea of Galilee and being baptized in the Jordan River visiting troops from where every stone pathway leading toward the life of Christ and the story of God's purpose on these moments can be yours when you join Tony and Lois Evans for experience Israel over some of the 16 along with musical guests Anthony Evans and Mary offenders visit the ward and found 107 dot com or call a par 54487226 now The following is not an actor but a real life story from Trinity to manage what's probably been about 10 years ago I had quite a few credit cards the interest on the cards was really high I was making the minimum payments but barely Then it was just getting to be too much so I called Trinity if you're into it and you need help call Trinity 189-906-9762 talk to a certified counselor they met with me and they were able to get all of my credit cards in one lower payments trinity will cause some of the door accounts to do one easy to manage monthly payment put a stop to late fees and overlimit charges reduce your interest and possibly improve your credit score you'll save thousands they did help me learn how to manage my money now you know we have a house and we're doing a lot better if your dad has you call Trinity have 180-990-6976 My name is Holly and I am debt free.

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