Google has announced its plan to start manufacturing Pixel smartphones in India with the latest model to be rolled out next year. Reacting to this news, industrialist Anand Mahindra shared an interesting story about his made-in-India iPhone.
An Indian Air Force (IAF) Squadron Leader's heartfelt post about the challenges Army children face in their lives, especially in their formative years, has gone viral on social media.
In August, the cost of a vegetarian thali declined marginally month-on-month on a high base and was elevated year-on-year for the second time this fiscal, primarily because of firm tomato prices.
Anand Mahindra Shares A Photo of Dog Chilling on Reserved Seat, Netizens Are All Heart -Anand Mahindra Shares A Photo of Dog Chilling on Reserved Seat From His Cultural Fest, Netizens Go Aww - See Viral Post! aaa
The cautionary video is meant to highlight the power of artificial intelligence and how it can be used to manipulate people by generating doctored content.