and they have been permitted to grow and grow a and grow anand gro. - whenen rudy tookok over the office and got involved in this case, he wasas very enththusiastic about it, , very engaging, anxiouous to get t the case go. - - my great-g-grandfatherer, we was anan immigrantnt in brookn and the blblack hand at that titime wanted d him to pay p protection n money toto them, when peoplple say there is n no mafia and thesese organizazations don t exisist, i memean, i knowow from my h hy that therere is such a a thin. and i i know what t it does and whatat it can dodo. - the fbi,i, sometime e severl years befofore rudy bebecame the u.s.s. attorney, had decided to focus in a big way on n the five new york mafia families. theyey had devototed separarate squads s to focus onon individuaual familiese. but rudy h had the idedea, well, , let s makeke the biggggest ofof all mafiaia cases, where e our targetets are the es of the fivive familieses. - the commmmission casase was s somethingg thatat
- in the 1980s, i knew, if he wanted to be mayor, he would get it, because he was that driven. he was that ambitious. he wanted to be a power player. he wanted to have influence. and i think he more or less thought he was running new york when he was head of the southern district. - the linenes are drawn, and d the battlele has begun. foformer u.s. . attorney rudolph gigiuliani launched his formal campaign today to capture city hall from mayoror koch. - rudy annnnounced his candididacy in 198989 in the samame room whehere fiororello la guguardia first t announced d his candid. - - in 1933, fiorellolo la guardia stooood in this s room and d asked the e people of new yorork toto embrace t the candidadacyd not on p political n name tas but t on integririty, leadadership, anand vision.. - - la guardiaia, for mostt of rududy s lifetitime,
that giuiuliani was s able toto pursue anand capitalilizn and geget a lot ofof publicityt. it really went to the heart of this, you know, momoneymaking g machine on wall ststreet. - wall strtreet has bebeen ht by yet another insider trtrading scanandal. - the mergrger and d acquisitioion boom. - it s tenen years behehind bs fofor one of a america s richest t men. - the e rise of t the junk bobond world.. - - the once o omnipotent wall street king was leftft staggerining off hihis throne.. - the e raiders, the hoststile takeovovers. - once onene of wall s streets mightiesest, ivan boboesky apappeared foror sentencini, in t the judge s s words, humiliatated, vilifified, anand cut downwn to size.. - and d all of thahat was entwined w with what was s a deeply c corrupt sysy. - you findnd for me inin the w where e the uniteded states congress hahas distinguguished multibillilion-dollarr financiaial firms from otherer institutitions, and you u show me whwhere that. - rurudy createded the cha
- they recorded everything that happened. and d it was likike a goldmie of informationon because hehe just spilled hihis guts. giulianini was enthuhused abouout the carorollo tapess cause t they didirectly cororroboratedd that thehe commissioion existd and ththat the orgrganized cre families w were, in fafact, cocommitting w whatever illegal l acts ththey were cocommitting.. - it i is called t the commiss, ththe inner cocouncil that rununs organizezed crime in this cocountry. - - led by thehe reputed b bs of a all bosses, p paul castell, head of ththe gambino o famil, four of f new york s s five gododfathers appeareded in federaral court to facace a wide r range of r racketeerining charges. - thisis is a greaeat day for law enenforcement,t, but this i is a bad daday, proby the e worst, foror the mafia. - guililty verdictcts today in the f federal tririal of a groupup of mobsteters. - guguilty on alall 22 counts of racacketeering, conspiracy, and extortion. - judge owen gave the kind o
and d time magazazine s man of thehe year. bubut then, hehe started t tok about extetending his s term. - he s tererm limited.d. his two-teterm tenure e will d decemberer 31st of 2 2001, so he rereally only y has three morere months inin off. - whwhat i d likike to do is t to maintainin the unity that exixists in thehe city. - ththis was thehe first inkng that giuiuliani s thirst foror power wawasn t goingng to disapppp, eveven in thisis moment. - - a lot of n new yorkers are e convinced d now that the wholole place isis gonna fafall apart i if he leavev. anand apparentntly, giululiani thinknks so too.. - i wishsh that we c could rereelect him.m. but unfortrtunately, w we can. - one ofof three menen wiwill be the e next mayorr of newew york cityty, anand it s eitither mimichael bloooomberg, freddy fererrer, or meme. i i get a phonone call. the mayoror would likike toto see you. . i was s asked to j just meet with thehe mayor alolone, just thehe two of usus, no sta.