and d time magazazine's man of thehe year. bubut then, hehe started t tok about extetending his s term. - he's tererm limited.d. his two-teterm tenure e will d decemberer 31st of 2 2001, so he rereally only y has three morere months inin off. - whwhat i'd likike to do is t to maintainin the unity that exixists in thehe city. - ththis was thehe first inkng that giuiuliani's thirst foror power wawasn't goingng to disapppp, eveven in thisis moment. - - a lot of n new yorkers are e convinced d now that the wholole place isis gonna fafall apart i if he leavev. anand apparentntly, giululiani thinknks so too.. - i wishsh that we c could rereelect him.m. but unfortrtunately, w we can. - one ofof three menen wiwill be the e next mayorr of newew york cityty, anand it's eitither mimichael bloooomberg, freddy fererrer, or meme. i i get a phonone call. "the mayoror would likike toto see you."." i was s asked to j just meet with thehe mayor alolone, just thehe two of usus, no sta.