Let me take you back to October 2006, having been uncertain about the future of this site after a number of months I decided I would try my hand at doing
This title is a generic fighting anime with a few added twists into it, some of which work (such as people turning into swords) and some that do not (Introducing characters who seem to be main characters starting character development and then dropping them from the cast). However, despite the initial bad reviews when I chose to get this title as I thought it would be one that would have me questioning if the average review scores were correct. To see if I was right, then read on for my review of The Sacred Blacksmith.
Ever since Twilight has started to move its way into becoming the definition of what Vampires truly are (Heaven forbid it actually happens), I have been able
Everything about this cover of the title screams fanservice: the cover art, the back cover art, the blurb on the back and the big MA15+ warning is bound to
noitaminA, the famous Fuji Television timeslot that often does not push mainsteam anime series, but instead focuses on ones that are a bit. different from