My normal readers might find it a bit odd that I would have this in my collection, let alone be writing a review on it, however I would consider this one of
I usually use this pre-review blurb to go on about something relative to this series, but this time I would actually like to share something a bit freaky with
For those who are expecting a series completely based around the life of Nagisa and Tomoya, which was the full extent of After Story in the Visual Novel, then you will be disappointed, but for a good reason! This season focuses on both the conclusion of the school arc in the first couple of episodes with the more minor characters getting their moment to shine, then proceeds with the actual After Story plotline. If you have read my previous Clannad reviews then you should know my normal pre-review comments, and if you haven't watched season one of Clannad yet, then you should watch it before reading this review. Anyway, after the jump is my review of Clannad: After Story.
The harem genre of anime is nothing new, the action genre of anime is indeed nothing new, having an action harem genre anime is once again. nothing new.