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Subscriber only A TEMPER outburst has cost a young man plenty after he turned a $6 car parking fee into a $1187 damages bill when he damaged a boom gate at Ipswich Hospital car park. The offender Zack Tiedeman also scored a $750 fine after his bad behaviour landed him before Ipswich Magistrates Court. The court heard he d been going through an emotional time when he committed the offence. Tiedeman, 26, pleaded guilty to causing wilful damage to a boom gate on Chelmsford Ave on Thursday, March 4. Defence lawyer Amy Zanders said Tiedeman was very upset at the time because he d been at the hospital where his grandmother was very ill and the family was saying goodbye.
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Subscriber only A GRANDFATHER with a shocking history of drink driving has been told he can drink himself to death if he likes, but has no right to put the lives of others at risk. An Ipswich magistrate slammed the man s irresponsible actions in court on Tuesday, calling him a menace to other road users. Raymond Peters has been before the court more than a dozen times for drink driving offences, Ipswich Magistrates Court heard. Peters was already disqualified from driving by court order and on a suspended jail sentence when he blatantly drove and was caught with an alcohol level more than three times the legal limit.
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Subscriber only WHEN police climbed into a roof cavity of an Ipswich house they found a sawn-off shotgun secreted in a duffel bag. Why Reece Gregory Clark had the illegal weapon he did not say. Clark appeared from jail via video-link before Ipswich Magistrates Court on Thursday to be sentenced on 11 charges. Reece Gregory Clark, 28, from Brassall, pleaded guilty to charges that include being in possession of a weapon (category H) on September 24 last year; possession of drug utensils (syringe, grinders and scales); four counts of being in possession of dangerous drugs; not having authority to be in possession of explosives (ammunition); and obstructing police on August 6.
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AN Ipswich man has been placed on a supervised probation order more than a year after being caught with the drug ice.
Ashley Mitchell was found with 2.2 grams of the drug after a police patrol pulled over his car at Redbank on November 22 last year, Ipswich Magistrates Court heard.
Ashley Eric Mitchell, 36, from Dinmore, pleaded guilty to drug and driving offences, including possession of a dangerous drug – schedule 1 quantity/or exceeding schedule 3 on November 22, 2019; possession of dangerous drugs; having property used in a drug offence; possession of property acquired for the purpose of committing a drug offence; driving when unlicensed (demerit points); and driving when drug positive while unlicensed.
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WIELDING an axe, an enraged driver jumped out of his Hyundai Getz and threatened to burn down another driver’s house after chasing their car through backstreets.
The trigger for the ugly behaviour was a mere a toot of the car horn by the other driver.
The act of road rage committed by Leo Tavita led police to serious weapons offences, Ipswich Magistrates Court heard this week.
Investigating officers tracked down Tavita before finding a sawn-off shotgun in his car, and shot gun shells in his pocket.
Appearing from jail via video-link, Leo Tavita, 25, from Churchill, pleaded guilty to eight charges, including going armed to cause fear on August 31; driving while unlicensed; possession of a shotgun in Churchill on September 2; possession of shortened firearms; possession of a weapon with its serial number defaced; possession of shot gun shells without authority; possession of a drug utensil; and possession of scales used in a drug offence.