The Supreme Court on Monday issued notice on a plea claiming glaring inaction by central agencies - the CBI, the ED, and the SFIO into the alleged criminal theft and money laundering of Rs 12,800 crore from over 27 public,
The Supreme Court on Monday issued notice on a plea claiming glaring inaction by central agencies - the CBI, the ED, and the SFIO into the alleged criminal theft and money laundering of Rs 12,800 crore from over 27 public, government and listed banks by Amtek Auto Ltd (AAL) and its promoters, directors, beneficiaries, and key managerial personnel through an elaborate system of over 127 related parties and several benaamidars .
The Supreme Court on Monday issued notice on a plea claiming glaring inaction by central agencies - the CBI, the ED, and the SFIO into the alleged criminal theft and money laundering of Rs 12,800 crore from over 27 public,