Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Ajay Mathan was arrested on Monday from Pune in connection with Sunday s violence in the Amravati district. According to reports, Ajay had first raised a flag at the Dhula Gate leading to a skirmish. Police said that Ajay will be taken to Achalpur city in Amravati
Prohibitory orders under Section 144 have been clamped in the Achalpur-Paratwada town of Amravati district in Maharashtra after a skirmish during a flag changing ritual.
Devendra Fadnavis has dared the ruling Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) government in the state to ban Raza Academy in Maharashtra in view of the Amravati violence, adding "I demand the imposition of a ban on Raza Academy. Would Congress do it?"
Former Maharashtra Chief Minister and senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Devendra Fadnavis on Sunday visited Amravati's Masanganj, Hanuman Nagar and Kholapuri Gate areas and interacted with the injured victims and the citizens who suffered damages during the recent violence.