is more saber-rattling or actually something more in light of the escalation. it is unclear at this hour. but what is clear is that putin s military situation, as it is, is growing evermore tenuous. i wanted to play for you an intercepted call. and this one is between two russian soldiers somewhere in eastern russia where temperatures right now are hovering at zero degrees farenheit. listen to this. hi. how are you? yeah, we re here at the shooting grounds. we re freezing really. we re training, digging fox holes. it s minus 15 degrees celsius, damn it. about 60% of us are [ bleep ] helpless going around the shooting grounds losing their weapons, helmets, and their ammo cartridges. we all have to take a hazmat suit with us. what the [ bleep ] do we need that for?
translator: yeah. we re here at the shooting grounds. we re freezing, really. we re training digging foxholes. it s minus 15 degrees celsius, damn it. about 60% of us are [bleep] helpless. going around the shooting grounds losing their weapons, [bleep], helmets and their ammo cartridges. we have to take a hazmat suit with us. it s minus 15 degrees celsius damn it [bleep] we had to use the gas masks yesterday. it was minus 12 degrees. we tried our best. they wanted us to [bleep] damn it they forced us to put on our gas masks outdoors damn it. cnn has not been able to verify that audio but it is consistent with the reporting of
translator: whatever we wear here, we bought ourselves. they re forcing us to go on camera to encourage the mobilized not to be afraid to come out and fight. we re spending up to 60,000 to 7,700,0 70,000 rubles on our own gear and it s rusty. i repainted so you couldn t see the rust. soon they will ask us to buy our own grenades. no one is supporting us. to be honest, i wouldn t let any of us out there. they give you blank ammo cartridges, which, when shot, simply fall to the ground. they trained us how to handle weapons, artillery, but it took the group just once to demonstrate how to use them. half the group didn t understand. some did. whatever knowledge we have is thanks to what we learned on our own. now, we can t independently investor the authenticity of the
me so you couldn t see the rust. we re buying everything. soon they will ask us to buy our own grenades. no one is supporting us. to be honest, i wouldn t lets any of us out there. they give you blank ammo cartridges, which when shot simply fall to the ground. they trained us how to handle weapons, artillery, but they took the whole group just once to demonstrate how to use them. half the group didn t understand. some did, whatever knowledge we have is thanks to what we ve learned on our own. colonel, of course we can t independently verify the authenticity of that call, but what s your reaction to what you heard? what a complete and utter disaster. what a disservice to those troops. as a former commander and a former leader of soldiers and airmen and marines and sailors, i looked at that particular tape and said this would never fly in anything that i was a part of. so what it shows us is the
jerry spoe dak. do you still stand by your support of this failed deal? you ratcheted it up and increased the debt ceiling. a senate debate and a conversation with tim cape and george allen. i m candy crowley, and this is state of the union. joining me is colorado governor john hickenlooper. governor, thank you so much for being here. catch me up now on the state of the investigation. well, the investigation continues now that we have had access to the apartment of the suspect. they ve got a lot more new information, and they will continue to put together the case. and what have they found in the apartment that might be useful? are they learning anything more about the suspect? you know what they have asked for me is to not talk about this, and they are learning more, you know, moment by moment. but like in any investigation like this, they are trying to make sure they are getting all of the information first before they release it publicly. sure. is there a