The Ahmedabad Police have lodged a first information report against Kiran Patel, who was arrested by the J-K Police for posing as an official of the PMO.
Among the unanswered questions about Kiran Bhai Patel is this: Who sanctioned the elaborate security cover for his multiple visits to the Union territory?
The court said there was “reasonable apprehension” that the accused could “contact…and shall definitely try to win over prosecution witnesses and…also destroy the evidence which has not been collected by the investigating agency so far”.
Mystery continues to shroud the role of the three men who accompanied Patel on his last visit to Kashmir. The three men have been “let go” by the police. They were part of the ‘PMO team’ which was staying at a hotel in Kashmir on the government's account.
The conman from Gujarat, Kiran Patel, who was caught impersonating a high-ranking officer of the Prime Minister's Office (PMO), had invested only Rs 100 during his Kashmir visits.