along with congressman byron donal accountas and john james i roy and republican conference confchair, at least the phonic. now, coming up, we will dove headfirst into the republican agenda from investigations to oversight to the abuse ofg power to removing fang fang s boyfriend from the intel. committee. weamittee. special look at the u. penn biden center for diplomacyo engagement made possible, itt appears, by the communist party of china.y afte now in 2014, shortly after acade establishing the academic center all in biden s name and appointing appointing the former vice president to lead the new department, 50 former million dollars in anonymous donations from china magically just poured right into the coffers. and the coffers. watchdog demanded that these sketchy donationsnd be investigated out of national security concerns. and now lndo and behold, breaking this week, a trove of top secret classified documents, including sensitive compartmented information from the oba
your borders, if you believe that you wane t to be able to fill up your tank but have money left over for food, you want to be energy independent. the story out of your stateli of california, the noticforniae i sent out to expecty your energy bill to double fromt where we were last year, because what gavin newsom has t done to california, he has shrunk our grid and then he tells you can only buy electrice car , then you can t charge it.: it y is the only charge aty chae between certain hours whichy will pay for what you say.% you ll pay 40% higher. ory of there is a reason why, forlifora the first time in the history of california, where decreasingi that people are leaving, it sy their democratic policiehas that they have tried to put here inn washington. and fortunately, when the americanthe americ public spoke here to congress, you now have a voice, you have a checkwe wil and balancl e and we will stand up. and that s our commitment. you knowi , congressmahave n, iw . i m one ofi