The crippling sanctions imposed on Russia for their 2014 and 2022 attacks on Russia now have more impact because of Russian actions in September First there was the unanticipated damage a major mobilization effort inflicted on the economy Vladimir Puti
Russian GDP will shrink at least 15 percent in 2022 It’s worse in Ukraine, where deliberate Russian missile and artillery attacks on economic targets are causing long-term economic damage In Russian occupied Ukraine there is no effort to repair e
South Asia is becoming a growing problem for China India (officially) and a growing number of Pakistanis (unofficially) see China as a major threat Currently China continues to move more troops to the Indian border to confront Indian forces and slowly
The war in Ukraine has attracted a lot of interest from military leaders, analysts and historians worldwide because it is the first direct near-peer conflict of the 21st century Such conflicts ceased once more nations acquired nuclear weapons after Worl