Constantly increasing temperatures and subsequent heat waves can be deadly for the organs, especially your kidneys which can stop functioning due to low-grade injuries. According to studies, chronic heat exposure can cause kidney failure, especially in those who are increasingly exposed to heat and dehydration. Read on to know how to protect and take care of your kidneys. , Health News, Times Now
Living Near Trees Prevents Blood Vessel Damage
ROCKVILLE, Maryland, January 21, 2021 (ENS) – Living near an abundance of green plants and trees can offset the negative effects of air pollution on blood vessel health, according to a first-of-its-kind study published ahead of print in the “American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology.”
A backyard picnic in a Simi Valley California home surrounded by bushes and trees, 2009 (Photo by Kent Kanouse)
Past research has shown that proximity to green space – trees, flowers and other vegetation – can lower blood pressure levels and the risk of heart disease. A number of environmental factors may come into play, including the increased opportunity for outdoor exercise, reduced mental stress and socioeconomic status.