hi, everybody. i m yasmin vossoughian. thanks for joining us on this busy saturday afternoon. we are watching hurricane henri as it approaches landfall. we expect a new update on the track in the hour ahead. millions of people in the path of the hurricane, grabbing supplies, preparing for what could be days and even weeks we hope not though without power. we have a live report coming up on that. we have new information on the situation at the kabul airport. nbc news reporting just a short time ago that a threat against the airport that led to a message to americans to stay away came not from the taliban but, in fact, from isis. coming up, i will get reaction to that from a congressman who is calling what is happening in afghanistan a, quote, catastrophe. we will take a deeper look at american intervention in the
and when he says why do we care what happens 7,000 miles away i think he forgot that al-qaeda also is 7,000 miles away on september 11th and by pulling away and abandoning, we are making ourselves less safe and we re not going to have allies the next time around with had we try to fight groups like isis. you ve written about american intervention in the middle east and how disastrous much of it has been in terms of the u.s. facilitating what s happening in yemen through the saudis and the war in iraq. to people that are watching this and thinking to themselves i see folks like liz cheney and lindsey graham and people proponents of constant military intervention in the region that has been disastrous and costly to the folks in the e are john first and foremost, to americans, to american lives, to american treasure and are saying there s always the argument to stay, what makes this different to those people to people that are thinking that way? there s two separate things, chris. f
that fought isis. that s why we were there fighting them. and when he says why do we care what happens 7,000 miles away i think he forgot that al-qaeda also is 7,000 miles away on september 11th and by pulling away and udbangening we are making ourselves less safe and we re not going to have allies the next time around when we try to fight groups like isis. you ve written about american intervention in the middle east and how disastrous america has been in terms of the u.s. facilitating what s happening in yemen through the saudis, the war in iraq obviously. to people that are watching this and thinking to themselves i see folks like liz cheney and lindsey graham and people proponents of constant military intervention in the region that has been disastrous and costly there s always the argument to stay. what makes those different to those, to those people thinking that? there s two separate things,
favoring greater intervention to save lives in syria, the real game is what happens with the next administration? if there is a president clinton, would there be a no fly zone, a safe haven? what policy options would be on the table. if there is a president trump it is unclear what there would be. they have argued for more against isis and american intervention in the middle east. it is hard to understand exactly what you would get. certainly the question is what happens if there is a clinton administration. will there be a break and do more than there was in the obama administration on syria. gail, thank you very much. more ahead here on andrea mitchell reports. we ll be right back. lemonade. is that ice-t? lemonade. ice-t? what s with these people, man? lemonade, read the sign. lemonade. read it. ok. delicious. ice-t at a lemonade stand? surprising. what s not surprising?
than president obama did in his speech which is what peggy noonan says in her op-ed? well, hardly shocking that this former kgb operator would take several verbal shots at least at the history of american intervention in the middle east over the last 12 years. as far as a better argument, it seems to me that putin has the administration in a box to some degree. he can be provocative this was basically sort of pompous propaganda, taking at obama policy but right now president obama needs vladmir putin because he offered an escape hatch by coming forward with this plan to inspect and confiscate the syrian chemical weapons at a time when our president could not get much public support or support on capitol hill for his plan for airstrikes against syria. gregg: i want your reaction to how the media has been reported this story and in particular, you know, the op-eds, the editorials and so forth. they have been highly critical