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When President Trump allegedly asked his Ukrainian counterpart to investigate the Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden world news from the b.b.c. Brazil s chief prosecutor says there is insufficient evidence to investigate President Jaya both after leaks allegations from a witness appeared to link him with the murder of originary politician Mariella Franco goes that are said he was asking prosecutors in Rio to investigate what could amounts to folds evidence president Bolton has angrily denied the allegations . The Indian state of Java One Kashmir is being split into 2 federally administered territories today sponsored changes introduced an orchestra in the Hindu nationalist government in Delhi revoke the special status of the disputed region or South Asia editor and vote as an aide to Raj and reports. There are sporadic protests in India and cast me its biggest city state and I go ahead of the family bifurcation of the state of Jammu and Kashmir under the new arrangement the reg
Ankle and a severe head injury killing him a jury heard baby Mackenzie Ellis died in July of last year Leven and denies murder but has pleaded guilty to manslaughter Leon lawless reports Katrina Alice Mackenzie s mother broke down in tears today in the witness stand as she was giving evidence and remember the moment she realized her baby was unconscious she said he was making weird noises and his eyes were closed I felt worried scat the prosecution asked her Did you ask Lee Vernon what a top and she replied He said nothing he just sat baby Mackenzie was a response of more than 112000 people across the country have had to give up their job or retire early to care for a loved one with dementia That s according to the Alzheimer s Society who say the government must act now to overhaul Social care shelter works at the deal Center for the retired u.s. Support groups are provided almost every day because of demand I hear all the time I have people tell me crying in there at the end of day.
Off roading basically having the whole car. And looking sorta looking. Yeah I think it s I think I honestly think electric bikes are going to sweep the country you can rent them if you want to try em. Probably not where you are but if you could maybe St Paul you know they might. Lift have bikes were has something called Jump bikes or rental electric bikes give you some sense remember there are more beat up than yours would be. In fact there are some of them are really beat up there maybe not as comfortable but at least give you a sense of what it s like to ride an electric bike I did that I wrote a few electric bikes before I bought one I m very glad I did I m extremely happy I think I honestly think this is the wave of the future no emissions there you know you get about 20 to 30 mile range depending on the bike in the size of the battery certainly enough to go to the grocery store and come back. That s why I put a basket on mine in a net so I could I can go shopping do that the othe