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Music scene as a guitarist he's amazing I've seen him play to sold out packed I mean packed houses you guys got to know this guy around town and then might to his immediate left we have the news a call popular social media sensation and Danny come on wow oh my god isn't she's talked like this. So channeling like Kylie Jenner. I thought your lips are real so sorry Kylie Wow I'm so excited to have you both here like so seriously excited and be here you know I'm even more excited so you know the topic of farts today's show is how millennia old basically are changing the music scene I think I see it now we have a lot of new popular artists popping out their music is totally totally change and I think it's because we're in l.a. Los Angeles I think that because we have Capitol Records we have Biocon here we have a bunch of you know music outlets that enable like totally provide for what we hear today and I want to talk about how the music is being influenced by these people you see here 1st we're going to start off with Tyler Murphy and you know what I googled Tyler I wanted to let you guys know when you Google Tyler Murphy do you know how many Tyler Murphy pop up like on but like the web seriously I do know what's wrong with you I didn't know which one was you the only way I could find like Tyler Murphy Tyler Murphy was there was Instagram which I had like basically stopped to get to know you better Ok so yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so like you guys are completely different like Tyler dad is basically he's your classic all like music like rock artist but little bit of an a little bit of like how do I how its name like up tempo I've been to your shows Yeah how would you describe the music I like to just really incorporate a bunch of different daughters to be honest like I grew up in my house of rock n roll with blues. My dad was just a really music honest or he wasn't necessarily a player himself like you couldn't ground keyboards and all that good stuff. But he taught me how to appreciate all kinds of music for sure you know depth so there was definitely soul being played there was. All. Those very different very different Danielle I mean 10. To Dan and da and I Dand cones and my nickname but then like people just started calling me it so then I was like want to go by Danny on the Danny Ok which is you know there's another Danny with the morning morning show with Sam Danny and Sam a morning show anyway so many Danny Danny come when I google Danny Cohn does Danny come on you have so many videos you this is ridiculous so you have was not ridiculous as you work hard. Danny Cohen has when I say millions one of your music videos has over 5000000 views and that is like seriously I mean I think you have the right to call your stop yourself your social media sensation the kind of like a pop star would you I mean not Britney Spears status but definitely in your own right and you know where are you from Florida Laura and you're from Oregon right so we had this conversation before I wanted to know more about you because you know what I googled both of them and some of the information that I come up with is wrong so they're going to correct me or clap back by say anything wrong so Danny like you are seriously you are so seriously channeling nails put your nails up to let their nails not gorgeous like Ok so Carty be supported those same nails you guys remember actually go to the same place I'm pretty sure no way they're same as they posted her and I was like to she go and they really can't she came here once. Wow only in l.a. I also goes there Kylie goes you guys have the same Yeah. Ok yeah yeah we call it the girl talk Ok going back to you Tyler So you know what I was able to see a few of your musical posts of the Instagram and one thing I noticed in the ass. Guys about your origin I see that you have like a really you have supportive parents. Yeah absolutely. I absolutely have to support Yes and I see that your I guess the musical side is from your dad is that true I wouldn't say that I would say that there's definitely they both just love music definitely my dad is more of a archival music listener like he does that mean he's got this giant collection of music like we've always just known that dad has the craziest cd record collection ever like even to this day is just this giant show like thousands of C.D.'s My mom just listens to music kind of the same way where she just loves music yes oh in the South so you guys I was track I guys I do my research I was tracking his Instagram is that not the cutest boy ever so. Look at that that is so freaking cute is that your mama that's my mama you and your mama you really resemble her oh yeah beautiful she Irish you know I don't think so I don't know if you look at us we're really. Quite a bit Mexican My dad was Mexican I was adopted to a white family hence the name Murphy I was wondering bad but I really don't know too much about my heritage to be oh wow oh my God So you are Multi Racial and you play guitar and the roots of your music you said that you were your musical influence basically it's changed so much but back in the day like I said Rock n roll definitely that's where I got kind of like just the voicing in the of those guitar players like to this day people say Who are your favorites are players and all. Always the Angus Young from AC d.c. In there and people kind of. Know you don't understand to this day 40 years later those guitar solos like are just brilliant they're not saying too much they're grabbing you right where it needs to grab you because you know what you want to channel when you play Ok let me imitate Tyler playing if you've never been to a show. Oh that's good that's really good. Oh my God. He's channeling if you know this musician guy Stevie Ray Vaughan. Stevie Ray Vaughan is one of like what they call of rock n roll God and he plays like you he's like the expressions are so amazing amazing and you hear all the music and all the notes and he's so excited when he's playing and he's just really exciting to watch and I think you're really exciting to watch to have seen you with your band mates and I think it's really like exclusive Yes yeah and Danny Danny Oh my gosh so you as the teen pop sensation Danny Cohn like your music is well Ok and hence you can walk criticism from social media and I guess more like some haters out there so what is like what would you call it like your job. So I guess like right now I kind of like Paul up but I feel like as I like grow older and like grow more with my music career I kind of want to do different things and not just like to pop because now I'm just like a stick in my things because if I can now I'm just starting getting into music and I want to move forward with that and actually get into like more Jon Ronson like see what I like the most like like how my voice is like what I want to do yeah you have a song which your bestie Emma and she your bestie. I mean she looks like your bestie no offense to Emma like I love you but I don't know if we're best we don't really hang out as much but we like hang out good. There some tension between you know I mean I love her like she's like you but we don't like hang out like every day we're not like best but she's in your music video and she's thinking what is the song you guys have going that that's her song Oh that's her. Is your name and it's like a cute little like some Lena Gomez and like Demi Lovato kind of thing you guys are like singing about what is it delete click it click delete click and really like what is it 9000000 or 5 over 5000000 views I think it's over a 1000000 over a 1000000. It's on. Its own but I don't know like it's your face like you know for the cover so I'm thinking it's your song yeah I was wrong I was really confused because in the video I had had like a singing part I'd like one line and then she like it was her singing and they had me like lip singing and this is it me singing and I was like but some people think it is you know. So is it you're sinking or not no so it's her song kind of I came in there was a rapping part that really do you want to rap and sing I'm not a rapper but I guess I can try some people there rapper but they're not yeah I would definitely not Ok well you're really cute in the video and you look adorable your hair is curled you definitely stand out and you do actually have a singing part which is actually your stinking voice in that bad girl friend I think it is so not about who produced the song Honestly I don't. I don't remember. The make that many songs. The thing was that like I knew period does my songs because I work with the same people but when I do like songs with other people I don't really pay attention I'm just like no I'm just doing it with. Something like that Ok. All right we'll skip over that and say you don't want to offend anybody yeah we do I mean I love Emma but yeah I mean friends come and go right yeah but she's not like I don't not like best. But like we're friends Ok all right just like Slim Gomez and Demi Lovato they're not best but they're friends it's Ok yeah we can call you guys just I guess associates we call Ok All right back to you Tyler we have to have to go back and forth you guys have said you guys are really different but you have some similarities and I don't think we were just talking about right before the show started we were talking about like high school and like how you guys were before coming to l.a. Los Angeles I had a chance to look over Tyler it's Instagram and I hope you don't mind me prying some questions I have Ok for Tyler Ok So Tyler you're in high school you were basically like all around student Ok so we have pictures I was my last student Ok maybe we don't want to say this over air not but we saw you like Ok so I saw you in the drama club I saw you hanging with some like football players I saw a bunch of girls around you I guess that's kind of typical for you I saw you playing guitar and being like you know like all around you seem like one of those you know those kids like in high school that are like friends with everybody and you wish you were them and they're really popular and you wish you could be like getting along with everyone else but you don't get along with everybody and there's like different social groups so Tyler I want to ask you Were you like I mean you can say you know on the show I mean what you consider soft like popular. Sounds a little bit but I would I would say I just I just I was myself for the most part and I really tried to be as friends with as many people as I could because especially later on in high school seniors especially my senior year for sure that's when I really started getting into especially choir like Dr poa group we had in high school Capello's name the group it was called Sparta Capello we were the high school Spartans it was very hard ends Ok what is this part one. This pardon it's like Grigory Ok Ok I see that it's a really popular like name for a teen for that to ask Ok so yeah Ok so how are your grades. The best not you know here's the thing is I always knew that I was going to be doing music I wasn't smart kid I drove my teachers and everybody freakin nuts all the time because I was I was I'm not going to say I was a genius but also a smart kid like I understood everything but I was just the homework and you can ask my mom about that oh man I draw. My teachers because I you know I would give I was really close to a lot of my teachers like one teacher in particular my creative writing teacher Ms Griffin my senior year in its grip and Mr Griffin. I was I would say that was one of my strengths was writing I really loved writing but I would never turn anything in and you know I would drive her nuts I was the class clown but she still really she liked me as a person she's so cool I want that and also important as we will talk about that's so important likable to your teachers that you guys know that I was a teacher for 3 years Oh no yes I was I was like listen so this is how it went so I didn't know exactly what I want to teach so I did student teaching for 3 years student teacher and I taught English creative writing and I was also the fashion design to teach teacher for a year until I got my replacement but my most like this these are some pet peeves of mine being a teacher. Kids that come in late because you guys your money like going to schools free but it's not really free it's taxpayers' money that you're on so when the kids come in late that's like a big loop for the school because it's taxpayers' money and for every kid that's late the school suffers penalties and you know that yes they need READY. You know that yes it's not it's not Ok being late sound Ok kids turning in their assignments is not Ok because we'd have to I mean sometimes you never get their homework and it really you know I have to find out ways Tom I got to supplement this kid who's not turning in this work he's not paying attention in class but expects to pass so. That's my bit there are no you doing here not turning on homework that's not Ok but anyway another question I want to ask besides the credentials So Tyler you know what are your Instagram and I can pull that up right now when I look through your Instagram I see quite a few picture honest with you and the ladies Oh you what's your situation right now I am in a very very awesome illusion ship with Mystere Beverly isn't she like when your band mates hops on she's she's her own artist so she will hop on our shows as like a featured artist a lot of the times she definitely rolls with our crew but she's an incredible singers Oh she's beautiful Ok. She her minds me a. Little bit really cute Kerney here thin you guys look actually really cute together and that's I think that's the that's not that's not her who does this that's not her that's was that that's our friendship. Ok and I look through that to you and her that's so cue cards so cute Ok so how long have you guys when you meet it's actually a pretty funny story so she's 2 years younger than I like how young she's $21.00 I'm $23.00 Ok so we went to the same music school at different times I was in the associates program when that's as far as it would go it was only a year to have program after after I graduated I was you know you don't know it's all right now it's in college and college and you went to l.a. What is a Los Angeles yet the Los Angeles College of Music that you. Going and coming and going I don't care I'm straight up to high school oh wow Ok that's what I was wondering and a cute picture of I was a barista at the Starbucks. Coffee Oh I didn't know what that meant. Listen when I came here to l.a. I had to get used to like the lingo and I'm just not used to I mean there's other what the skateboard kids have all type of lingo and you know on top of tricks they do when you know I listen I spent 2 years in New York I just now learned that maint meant car that means car taxes car is car so I did now yeah Ok Danny listen are you in a relationship please answer honestly Yes Ok with this name his name is Mike you actually really public with oh you want to yes about it going to the public Ok so this cone has. What's his name. Mike Ok I think I saw Mikey at a red carpet that you were on with tie dollar signs with you Yeah Ok a little curly pre Justin Timberlake like in the pre-teen it looks really handsome a really handsome young man Ok so you would Mikey early like a really close now you guys close in age to. He's 16 I'm 14000. That. Are pains to just because we like how don't long story of getting in a relationship we really really good friends and then I was in a relationship with someone that wasn't like it was really talk sick and he was like my best friend at the time and he was also kind of in something talk sick and then like he's really protective over You Tube I saw a video when you were trying out costumes that weren't totally. So this stuff is all on You Tube In case you guys are wondering the social media so that's the thing about social media it's like it doesn't go away if you delete it it's there so this guy Mikey and he's really protective of you you know with parents Yeah Ok you guys have met my how long you've been dating. For former 4 months now does he also do music. Now it's like we've we were like best friends we met like. 2 years ago when we were best friends for a long time and then we got in a car accident together that it was like really scary I solved it and then we were kind of you were like bandage and you're like yeah we'd like you to have it and then like a couple weeks after yes ma'am and really like and then he was like like I guess he had liked me like he thought he liked to me and then I wasn't like sure I was like I don't know if I like you I just think of him as my best friend and then after that we were kind of just like yeah we like each other. A cute story it's like you know when those teen stories the puppy loves you guys remember when you were 14 so cute i have to ask about that Ok Well we're going to get back into that but something I want to bring up and that really relates to being both of you in your own rights are kind of your popular you Tyler you are popping in l.a. And you have a group that you perform with what's your group again so for is that the name of that the company or like the group so yeah so the company itself was so full noise and then the band were the Nords the noise Ok No it's not really like that lipstick on this it's not really no ways because you guys sound actually really amazing So Tyler you are like I mean you're buzzing around l.a. And I checked out other venues and every single one where you're playing with your like your group I mean it's amazing like you are like a real like amazing and I would have had you on my show if I didn't think. And Rudy knows this I read talk heavy really about Tyler and I'm so excited to have you here and you Dan a year your own I'm still so amazed at like how you young people are using social media to like expose yourselves and to get out there and to become successful and I think it isn't like incredible Isn't that like I mean seriously it's an example of that So Danny correct me if I'm wrong is it true that you live in a $1400000.00 house. And loss yes because that was true. Yes And actually you started off I think experimenting with music Lily young music and you made enough videos and you were paid catch enough that your mother stopped working 2 jobs and was able to support you off of your music is that not like Amy But then when I started getting big it was more like companies started coming to me in their Like can you promote me and then I started like making money off that you made my so musically what would be other companies that came to you it was like just like at companies I think the main ones wouldn't was like colors which they would like be like promote our app will give you. A at the time like I didn't have like a Pay Pal or anything so they just told me to make one and then my mom was like where's like she was like if someone like hacking our Cali where is this money coming from and I was like oh these companies are paying me money and she was average She was like. Who's paying you money but then like she started like knowing what it was and then he kind of like after. Ok I'm still like brain fart Ok so your mother this is in Florida she was working was it 2 full time jobs 2 full time and there's so many single parents guys so her kid who was just basically messing with an app at home made a nothing. Music videos that companies started to track this girl down because she was so cute and fun to watch and start paying her so her mom said you know what my kid's talented. I want to stop work and not be home let her make this money and you know what a night I debated this in my head and I thought about this Ok so if I was a single parent and I had a kid and I was working 2 jobs just is it just you by the way it's just you know I have a brother 2 kids 2 full time jobs and my kids started voluntarily paying some bills yeah I think that's I mean why not and you can say what you want to say but I thought about this thoroughly in my head and I think it's amazing what kids are actually able to do now with these new apps so you how many songs have you made so far I think many of. You give me like 5 really 5 songs on You Tube Yeah 8 songs I think it's like almost if it's not a 1000000 it's over a 1000000 yes there's one song that's like most that 10000000 but that's as you to pay. They pay like it's it's not really them hang it's more of just that company so if you get like an ad in your video you get paid for that oh my God So you got a lot of clicks because I saw your house in Los Angeles and it's really it's a cute house guys it's so expensive to live in Los Angeles I tell people all the time if you cannot afford this lifestyle you know what stay where you are because it's not going to get there we have a really large homeless population just a bill you guys and they're Ok Also Danny like I'm looking at your videos I'm looking at your likes and you know there is actually we've talked about this in my icon award you know I would talk about this on the show you have a very famous hater famous hater by the. Name of bad bank b.b. Or bet Daniel Pearl goalie do you know a Daniel Pearl goalie Yeah Ok so what do you think what do you think is going on with that because you said some really nasty things about you I mean like I like when I watch this stuff I laugh. But. I mean like she's funny I get some of the things she does I don't know if I agree with. You think she's funny yeah I think she's funny like she's nice and she's nice I've met her. I've see I haven't like really like met met her but I've been in the same like place with her and like I saw how she acts I mean she's not only I don't I mean I don't know I never like met her met her but I like seeing her she is Ok so you know we're going to talk about bullies right Ok so if this if this offends you please just turn off your set right now listen I was watching You Tube And like I said why do I investigate my clients my guests on the show before I have them on here and I want to let them know what circulating so you can come to handle the situation before you get on the show so I actually there's a big show that was made to kind of target the new and upcoming generation like yourself like you guys and unfortunately what we have today is a lot of haters a lot of haters that don't feel like you belong there so this is why this is why Daniel says I'm going to play it. That wasn't very nice. Danube or go really is a rapper or slash Social media artists and. She makes videos just like Danny Cohen over here but she seems to think she has some type of superiority in the business because I guess her age or you know she targets other kids that had me at Matt actually at the Teen Choice Awards. That are just like Lauren what's her name Lauren she looks like a Barbie doll. Like an actual living but yes she is I think Lauren Graham Tyler before. Ok I don't think Tyler is really in tune with this type of music but it's good that you know you know we have people that. Hey treat comes from a spot of I think it's actually admiration to you wouldn't you say so optimism for sure I mean how does a nice cool. Yeah. I wouldn't say it was like bad dress or have you ever gotten beat up Tyler like because someone thought you were just the ladies' man or you're hitting on someone else's woman or they think you're you know you're just too you think you're all that because listen and high school guys I was always I was always bullied I was but I was bully the 30 something years and I have been bullied up into adulthood and I'll tell you I don't know the reason why but there was always somebody who thought oh she thinks she's the 2 This used to that I always came dressed nicely to school that's the way my mom brought me up you know my hair was always done I always looked nice and for whatever reason I could just be sitting at my desk and I'll get someone like. A piece of paper or one you know before social media and just throw it at me and also be sitting like what the hell like what the hell you know just for no reason like bullied and you know when it got physical of course I mean I would also get in trouble with like that my bully or not this thought that was so mean but in the spirit of like hatred and hate or you know I come to realize as an adult that bullying also comes from a place of admiration. You guys say so but I'm pretty sure you had at least one Tyler come on you've had it once in your life you've gotten into it with at least one person in your life. That's different what about women and how tall are you. I believe I am 16 when did you become 6 to Mr tar you know I would say I was between 511. 6 foot from. Junior high school junior high school in the women 8th grade you have to shot up to at least 6 feet. Now I think I think I did mark the end of high school and the high school or a little bit more Ok yeah you don't look like somebody who'd be bullied Anyway I think you look like someone to do the bullying. Yes When you say Danny well. I don't know I don't think he was just like a knight Ok we don't have on as a people on my show today and I don't think that's fair bullying is something that I think that people go through and think about our stars today Ok so in the media we've we have a rap battles and we have our musical battles Ok Taylor Swift is constantly Actually this last Emmys award I think she was asked a question by was an entertainment and the the interviewer had some nasty things to say she was like oh you're going to be taken away some awards today some some awards home and probably some men too and Taylor Swift just like excuse me. But she handles herself very well so what do you say when you I don't know if you've ever been asked questions like I don't know this is your 1st time like really getting hit with the questions when someone says something really offensive to yeah as a musician as a person like you know mock year over year you're channeling someone else or you didn't get your originality for your you know just thinking about yourself you're trying to copy another artist you're trying to copy with this guy from Red Hot Chili Peppers Anthony I think it's Anthony Davis correctly. So sorry Anthony Kiedis . Something What do you how do you plot back to that my thing is don't just you know if people are in that state of admiration like you're saying that a lot of bowing stems from then I would say just keep being yourself and if you know true in your heart that you are one with your craft and with your r. And you're doing what you want to because that's the thing is music is subjective you're always going to have people who are totally cooking with what you put out so your job is to be true to yourself with your art because that's what it is is it's art absolutely there are people that try and certain trends and waves and all that good stuff but at the same time like so if you have someone that's saying whatever they're saying just be yourself and you shouldn't have to worry about that not saying that not everything's not going to get to you but at the same time if you stay focused and you know we are as artists we want to make it in this industry we want to be successful as young artists as young artists right so we have you know we have a whole lot more career to go so who's to say that maybe in 10 years might piss me off you know but I would hope seem so calm and collected right now you have to be so you have to be because there's a lot of craziness there's a lot of craziness and I'm sure some crazy things that have happened on stage too all you are going to happen we will do yet Danny so how would you recall would you clot back that was pretty nasty with Dan It would be goalies had bad is it bad baby or bad was it. Bad is it Bobby or baby bad baby how do you how do you cut back to that so that's actually not the worst thing that I've got I've got some anyway what's the worst thing they've gotten I would say the least I've gotten like paragraphs about how disgusting I am but I'd say the worst thing is I'm going to death that it's excuse me yeah and I'm like oh I have a mean people be like I'm in a common I'm like killing of course nothing ever happens but like where is mom. Debts may have made it death threats but what I don't know like this like I hate you so much I want to kill you and I'm just like Ok you does it like for example when I got in my car accident people are like people like oh my god thank god like I'm so mad you should have died they all this stuff like they get. Death threats. Seriously so after your accident you have people basically go on like your social media said I hope you die they were like I wish you would have died. That is like that when you tried to have me funny because I'm just like the fact that these people are taking time out of their day to come and call me on it just shows like how miserable they are with their own life that they have to do that to someone else well that's a really mature way to look at it Danny Well that would that would traumatize me you finally made it and you're able to pay your mama's bills and people wishing you not doing your obvious and not doing something when I think your mom is doing plenty right as she's gotten you and you've gotten yourself where you are right now oh my God So that's the worst thing how do you get people like girls jealous and do nasty things anyone ever this is something that goes on by the way and it's happened to me has anyone ever like your house. I mean I like where I live pretty private. But I when I leave to live in an apartment in l.a. Actually a fan lives in my apartment and found out where I lived and that's so not safe how do you find your address Well they were they lived in the apartment complex Ok so they were just like oh my god you're genial and then that like was right before I moved to thank God But I got Yeah usually I kind of like keep it like pretty private all like meet fans like. Livin stuff but I like if they ask me why do you live around here be like No I live far so they don't know so people recognize you and did Has anyone ever followed you home this listen everything I'm talking about has happened. Ok so this is like really really I can imagine at 14 How would you would feel honest how you would feel somebody from all of them. And figuring out where you live so they know your house and I mean this is really like this is so not funny but it's happened as anyone ever like so be where Holly definitely followed me like around like after meeting me in green stuff if I go to like either something or I go somewhere they'll follow me around but I've never had someone follow me around like my house how do you sort of have you had to have a restraining order on anyone anyone's ever because you told me that you've gotten like death threats so when you get death threats is this be a Instagram or You Tube like more like on call them and comments Ok so you see their icon we are able to block them I'm pretty sure you're able to block Yeah you can block them but I just say I'm going to really I don't care you're just like giving me money like you keep calling me and then I'm just getting more attention so like to. Thank you Danny you make this girl like more pop and I think after that this is like a few months ago right after that I think your viewership even went up more oh she gave me a liking about yes oh my God Well you're darling and really cute girl so I thought I wanted to ask you as well so what does what is your name Mikey what is Mikey think about like your success is the like one of those jealous boyfriends that doesn't want you to this is what this and the reality show world and by the way I have appeared in a few reality shows you guys are going to see me November go forth on let's make a deal it's going to bring it out there. In reality show world a lot of couples end up breaking up because the jealousy and the attention that you know one person is making Has there been tension lately because you guys seem to be cute and you know friendly right now but what happens like Izzy is he Ok with your success I think he's Ok with it I don't. I think he likes it as much as people think he does I especially like how you're saying like is he protective he gets super protective especially like if I'm like somewhere and they'll be girls that will come up to me and they'll be like you know your face like I don't like you and so he gets mad in the Look he'll want to say something that so he gets really annoyed with it and then especially like if we're out somewhere has he had to punch someone like Kanye you know here's how to do that but he does you got underestimate how common the jealousy amongst like the guys speaking of jealousy now you Tyler your girlfriend is also a musician and this is why I'm asking a question to you has she ever had to basically knock out a girl because she got to call Tyler like there's like. Let's go to that anyone out being like disrespectful to your man look at this guy right like he's pretty cute right he's pretty she's being modest right now but listen like I've watched a few shows I'm not sure if they know that I watch a fever shows Tyler and I need to ask this honestly has your girlfriend had to like correct any of these females from getting too close to argue how to meet body d.m.u. That is like being a little too friendly and you had to let them know that you have a girlfriend answer honestly please Yes So 1st off I want to say she's prettier than me so she can so I feel like it's too it's how you carry yourself like. I get . But I've the same I do not have the internal swagger in order to whatever I don't know that's just not really how I roll. Through that Ok so I was not being entirely honest but that's Ok he's trying to protect this little love thing he has going on which is so cute by the way. But that's a common thing that goes on with musicians and the thing I want to talk about so you guys have some projects coming up I know both of you have released dates for your music Danny don't you have like a listening party coming up and yeah it's an Amway is in Hollywood it's downtown l.a. Downtown l.a. Ok talk about your like listening party and where it is information so I don't know all the information on this usually my mom handles all of that your momma's your oh by the way Ok So Danny has what I call a Christian or Ok maybe not at that level but she has a mom and her and she would it would all she do because we want to know. Your mom's I mean like by the way handles like all my leg brand deals and stuff I've recently just got a manager is more like just for the acting side and just like is doing that my mom like basically does like everything I mean I had all my social media is that's one thing that I won't let her do that I see like all of my friends do it to the like have their moms like have an account on their paycheck they can like going into their friends and I'm not doing that like I do not want my mom talk to my fans like that's creepy 1st of all it's a creepy like yeah I thought your mom was like oh cool mom I think your mom is almost like not when because some like a lot of kids will have like their parents do their social media because they want to have fun and they don't want to wait a minute wait a minute Ok so a lot of kids have their parents do the social media so they can relive their childhood. I don't know honestly but like my mom she's never tried to do that and I've never had like to have her do that because I'm just like my fans are texting me because like they don't want to talk to like anyone else they're trying to like reach out to me like I'm not going to have someone like do that for me because I know a lot of people and pay people to do that you know it's like Ok Ok so your mom how you do your own social media tools like everything everything else Ok so your song you have a song coming out as that. To talk about it it's Ok so your song what is the name of your song it's called California California time when it's about. I was actually New York when I told Usually I write my own songs but I told the person that I wanted like a California song something and so they wrote it for me and then I liked it. It's just mainly about just like California and like how it's super fun like what there is to do cool stuff like your Marilyn Monroe song so cute. She has a song called Marilyn it's a durable live release here when I was young I was very obsessive when she was young the hear that guys so show the millennial talk yeah I demanded at the time I was like you create a song and I was like I'm not that good at singing like how you are and I was like maybe a rap song I was like and it was about Marilyn Monroe and then it kind of went viral and blew me up Ok well that's really cute you have to me so when is your release party talk to Mike my release party is on the 26th I think yeah and I'm just like it's like for all my friends and I want to make sure that my song and. Then it's going to go Ok so it's going to be the 26th of October and is there like I've been you that you have it yeah Ok can you tell the name of the band you. See I don't even know the name of the moment that's a job for the mom so the mom I'm just going to perm your venue and your release date and I'm pretty sure it's going to be awesome she like has like and by thing and she just sent it to mean that I said tell me so here Ok your doorbell Danny Ok and Tyler talking straight into the mike so you have some other things coming up to know what's going on there absolutely is so right now we're just diving right into the soulful noise which is an awesome like company every artist I've actually met a part of the soulful new. As has been lying Wow Why hasn't this person made it yet like a record deal but I don't and that's what we were trying to help do is we promote independent artists and we give them a lot of stuff that they don't that take years to develop those relationships and those resources that take really long time to develop like man especially for great singers and artists like you know hard it is to get a great band like Yeah I've seen it not just a great guitar player not just a great drummer not just a great keyboardist but an actual. Band that locks in is totally in sync luck you know I think God that we have the crew that we do because I mean they're all just so amazing in their own individual instruments too like you know I do my thing but you had Rudy on last week and really just an amazing keyboard as we got set on keys as well we got Jaylen were my best friends in the whole world. Oh yeah did I meet hand your last solo noise and this is I actually met a lot of these artists so they're going to be performing live what's the next I mean we want to know where we can catch you so we can be you know will be right on the beach Venice Beach at the Venice Beach Bar We have actually our 1st ladies' night so it's going to be really are hard hitters that are all female it's going to be all female artists and the largest It's an awesome. Guy see what I was talking about he's always surrounded by women my girl and. You know so that's what I want to get back to listen you're always on the by women yeah you're a happening thing around l.a. Ok And I've heard the music a lot of your music is on Instagram but where can we find like what can we buy your music i want i Tunes or you have Apple as Apple music or sure right now that's that's one of the biggest things is actually recorded material I'm such a live performer my focus a little too much on the live performance and. It's where you can your shows where they're always packed out form and then form like before to to ensure you perform live where was that Were you performing your song What was it and wasn't click delete and I was on You Tube You had a live performance and you said Don't you have another life show coming up so I try to keep track of these guys like see where they're going well because I listen I am so frickin jealous that I am not getting to live like their dream basically they have made careers out of what they love to do and if you know if you're someone out there you're an artist and you're starving in your business basically how you eat listen there's still hope social media has provided like so much awareness and you can just add a click of a button you could share your life and share your music and share your world and I just think the millennial stuff today are just I mean I don't I don't know how to describe it but one thing I am I am jealous I wish this was around when I was younger I could have like a freakin bank off of music Lily or whatever you know app that you chose are you you don't want to get famous but I'm so like freakin fascinated by the youth of today and what they're able to do what their sounds and their voices and I mean I was I wish I could go back in time and just like. I'm giving this I'm doing that and just you know but I'm not able to do that but you know what is taught me a lot and I'm I'm so grateful and I'm so grateful to have both of these youngsters here this is Danny Cohn pop star what I call pops pop musician slash Social Media advancement and she has plenty there's so much where she comes from agree. Less dissed Danny goalie I don't name the goalie I don't even know how to say her rap name if she's a rap battle Babbitt whatever and we have time I'm so bad we have Tyler Murphy who is really like a happening. In l.a. And I'm so excited and you guys you're on the show and I wish you guys the best but I'm going to be checking you guys I'm going to be following both of you and we're going to know what's going on in the future about their advancements and what they have gone on to check up there so show me what your social media can Tyler Tyler Smiffy. If you can find whatever I've got on your icons like a guy with a guitar right there and that's it and then you got to get so yes your social media Danny. Daniel Cohn spell cone c o c o h and everyone thinks it's like c. And you but then like everyone actually thinks my name is Cohen but it's just Conan and I'm like I'm just like that and like. Yeah we'll figure it out but anyway you guys are so amazing Ok guys you know what it's 84 check me out next time we're going to have more or more way more well not as the I'm just kidding I like to like pick up my guests but you guys tune in next time we're going to have a few actors here for a reality show people so you don't want to miss it Ok it's Iowa 84 are. You going to. Say because. You. Never. Because you knew. The. Truth. True. It's. Because. You've gone. In. Because you knew the. Law Melinda listen on 10th of one of the 2.3 and 106.5. 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