They write about those things notice if you will look in verse 3 Paul said I delivered unto you 1st of all do you see that 1st of all look at it 1st of all I delivered on your 1st of all that which I also received now he doesn t mean that s the 1st thing I said he s not saying this is the 1st illogically he s saying it is of prime importance this is the 1st thing this is the major thing no matter what else you do if you don t get this you have missed it all somebody said a long time ago the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing in the main thing is the gospel no matter what else the church does if it doesn t preach the gospel it has missed the main thing it has missed the 1st thing now the 3 things I want you to learn about the Gospel tonight as we talk about the purpose of his passion the gospel truth 1st of all I want you to see the scriptural content of the Gospel I ve already mentioned it to you but now we re going to slow down and look at a little bit more the death
Characterizes us where he is she made a point because of that waywardness in us we need the sheep fold and we need the shepherd and we need the chief shepherd they just keep going they don t come back you ever tried to get rid of a cat take one out of the woods. They come back dog comes back the horse can climb the barn again but those sheep. Are not only the sheep wayward I sheep is weak no way a word most of the sheep in the weakness of the she you know she just has no way to protect himself again the horse can run them you can kick the cat can scratch the dog can bite the skunk. You know what he knew. But not the sheep you know the Bible says is a sheep before sheers is dumb so he opens not his mouth we lead is the lambs to the slaughter all b.s. Picture the weakness of the sheet but you see not only is there the waywardness of the sheep in the weakness of the sheep there is the worthwhileness of the sheep the worth of the sheep because the sheep is a valued animal and the Lord val
This scripture Beals with the preacher the man of God the past. And it s Adrian Rogers and his lesson from 1st Peter Chapter 5 The shepherd and his sheep we re going to hear more of this lesson straight ahead on love worth finding Stay with us from the heart of a listener named n. Drea She writes the love worth finding you are the 1st one to reach me you have saved my life I cannot express my gratitude please keep explaining the Bible and God s word the way you do I get it now I sincerely thought that I was doomed that only the worthy were capable of understanding and receiving May God bless you always I think that s the real purpose of this program the lessons from Adrian Rogers take the Bible and clearly explain what s inside and when she wrote you were the 1st one to reach me what she s saying is God use the lessons here to pull the veil back for me to illumine my heart about the truth about myself about who God is and about his love all we thank God for that and we thank him that
They believed in his name but Jesus did not interest himself to them for he knew men and he knew what was intimate and he did not need the testimony of men concerning me remember that there s only one person in this room who knows for sure you re say that you and you also know whether or not to say that you I don t know you look saved to me. Save you sometimes but they shoot is there s only one person that knows for sure and that you you know for sure whether you have bench your knees to God and said Lord if apart from you I m not going to get to Heaven my whole dependency on my leaving this earth and going into your presence is on you it s not on my church it s not on what I m done for you it s totally upon you and you alone as to what you have done for me I didn t deserve it I didn t earn it but I m sure accepted it because if you re not it I don t it s that simple in the guy if Jesus if you re not the one then I won t be there Parry it in fact if you re not the one I don t want to
The seeds you know kids love adults love to pick one and then blow on it and it s almost magical the way the seeds just float in the air even when there s not a breeze they just they take their sweet time before they get to the ground and with the slightest of breeze it turns out that they ll go a kilometer before they hit the ground or it s that maze and we re not talking about during a tornado or hurricane we re talking about on a normal summer day they ll go a kilometer and so how can that be well this big study of the University of Edinburgh Fred over in England and what a discovery they made it s actually a new kind of natural flight that s right the title of the study is dandelion saves reveal newly discovered form of natural flight and why the plant is among the best fliers in the natural world it turns out that the bristles that are a top of each of the seeds that the way that they are spaced creates and controls an air bubble an air bubble that s on top of the seed. Is hollow