Which will be conducted directed choreographed designed and performed by women or folks who identify as non-binary that well we started out I mean last year we were suddenly realize to our happy surprise that we had equal leadership in the sexes for directing and conducting and that was purely because we hire good people and meanwhile there s certainly a movement in the world of opera to focus more on the great work of the women that are in the in the art form that it s really been a male centric art form for so many years so when I realized we wanted to cast a Met So in the role of or fail the central role I thought well that means there are 3 women on stage all 3 singers are women and then I thought what if we have the chorus in the pit we have dancers that are women and what if we have a designer all the designers be women and just a fully female lead and perform to production and interestingly enough what if you presented as a love story between Yeah I started thinking it would be
Fun with palindromes in about 30 minutes right now Christopher Taylor playing piano and Kenneth Martin sin hands the viola this is by Derry Yes Meo the air coming from his viola Sonata number one. His name was Carlos sells a tone he was sort of a champion of the harp he helped to advance it as far as its construction and how it was played certainly through his music this is one of the pieces where he was trying to move the harps of visibility and as as a solo instrument more more taken more seriously I guess variations on ancient themes the name of the piece and it s played by harp soloist you Londa Kannan Acis . The. The big. Written by Carlos cells NATO and played by Hartsell was a kind of massive variations on an ancient theme fun with Penguin drones coming up symphony by use of Haydn I found a few more a man a plan a canal Panama same on the back Also here s another this is. Never odd or even I almost got it backwards never even Ron that would work out what it palindromes t
2 0. Oh. Oh oh . You re. Own. Home Mom. All home mom. On. The other. And there you have the Aaron deal trio which has become one of my favorite jazz trios of late with the thanks to my good friend Clyde Bowman who just preceded me in his. Connections Davis connections record show which precedes me on a Tuesday and that s what it is today too Tuesday it s still summer time in Northern California I notice it s looking fall ish a toll nl in other parts of the country but not quite yet except during the night by morning it gets kind of chilly here in Northern California yet bed Gershwin s 120th birthday anniversary is on Wednesday September 26th that would be tomorrow if you re listening live and it would be yesterday if you re listening Thursday night and it would have been last Wednesday if you were listening on Saturday night take your choice and Aaron deal was at the piano there with David Wong bass in Rodney green on the drums this course from the 1935 only opera by Gershwin Porgy a
Questions from the Senate Judiciary Committee Mr Trump has maintained his support for Mr capita but has told a news conference he could change his mind about his nomination depending on the testimony he hears today Mr Cavanaugh denies any wrongdoing China has rejected the charge made by President Trump that it s interfering in the mid-term elections in the United States Mr Trump said China didn t want his Republican Party to win because his administration was challenging China on trade the Chinese foreign minister Wang ye said his country did not interfere in any country s domestic affairs 45 university vice chancellors have called on the government to ban companies that help students cheat by writing essays for them they say a new law should target the so-called essay mills rather than criminalize the students who use them the Department for Education has warned that essay cheats risk being removed from their courses Russia has dismissed claims by an online investigative team that on
Lasting as the 1st ever webcast host of the Van Cliburn Piano Competition interviewing Van Cliburn himself was probably the highlight of my early career in front of a camera we even got to compare hands you would not believe how long his fingers were as a concert pianist with a bit of a gift for gab I revel in storytelling from the stage in introducing audiences to some of the world s most gorgeous music and that s what I get to do with you here today coming up music from one of my role models pianist Andre Watts you re listening to performance today from a.p.m. American Public Media. Life from n.p.r. News in Washington I m Lakshmi saying the White House continues to rally around Rob Porter the staff secretary who resigned his post this week after British tabloid broke the news that his 2 ex-wives accused him of domestic abuse and told the f.b.i. About it Warner s background was flagged in a background check at the time of his resignation Porter had not yet been approved for a full se