scheduled for 8:00 p.m., a late one. the white house meeting with the warring factions inside the g.o.p. with the hopes of salvaging the failed healthcare bill and, according to the website 5:38, it isn t just a g.o.p. president trump needs to apiece they note 6 degrees of trump opposition that include the bureaucracy, the courts, democrats in congress, the public, the media and as we mentioned republicans in congress. senior political writer and analyst for 538 and joshua kraushaar is editor for the national journal. when you think about opposition how strong is any one entity in that list? i don t think any of one of that is that. stronger than any of the others. i think trump facing so many different opponents makes it extremely difficult to get the legislation he wishes to get passed through the congress. dana: josh, let me ask you, because i think it was last week because i read your columns and i think i got this one. maybe it was yesterday. you talked about there are
breached. what do you mean by that. fire wall national security information and particularly information collected on american citizens and our domestic political processes. and information that comes into the white house about american citizens isn t supposed to be used politically. and susan rice said it wasn t. we know that s not true. we know it s not true because of the leak about michael flynn to david ignatius of the washington post on january 12th. somebody in the white house or a senior administration official, according to ignatius told him about those conversations with kisdiskisskissly ache. that is patently political motive for that leak. dana: what about today, julie when susan rice speaks to andrea mitchell ate msnbc, she said well, look, this was well within my job. but, yet, just two weeks ago she said she didn t know anything about the unmasking. how does she square that
late one. the white house meeting with the warring factions inside the g.o.p. with the hopes of salvaging the failed healthcare bill and, according to the website 5:38, it isn t just a g.o.p. president trump needs to apiece they note 6 degrees of trump opposition that include the bureaucracy, the courts, democrats in congress, the public, the media and as we mentioned republicans in congress. senior political writer and analyst for 538 and joshua kraushaar is editor for the national journal. when you think about opposition how strong is any one entity in that list? i don t think any of one of that is that. stronger than any of the others. i think trump facing so many different opponents makes it extremely difficult to get the legislation he wishes to get passed through the congress. dana: josh, let me ask you, because i think it was last week because i read your columns and i think i got this one. maybe it was yesterday. you talked about there are
breached. what do you mean by that. fire wall national security information and particularly information collected on american citizens and our domestic political processes. and information that comes into the white house about american citizens isn t supposed to be used politically. and susan rice said it wasn t. we know that s not true. we know it s not true because of the leak about michael flynn to david ignatius of the washington post on january 12th. somebody in the white house or a senior administration official, according to ignatius told him about those conversations with kisdiskisskissly ache. that is patently political motive for that leak. dana: what about today, julie when susan rice speaks to andrea mitchell ate msnbc, she said well, look, this was well within my job. but, yet, just two weeks ago she said she didn t know anything about the unmasking. how does she square that circle? well, it could be