And he dwells in you when you re born again he is in you and nothing is impossible with God Nothing at all I appreciate that little vignette advertisement right before the 1 o clock program if you d like to give a card and I ll tell you what the other day I went home and there were 75 emails and they were all political So you get sick and tired of political you re saying well I d love to give to the president but I don t know what to give too well and I throw most of the mail that comes you know that says present from President Trump I don t know I I hate to say that I m cynical but I thought of those away and I don t know who to believe anymore do you so here is that online Web site that you can go to to send a card and you can probably when you go to that website you can give a little donation to that would be a great time to do that and it s White House Christmas dot org Ok White House Christmas dot org You go to that and you give a little Christmas card for him and maybe there s o
At medium dot org site fame is easy if you down plan and. Streets of your town. And street and am. Bible teaching health information and encourage one for the whole family you re to to a m 670 calle t t t t h d comer City Denver then don t know if that 95 point one and streaming was Lloyd at 670 calle t.t. Dot com. If you want to know what s on the horizon and what Satan has cooking for the future look at what he s already tried listen to Adrian Rogers now what we re going to study today is a story of a colossal and amazing building project as a matter of fact this is Satan s city masterpiece what it was was a center of the world religion and the world government it has a great great pro Fredrick significance for you if you want to know what s going on lay down your newspaper pick up your Bible welcome to love word finding featuring the powerful teaching of pastor and author Adrian Rogers This month we ve been taking a deeper look at the critical issues of our time so we can respond B
The food got to be food and I want to tell you that nobody is a born fool. No fools are self-made and generally with a little help from their parents nobody is a born fool the Bible says that foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child that is the seeds of food issue now so there but people generally make a fool of them selves now. When the Bible speaks of a food the Bible does not speak of someone who is mentally deficient. Or retarded person is not a food. Matter of fact the Bible speaks so sweetly and gentle it of those kind of people the Bible tells us how with the love them and nurture them and care for them and so a pool is not one who is mentally deficient in the Bible a prude is someone who is moderately deficient The problem is not in his head The problem is in his heart and many parents are literally income Kading fruition us into the hearts and minds of the children many of them are doing it on a waiting Lay And so therefore I want to teach you how not to raise food now
You Betty until you get right with a law or a low listening has a lot of. Other me. Be careful or you re giving evidence that you ve never been born again as you re born again the Bible says a spirit actually told us in the good sense strong desire over you with envy he does want to let you go. To have you with us welcome to the Bible teaching ministry of David hockey your listening to hope for today. The Bible teaches us that we all sin and even though we re striving for perfection in our walks with God we are sinful we re going to fail so maybe some of us out there wonder what the big deal is exactly we we know we re going to sin and we know that our sins have been paid for so why should we bother with trying to stop sinning can it actually work well as Dave is going to explain only by the power of the Holy Spirit and He has more for us on this as he continues his look at Romans 116 through 17 titled righteousness by faith stick around 1st are you looking to stay updated with what s
Company I believe it s written right here in this 1st chapter of John and I want to show you what it is the greatest investment of life is to bring someone to Jesus Christ who accepts Him by faith as their savior their Lord and their life and I want to tell you why that is life s greatest achievement to bring someone to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ or about they accept him as their savior their Lord and their life they use their will not on No I think I could probably think of a few things that would be a greater achievement than that that you wait till I finish Why is that life s greatest achievement. I think a number of reasons Look here if you will of this 1st chapter and I want you to notice what s happening. The scripture says that John the Babis had introduced Andrew and John the Beloved to Jesus by pointing out to them he says behold look here s the Lamb of God So they go home with him where he was staying they spend some time with him when that time is over the scripture