And he dwells in you when you're born again he is in you and nothing is impossible with God Nothing at all I appreciate that little vignette advertisement right before the 1 o'clock program if you'd like to give a card and I'll tell you what the other day I went home and there were 75 emails and they were all political So you get sick and tired of political you're saying well I'd love to give to the president but I don't know what to give too well and I throw most of the mail that comes you know that says present from President Trump I don't know I I hate to say that I'm cynical but I thought of those away and I don't know who to believe anymore do you so here is that online Web site that you can go to to send a card and you can probably when you go to that website you can give a little donation to that would be a great time to do that and it's White House Christmas dot org Ok White House Christmas dot org You go to that and you give a little Christmas card for him and maybe there's opportune I haven't gone so I'm going to do that this afternoon maybe there's opportunity for you to give and that's a good place to give White House Christmas dot org Attorney General William Barr recently delivered a lecture at the Federalist society's 200-1000 Jan a National Lawyers convention the New York Post published excerpts of his remarks as a column last night and he says I deeply admire the American presidency is a political and constitutional institution I believe it is one of the great and remarkable innovations in our Constitution more than any other branch it has fulfilled the expectations of the framers a.g. William Barr says unfortunately over the past several decades we have been steadily steady encroach we have seen scuse me steady encroachments of presidential authority by the other branches of. Boy you can see that today people are not realizing that if the president wants to do something concerning for instance the Ukraine which is a big subject right now and you know that Ukraine is not pacifically a Christian country no it is not and if he is wanting to investigate in or before we give aid billions of dollars in aid that is his prerogative and I am so grateful for a president says hey wait a minute I don't want to give until I know that there is something good to give to so I appreciate that so much and this is what Attorney General William Barr says we have seen steady encroachment of presidential authority by the other branches of government see they think their president they're not in this process I think has substantially weakened the functioning of the executive branch to the detriment of the nation and that's why during this period of time I believe we need to hold steady as a body of Jesus Christ I believe that he is showing us how to grow steadfast in faith and steadfast in his love because this is a time of great great not only oppression but persecution on the Christians behalf so thank you so much for praying for President Trump I'm so grateful that he's our president and you can wash your hands of lies and deception and mockery and blasphemy of anger us such anger going on shadow government and deep state government and you can wash your hands at the bathroom sink it's just a wonderful thing to do to cleanse not only your hands but also on behalf of the president to cleanse cleanse his life from all these different terrible spirits let justice roll down like water and righteousness like an ever flowing stream that's Amos 524 such a great verse our memory verse for this week is John 2020. One Jesus said to them again he had already approached them after he had risen from the dead and he approached his disciples again saying Peace be with you as the Father has sent me I also sand you that's our that's our goal friend to go out into all the world that's our that's our assignment praise God Peace be with you as the Father has sent me I also send you my confession for to day by Rick Renner I confess that I'm getting stronger and stronger in the Lord I have made the choice to use everything that comes into my life as an opportunity to exercise my faith and develop myself spiritually This is not a one shot reaction for I am making this my life time passion and devotion I will exercise train and do everything I can to become stronger and stronger in the Lord say this with me I am getting stronger and stronger in the Lord say that I am getting stronger and stronger in the Lord and he and Rick Renner says I declare this by faith in Jesus name praise God I was listening Matt informed me that the encore show tomorrow. On Fridays of course we have encore shows with Erin and me and I listen to them quite often and as I was listening to the encore show that was telling me that we were announcing our 1st year anniversary and I said Oh really so I listened to it and it's it was such a blessing for me because that was the 1st year anniversary and now after 22 years I'm starting in my 23rd year on the radio oh god is so faithful friend I hope I don't get too emotional on this program today I realized how greatly God has taken care of me and given me such a wonderful way to communicate God's Word and His Love to you and to tell you how much he loves you and to tell you how much I love you through all these years and boy have they taken him to a different different routes to different detours and I just want to just give a little history about what happened when Derren and I decided to go on the air we had already been on the air and we'd been on Alyse t.v. In 19 $195.00 and that became so expensive and so we decided to try radio his you know he was always looking for maybe a new new band to our new avenue in which to teach and he had also been on radio and t.v. With Jim Baker in the and 1980 s. So that was such a wonderful It was such a yearning for him to go back into the radio and so in 1000 let's see on our encore show we were celebrating that anniversary and when I hear about the marvelous miracle that took place with Brandon at the veterinary clinic I realize the awesome annoying thing that God has given his people and Deron had such a boldness to pray with people anywhere any time and so this this medium of rape. You know was such a great thing for him because if you have heard him he talks about Voiceprint and now I've heard other teachers just lately talk about Voiceprint that our voice has a distinct quality just like our fingerprints do and you can tell whether a person is down or tell it tell whether they're up you can tell when Kimberly calls on it wins days you don't know what's happening in her own life but boy she is up you know she's full of joy the joy of the Lord well. This thing that happened at the clinic precious Brandon he was he had had asthma for so long and when Derren found out he went to the clinic now I got to give you a little background about East Lake veterinarian clinic and Deron had prayed for Dr j. In the 1980s when it was Daryn's coffeeshop pastor excuse me Dr j. Had come to one of Baron's meetings and he was just wanting to get into a career of being a very veterinarian but it was he was broke and he was just married and he just didn't know which way to turn so Derren prayed for him in the process in the eighty's Dr j. Got his degree in veterinarian services and so when Derren we were living in Lakewood at the time and he had Brandy Brandy was had been my dog but then I got married to Deron and Deron love Brandy Brandy was his girl so he would take brandy to Pet Smart to get her groom to before we knew of a groomer and one day there was Dr j. And Deron was so shocked he says What are you doing here and he says well I got my degree and now I'm trying to start from scratch and trying to build up a little clientele and I'm right here at Pet Smart for right now and and Deron says oh oh. You gotta get out of here you gotta get your own clinic was always a pleasure a mover and shaker and a pusher and Dr Jay says well I just don't have the funds I don't know where to go so Derren prayed right there smart for him and in the process many times over until he opened his own clinic with much opposition from the Thornton commissioners and the board they didn't want a veterinarian clinic in Thornton and it has been going on since 997 praised God So this was in 1993 or 94 when Derren saw him at Pet Smart but God does things so quickly and when you pray with that wonderful annoying thing that he will remove the bore burden and destroy that yoke of oppression. And so when he heard that Brandon had asthma then he knew that he needed to pray for Brandon and so we did and the call you will hear tomorrow is Brandon's mother saying he doesn't no longer have asthma and it was such a blessing such a blessing Derren had that boldness and that annoying ting that I truly do miss I miss this man mighty man of God I remember when John no less longer lived on this earth than and one day missing John so much I was in my kitchen in Greeley Colorado and Holy Spirit asked me I'll give you anything you ask for Barbara and I remember the exact place I was in the kitchen when that took place and I replied to him Holy Spirit I desired to be married to a mighty man of God. I was lonely and John and I had been together you know 247 for 23 years and although I missed him so terribly I knew that I needed someone in my life and in no time at all and many of you have heard this story Derren karma came into my life and you hear him every Friday now with me on the radio. We were in a in 1996 we were renting a home in Lakewood and under a great burden of debt and Deron was waffling over what God had planned for him he just came home one afternoon and he said Barbara I believe God wants me to go back in radio Well I knew what a great radio host he was on Daryn's coffeeshop So I said let's pray about it and there were many days we were laying on the floor for an hour to an hour and a half on the on the carpet in our living room and because John Darin had just not found fulfillment in anything that he had tried we went to my tree man and because Daryn's coffeeshop had been on Calle t. In the 1980 s. He took up an hour. In the 1980 s. Mike said well let's try a year and so we signed a contract for one year and here we had a huge debt we didn't know where the money was going to come from and you know how expensive radio is and even though Derren had a small following from Derren coffee shop days we were going to Denver. During the week to a hotel to hold meetings Yeah we started that almost almost immediately after we got married and we started on a half hour show at $1030.00 Monday through Friday and what great miracles we saw from listeners and you will hear the miracle of Brandon being delivered from asthma to morrow and God brought a home builder a beautiful man of God from Colorado Springs he had attended one of our meetings and he had chronic neck problem and show it went into his shoulders and dared laid hands on him one night and Gary was instantly healed and he'd follow Gary and Donna followed us for years and it was a blessing because he said I'm going to pay for your 1st 2 years of radio whoa. Blessing oh you know 48000 is not a little bit of money. And a friend I must say that when you speak the Word of God God will always provide for you in whatever venue you take part in and its 5511 so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth and see when you confess his word out of your mouth that's God's word going forth it shall not return to Me void or empty but Shell accomplish what I desire and succeed in that matter for which I said it oh and then in Jeremiah 112 I watch over my word to perform well Deron was a man of God who spoke God's word and it I'll tell you it's like it came all the time now he had to wait 9 years for the gas wells to produce but I'll tell you what that word that word was so good during those 9 years and we grew so much through the radio and I'll tell you that creative miracle of getting gas and gas wells that's just not a small thing and I realize now that when you ask for a creative miracle if it's a huge thing if God is bringing forth bones or something that you know a new career those are creative things and you've got to wait a little while yeah you got to wait on the Lord when Derren when we 1st got on the radio then I believe it was the next year it was the fall and the next January went to set and we went to a seminar for websites and we did use Dave so much so many years he built our website and when Derren heard about the sacrifice that Tony had paid to go to Venezuela and build a home for children living in that 1000 acre dump they were living in a 1000 acre dump he immediately decided to support Tony and his work and what a great undertaking that was and continues to be you have blessed Tony through so much running from Chavez and his thugs and going through very trying times and I'll tell you what friend your precious giving you and so many. I don't even hear from them anymore but over those years of Derren live in Denver you raised over $500000.00 for Tony and that's in building his campus in providing for those precious orphans he had 65 orphans when Chavez chased them out of the orphanage with his army and I'm believing that what Tony taught those children before he had to run for his life has stayed with them and they are standing strong even in the great need in Venezuela right now I'm believing that friend I'm believing that with you and now you are giving to Tony and rose in Peru where they have built a church an orphanage an elder home with your donations I know you are receiving a great reward for your faithfulness in your giving to called freedom and home of refuge I must tell you that when Derren left this earth 10 years ago I was distraught here was the host the anointed teacher and guide for my learning everything I know on the radio he taught me so much and there were some times when he said Barbara we don't say things like that or Barbara you know you need to correct this we would get into an argument I know. Oh but I am so grateful he stuck with me and he taught me he taught me. And so when he when he went to be with the Lord I was saying at that time not my will but yours be done Lord because I knew that God had taken care of me and John's death and I knew he would take care of me and dear in Daryn's death and so he I never dreamed that I would be for here for another 10 years but friend I'm here. And you're not going to get rid of me for a while praise the Lord if you have a prayer need always feel free to call me either on the air at 1 o'clock at at 1 o'clock or with a voice message or an e-mail and I will get back to you I want you to know today and always that God loves you he wrote this book we call a Bible for you. And he wants you to know that you're greatly blessed and highly favored of the Lord Great leave blessed. Perfect. Black. You're greatly blessed and highly favored of the Lord you have been such a blessing to me these 10 years and as I pray for you every day I'm asking God to give you wisdom wisdom to under just this morning I was saying Father God give me wisdom to understand this word. And so I'm praying that God will give you wisdom and protection and annoying thing as you go out as his ambassador and I pray for some of you because I've met you and I see you for your face when I pray for you your smiling face and then there are those of you I have never met who probably I will never meet until Jesus comes to take us home and you've given so willingly and I believe all meet you very soon I truly believe that we see the signs of the end times and his coming and the drawing close. Drawing of the close of the world that we're living in and so I'm excited for what's coming up I'm excited to meet you now some of you listening have hope. It's for tomorrow and I have hopes for answered prayer as well and it's so important that you wait for the manifestation or the answer that you know is coming it's important that you get steadfastness and faithfulness into that system of yours and that you have no doubt or unbelief in you know it's coming but there is a perfect time in God's plan and there's a beautiful song in some 40 verse one through 5 that David wrote he says I waited and the passion says I waited and waited and waited some more and I know that's hard on our on our Constitution but I'll tell you what it's worth it I waited patiently for the Lord to help me I knew he would come through for me and he turned to me and heard my cry he lifted me out of the pit of despair out of the mud and I'm on her and the pit of destruction he set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along his ascending path remember God never takes away from you even though at times you think he does he's always looking out for your welfare and your very best he has given me a new song to sing a hymn of praise to our God Many will see what he has done and be amazed they will put their trust in the Lord I'll tell you when you see it when they see and you see his miracles you will stand in all of God and fall in love with him you believe you will praise the lord oh the joys of those who trust the Lord who have no confidence in the proud or in those who worship idols Oh Lord my God you have performed many wonders for us your plans for us are too numerous to list you have no equal God has no equal Oh Lord God Dow has made the heavens and the earth by the High great power nothing is too difficult for you if I should resign all your wonderful deeds I would never come to an end of them that's how I feel oh I hope you feel that way too. I want to say at the end of this program today that if you'd like a 2020 calendar and it's a one on motivation it's a wonderful calendar on motivation it will motivate you every day that you would give a donation during the month of November and it's coming to a close pretty soon where we have Thanksgiving next week and so it's going to come to a close very quickly so write a check to call the Freedom Box 370367 Denver Colorado 80237 and I'll send you a beautiful motivational calendar for 2020 God bless you and be with you listen to the broadcast tomorrow you're going to enjoy it will take joy. Dot com. When you invest in the stock market are in some business but money goes to great goods and services which in turn create new wealth and that rewards the investor in gambling nothing is produced Adrian Rogers helps you find out what's wrong with gambling this week Sam and some critical issues of our times this month on love were funny Monday through Friday at 7 am a right here on Calle d.c. 953 f.m. 12 20 am. The following broadcast is the public affairs presentation of the Crawford Broadcasting Company. Crawford stand the president of Crawford Broadcasting Company Don Crawford concludes his discussion of the plans of the loony left as modern day Marxists for the bizarre remaking of America or perhaps a better said the Unmaking of America and of democracy my fellow Americans have back of the economic stone age as one pundit called you should know you must know what these Democrats propose this green. New deal at the heart of this radical party is it's not just socialism that's only a store but it's communism and Marxism the thinking values and priorities of Marx Lenin and Stalin that's the ultimate objective they will never rest these radical progressive Democrats until they control you and me and in the words of the most evil man on the face of this earth one George Soros George Soros they and he intend to bring down America bring down America. Over the green new deal will be a great start in that direction so don't let it happen in 2020 my fellow Americans you can stop it you can stop it with your vote and you must vote and you must vote right think about that even now for the campaigns for elections have already begun the campaigns for America's future are underway and we must pay attention in fact we should turn our motto from God Bless America to God help America God help America the God of the constitution will pay no attention to us however unless we help ourselves unless we stand up and fight and recognize what is happening and do our part unless we stand up and resist and flayed and take back control we the real Americans take back control of our great country and make America great again unless we do that good by America. Your country it's your family your children your grandchildren and your friends. So American citizens what will you do. What will you do. And how will you vote. How will you vote the views expressed here in the Crawford stand are those of the Speaker and Mr Crawford wants to hear from you this week and wants to know what do you think about the plans of the loony left for your America tell him in your e-mail to stand at Crawford broadcasting dot com And when you want to review what you hear go to our website Crawford broadcasting dot com on the Crawford stand is a public affairs presentation of Crawford Broadcasting Company and the station serving God and country and I'm Bill McCormick. This has been a public affairs presentation of the Crawford Broadcasting Company. Tis the season to eat and be merry If holiday enjoyment leaves you feeling painfully bloated Don't worry relief is here introducing deal developed by a board certified gastro and released bloating Where is starts in this small bell that's why I feel works where other remedies don't in clinical studies 88 percent of bloating sufferers found out on deal relieve their symptoms and it's available over the counter without a prescription a friend recommended I had great results polluted and he was miserable but the product started to work on most immediately is not another probiotic our digestive enzyme it's made from a bed and a combination of powerful poly phenols Plus it's natural vegan gluten free and none g.m.o. Turns my holiday bloating right around eat and be merry this season without trying to find the trying to let Amazon dot com your local retailer or for a special holiday offer go to blow to 411 that's bloat for $11.00. For the grace of his move 95.3 f.m. Came to see. This new one Jesus said He made it very clear in everything therefore treat people this. Same way you want them to treat you so if I decide I have want you to treat me. And and what I'm saying is therefore this is the way I'm going to treat you Jesus said you're not to be like salt and light like you are never more salty never brighter than when you are doing what treating other people the way we want to be treated. Love your neighbor as yourself is the biblical command Christians would agree that it's to be obeyed but how many of us stop to think about what it actually requires today on in touch with Dr Charles Stanley to see that a genuine expression of love means investing yourself in the lives of others stay with us for practical teaching on how to treat one another relationships of very very important and in fact they affect every single area of Ally relationships are essential in business then your family relationships to your children in every aspect of your life relationships a very important how would you judge your relationships with your husband your wife with your children with your parents we have friends with the a coworkers how do you relate to people you do need for the 1st time you may have a very brief momentary meeting but what kind of relationship do you have at that moment what I want to talk about in this message is this how to deal stronger relationships very important aspect of our life that sometimes we just think we just automatically know how to do that we don't we have to learn how to do it and Jesus gave us the basis of strong relationships in one single verse of scripture in the Sermon on the Mount Matthew chapter 7 verse toil a verse of Scripture that many people say all I know that verse of scripture. Well you know what knowing how to code a verse and knowing how to practice a verse is 2 different things. And oftentimes we can quote a verse we know a verse by heart and we know what it says at least we think we do and therefore because we can quote it we think we practice it not necessarily Jesus has just begun to talk about prayer and he says ask that it should be given a human seeking issue find knock and it should be open then he talks about how the Heavenly Father desires to answer our prayers and when he finishes that he says in verse 12 and everything watch that not some things not most things in everything therefore treat the people the same way you want them to treat you this is the law in the prophets which is that. Jesus made it very clear he said. Treat other people the way you want them to treat user Well I've heard that all of my life. You may have heard about how much of it have you practiced in fact do you even understand what it means. Do you understand what it means the tree someone else the way you want them to treat you. And so it's very when we look around that's not the way people are living that's why most homes are in turmoil most people in their relationship to their kids have all kinds of difficulty why Jesus gave us in one single verse The problem is we don't understand the verse we think because we call it the golden rule it's popular that certainly we know what it means but do we really enter the know what it means what I want to do is the understand what this is what it does not say and I have we can practice it and somebody says oh but suppose Outrage of the pave the way I want to be treated and they don't treat me back that's not your responsibility our responsibility every single child of God Every single person who said I've trusted Jesus Christ is my personal savior easy not only to be a believer in Jesus Christ you to be a follower and a follower of Jesus Christ obeys the commands of Jesus and this is one of many of his commands it's simple but it's profound and it affects every single aspect of our life we can quote it and walk away from it but I'm here to tell you we all suffer every single one of us suffers when we don't practice this principle of treating other people the way we won't in the tree does so let's think about it for a moment look at it now. If you think about this is a command on a principle it is a command watch this it is the command that reveals the very heart of God It is the command listen that tells us how god. Thinks about us it tells us how God wants you and me to treat one another you see listen carefully we live in a society that's wrapped up in the Triad me cell and I we've become a selfish and Ebbers self-centered generation of people we have so much but we act like we don't have enough because we can't figure out what enough is and let me just say that you can't get enough thing material things suppress the prominence of popularity or any of the rest listen that will even begin to substitute for one great strong satisfying enjoyable relationship because you can have all the stuff life has to provide But if you don't have a loving relationship you know what you've missed it. Life is not about things life's about relationships our relationship to ourselves relationship to Heavenly Father to His Son Jesus Christ to the Holy Spirit relationship to our friends our family relationships that often times very brief momentary meetings what kind of relationships the you have let's think about this verse from moment because oftentimes people misinterpret it. Somebody says well I don't hurt people I don't lot of people I don't manipulate people I don't do this and I don't do that and I don't do the other that's not even the issue this is not what you don't do a person who is not even a Christian who doesn't even know anything about Jesus is that even religious would fall in the category of people maybe who do not steal they don't live they don't cheat they don't commit adultery they don't they don't do a lot of things that's not what Jesus said He said treat them positive action treat them the way you want to be treated they boast about what you don't do to people is not even the issue the issue is how do you treat them. How do you want them to treat you. And it's very important that we understand what Jesus said in this simple 1st lesson in everything. That is in every circumstance in every situation how we to respond to those around us we have to treat them in the same way we want to be treated listen if we were in their circumstance that is and to treat the other person. The way I want them to treat me the situation were reversed and I are with them and they were Me How do I want them to treat me on others a little catch at this and I want you watch this carefully because you see I wonder if you ever ask yourself the question how do I want to treat people and how do I want people to treat me could you fill up a whole page. Could you even answer that question. Is there why is that so important I'm going to show you in a moment why it's extremely important that you know how you want people to treat you how many words would it take would you say well. I think what I would do I would take your list I would take this list and I would say Well I certainly want them to enjoy me to take pleasure in me to be loyal to me trusting me be interested in me concerned about me desire me to please me to be truthful to me to pray for me to desires all night long down the list we go as ever you ought. To make a list. How do you want your friends to treat you. How do you want strangers to treat you when you meet them. We don't think about that until we get in some situation and in the midst of this situation then we're trying to figure out what our feelings are. Let's say somebody hurt you have been injured or bad about something they say. How do you feel. And let's say for example that you you hurt their feelings. How do you want them to respond. If you have just stopped to think how do I want people to treat me in every aspect of my life for example let's take the lady of the mother let's take the wife she cooks this fantastic meal but she tries to 3 things she's never cooked before. And she's given her best and she sits down the table and big smile wonder how you're going to spy and you say what's that. That is not the right way to respond. Oh she comes out and you're going somewhere for the evening and you say are you going to wear that. That's not the way you want to respond is that what you would want her to say to you if you walked out in a sport coat and some silly Todd that you thought looked absolutely fantastic and she thinks it's terrible you want her to say well you got to wear that thing you know you know what we heard each other we have misunderstandings we create them because we don't stop to think how do I want someone to treat me. If you've heard everything I've said so far as a man. Here's the catch. Whatever you decide about how you want people to treat you. You make a commitment automatically That's the way you intend to treat everybody else. So when you make your list you have to ask yourself the question and I want to treat everybody else the same way. You made a list this is the way I want people treat me business what Jesus said He made it very clear very very clear in everything therefore treat people the same way you want them to treat yours so if I decide to have want you to treat me. If I'm obedient is command and what I'm saying is therefore this is the way I'm going to treat you. Jesus said you not to be like salt and light light we to have this Twyning in our life this influence of life that does what solves preserves and heals and all the many things we talked about. What happens if you have a salty we make a difference he says we need to be salt and light a light you are never more solved never brighter than when you and I are doing what treating other people the way we want to be treated it gets their attention no matter who they are no matter how wicked and vile they are when we come across to them treating them the way we want to be treated they cannot ignore it they may slanderous they may criticize as they may do all kinds of things the truth is they cannot ignore it. In a while they can they don't because it's so totally unlike them. And that's what makes godly people influential because we are unlike the world because there's a sense of God Only inside of us Christ living on the inside of us and so when you cannot begin to treat people the way. We want them to treat does it makes all the difference in the world. You see the world can't understand this because the world's idea is what I beat you to before you beat me greed selfishness self-centered is reaks in our society and so you come along and what do you do you live a whole different lifestyle you're asking the question now how do I want that person to treat me I don't care what they do that's what I'm going to treat them they don't know how to handle it and so therefore if you say in your own heart that you know what I do understand that but I'm not sure I could do that you can't do it apart from our father you can't all of us have enough natural is in us listen when somebody wrongs you if you live on the edge and many people are living on the edge of anger or some other wrongs you says the wrong thing and you snap back you know what the problem is you snap back so quickly to defend yourself. Is that necessary not merely necessary suppose you. Said Well I appreciate you telling me how you feel when you me appreciate me tell you how I just told you off and you tell me you appreciated this out there now I know how you feel toward me you know again how to handle that. The natural man and woman that is the person who does not know Jesus Christ as their personal savior listen they've grown up in a society listen what after 2 for 2 and our society it's not for now 2 for 2 it's many eyes for a minute to use for rain to take you to court say you get everything they possibly can is that the way you want them to treat you. I don't think so and no that's not the way you want them to treat you. What does it take to obey this command is what it takes. It takes a personal relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ because everything in the natural is with which we came into this world Paul calls the flash arrow carnality those propensities towards sin and disobedience that live within all of us we have to deal with that and it is only when Christ comes into our lives and we begin to on to him as our Lord and we begin to follow him as a savior Lord and Master then he empowers us that is the Spirit of God who lives within us those what he empowers us to do was to be forgiving and to be thoughtful and to be kind and not to be prejudice toward people but to be what. To be willing not to pick and choose but to treat everybody the same way you say will he do them alive yes he will he will enable you to strengthen you listen he is the only one who can enable you to live this out to help you understand what are the desires of my heart and how do I want people to treat me and how do out there for the treat them in return treat them the way I want them to treat me. It takes a relationship with the Lord listen to what he says he says Matthew Chapter 10 he says watch this he says. Freely you have been given freely give to all of us Matthew 10 per se freely it's been given to you freely give to us think about how Lord's given you so much freely give to others you want other people to give to you freely give to them does he not say give and what it should be given to you watch this verse now given it should be given you what is it what's the it anything and everything given it should be given to you have a good measure president shaken together and she returned you say no wait a minute you mean to tell me that if I treat people the way I want to be treated that they going to treat me right I can guarantee that I guarantee you this listen carefully when you treat people the way you want to be treated and I godly fashion our heavenly Father is going to see to it. He's going to see to it that you get treated by him through somebody through others maybe through many the way you want to be treated it may not even be the person that you would like to influence and impact he's not going to overlook your obedience to him. In thing in times in my life. Where maybe someone else is mistreating me and I've tried to treat them the way I want to be treated and they didn't treat me that way but you know God supplied that treatment in a ways I would never have been able to imagine and in abundance I could never begin to enjoy Listen God isn't going to come up short with you when you obey Him no matter what So let's say you live with somebody who is not treating you right and you try your best to treat them the way you want to be treated and they don't treat you that way is that when a howling about to do that does this verse say listen you've already got the message haven't you. In everything for a short period of time no it doesn't say that you know. What happens when you and I obey this command Please don't overlook this when you and I obey this command you never come up short you never do the wrong thing listen it's never a failure it's never a sign of weakness when you treat people the way you want to be treated. And does he not say it is true and the Scripture very very clearly he says listen as watch this you see we say we believe all of us. What serve a man or woman solos. That show they all serene what what they sow more than they sow later than they sow and you know what you can determine what feelings come in from. When United do the right thing God always honest that. You will never be able to determine. The impact of your life when you live out this simple principle here's what's going to happen I watch this. When you treat people the way you want them to treat you. You're going to have this sense of accomplishment 1st of all that you've done the right thing Secondly you're going to have the awareness in your heart that you just please The Father. You please The Father guess what he said treat other people the way you want to be treated Thirdly you're going to have this sense of excitement of how is God now going to treat me through others when I treat this person the way I though that I want to be treated how is God going to restore all this and then you're going to have this also sense of awareness that the love of a father is flowing through you to the other person and you know what. They may resist that of they may not it won't make any difference watch this carefully don't forget this when you do not treat other people the way we want them to treat us. The father. Will bless us in a way we could never begin to imagine we don't have to worry about the consequences he assumes the full responsibility for our future treatment when we obey is simple command and father had grateful we are that you would condescend to have a relationship of us as unworthy and is unfit as we are you have chosen the figure and the clans and to make us righteous in your sight and then it teaches iniquitous how to have relationships of the people I pray that you sink this message of very very deep that not a single person escape its truth they did ring in their ears not for today but for weeks and months and years and forever. That this is the way. To deal. Lasting relationships in Jesus name Amen. Thanks for listening to in touch with Dr Charles Stanley. Do you have a genuine love for those around you everyone around you today we were challenged to examine ourselves to be certain that we're treating others with love and compassion . Balance is one key to living a joyful Christian life but it's easy to become focused on just one area to the exclusion of others that are equally important stop by in touch. For resources to help you maintain balance and you can order a copy of today's complete message online the title is how to treat one another again that's in touch dot o.-r. Jeanne or call 1800 in touch if you prefer to write our address is in touch post office box 7900 Atlanta Georgia 30357. As you move or noticed yourself treating your children like your parents treated you an example of that is coming up in today's moment with Charles Stanley . What's next for the church where do we go from here it's sustaining the mission of the church for future generations was sacrificing and offering ourselves in worship to have we can steward God's gifts as we look ahead preparing is the Body of Christ for His return let's finish the journey together get your 4th quarter guide and join us as we find our place in the whole church to learn more visit in touch dot org slash church. When I discovered that I loved music I just see God had given me a gift and I do want to lead and I do want to be a great example I often do have a question. About the future the fear and I know where my pursuing my career and where my pursuing what God really wants God's will for your life doesn't after remain a mystery learn how to understand and pursue God's ultimate plan for your life Dr Charles steams book the will of God to order visit in-touch dot o.-r. G. Slash will have gone there's a question Dr Stanley always ask his children and we'll hear it in a moment with Charles Stanley. My mother taught me a great lesson she taught me the right question to ask my children. When they came in because here's what she would say to me if I came in late she'd come into my bedroom Sunday to bed she said Well tell me what you want me to know. What you would say. You know what that kept me very honest and there it be or. Because I knew that I was going to have to answer to my mother and she would say did you do this at others she said Tell me what you want me to know and I knew that I wanted to tell her whatever she wanted to know there's something about that that's so important and I said I want to say he was a parent I don't know what she thinks important in life. But nothing is so Haystack help radio was cut Wadley is coming up next c.f.m. 95.3 an am 1222 and into the broadcast of Denver Christian Bible Church and the teaching ministry of Pastor John a more like there's a place Lord where I never have to doubt where I never have to question where I never have to figure where I never have to wonder if anything is wrong this place of perfect equilibrium where I know I'm doing your will and I know I'm doing what's right and I know I'm exercising the perfect gift where is that place are you ready because I want to tell you exactly where it's at it does not exist and be Christian Bible Church Monday through Friday at 7 30 am and at the door to come before we see you in service will see you in the clouds. You're listening to calle d.c. Denver h.d. 12 20 am and 95.3 f.m. And streaming online at 1220 calle b.c. Dot com across her broadcasting God and country station. You're listening to the stores in more ways than 1 am 560 calle z. Done. H.d. Done bird and calles eat 100.7 sidled guessing until d.c. Denver and kale d.c. a Steed I am told want to see you cry from 3. To 56 to the stores. This is Haystack Alfredo on Calle z. 560 days to kill radio is powered by haystack Help dot com finding help can be like finding a needle in a haystack though and haystack of dot com finding the needle just not easy you know haystack help Brady Police Scotland on t.l.c. 560. Good afternoon and welcome to a stuck up Radio thank you so much for joining us today would you help me to through the week and congratulations well little weather change little snow here in the Denver area and I think it's going to pass through relatively quickly so we're in a good golf today show you may need a full will drop.

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