On Sunday, news broke that Arizona gubernatorial Republican candidate Kari Lake’s Phoenix campaign headquarters was shuttered after a staffer opened a piece mail containing a white powder. The liberal media have made concerns about threats to election workers and (Democratic) candidates a talking point, but on this Republican threat, ABC and CBS only spent a combined 21 seconds on their flagship Sunday evening and Monday morning newscasts, excluding teases.
On Sunday, news broke that Arizona gubernatorial Republican candidate Kari Lake’s Phoenix campaign headquarters was shuttered after a staffer opened a piece mail containing a white powder. The liberal media have made concerns about threats to election workers and (Democratic) candidates a talking point, but on this Republican threat, ABC and CBS only spent a combined 21 seconds on their flagship Sunday evening and Monday morning newscasts, excluding teases.
After the Monday evening broadcast network newscasts ignored First Lady Jill Biden’s offensive language comparing Latinos to tacos in a video first uncovered by our very own Jorge Bonilla, CBS Mornings and NBC’s Today came out of the wildness Tuesday with a combined two minutes and six seconds on Biden “taking some heat” for a line “many [found] incredibly offensive.”