Stress About Money Is Doing a Number on Your Heart Health Rozalynn S. Frazier
Think “taking care of your heart” and you might flash to eating salmon and doing HIIT. That’s not wrong. But there’s another factor that may be just as important: managing your financial health.
Even before Covid exploded, plenty of Americans were saddled with debt. Now about two thirds of us are financially unhealthy, meaning we’re struggling with basics like spending less than we make, paying bills on time, having sufficient savings, and dealing with debt, according to the U. S. Financial Health Pulse: 2020 Trends Report. Millions of people risk extreme financial hardship on the verge of not being able to pay for housing, food, health care, or medications. What’s more, money stress is especially toxic for people who are Black, according to a recent finding from the Jackson Heart Study, a 20-plus-year examination of the reasons heart disease is more prevalent in African Ame