PEOPLE are always asking “which side are you on” but Rev. Al Sharpton posed the real question which is “not about choosing a side, but ASKING who is on YOUR-Side,”
THERE are people who claim the Parties in the CNMI are not like the Parties on the mainland, which tells me, as a Social Science Teacher & Political Scientist, that
INFLATION, as WE the People are SUFFERING Governor with Power, Gas and Everything as the cost of living presents an entirely new challenge, especially for the Poor and those on
THE Governor and his emissaries do have the right to express their FLAWED Opinions but they don’t have a right to Dictate-the-Facts! From day-one, there has been one attempt after
THE Governor and his Lt. Governor need to start RESPECTING the People of the CNMI and STOP insulting our intelligence with their poli-tricking antics and lack-there-of ANYTHING by the Lt.