The daily show set in the backdrop of Lucknow, Aur Bhai Kya Chal Raha Hai? has completed one year.It features Akansha Sharma as Sakina Mirza, Farhana Parveen as Shanti Mishra, Pawan Singh as Zafar Ali Mirza, and Amrish Bobby as Ram Chandra .
This ‘World Theatre Day’, theatre artists turned television actors from &TV shows talk about their love for theatre and how it has been a foundation to their acting careers.
The upcoming episode of comedy show 'Aur Bhai Kya Chal Raha Hai?' has taken inspiration from Bollywood movies such as 'Mughal-E-Azam', 'Jodha Akbar' and 'Mangal Pandey'.The show leads Ambrish Bobby, Pawan Singh and Akansha Sharma share details .