The Ayodhya Development Authority (ADA) in Uttar Pradesh organized a competition for designing signage boards in 2022. Baarish Date from Maharashtra secured the first place out of 400 designers from across the globe, earning a cash prize of Rs 1.5 lakh.
The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has installed spiked speed breakers on B G Kher Marg in Malabar Hill. It is the first time BMC has installed, the so-called "tyre killer" speed breaker in Mumbai.
A government resolution (GR) was issued on June 20 announcing the concession for such projects across the entire state except Mumbai city, Lonavla hill station, and eco-sensitive areas.
The first ever Chess Olympiad Torch Relay reached Maharashtra today and travelled through prominent locations of Nagpur and Pune. The Torch will reach Mumbai at 6:30 p.m. from where it will depart from Maharashtra to Goa tomorrow.As India is celebrat