zomato delivery boy resume: An unemployed youth named Aman Khandelwal, from Bengaluru, found a novel way to share his resume with a bunch of start-ups. Aman dressed as a Zomato boy placed his resume in the delivery packages with a message written on it “Most of the resumes end up in the trash, but mine is in your stomach”. Dressed as a @zomato delivery boy I delivered my
A job seeker in Bengaluru dressed up as a Zomato executive and delivered his resume in a box of pastries to several start-ups in the city. The man identified himself as Aman Khandelwal and took to Twitter to share images of the incident.
Netizens are amused by the efforts of a man named Aman Khandelwal who dressed up as a Zomato delivery partner and delivered his resume in a box of pastry to startups in Bengaluru.