defanged comedy. you are talking about the caravan a couple of minutes ago. i would ve loved to have jokes about the caravans, jokes about north korea, jokes about president macron, this is a smart sophisticated washington crowd and black tie and they are listening to this woman using the f word and talking about how her private parts require a lot more yarn than those pink hats on the trump parade. this is sophisticated wit for the smartest people in washington. this is the death of comedy because there is nothing the left can make honest jokes about except to mock republicans as liars or uptight christian fundamentalists hung up on abortion. tucker: it was funny in the same way that the new york op-ed is funny. if i funny, you mean within the very narrow boundaries of what s
that happened. this marks the one-year anniversary of kathy griffin, the single most unhappy person in america posing with the separate head of donald trump. today, she went on the view, of course, and revoked her apology, assuming that s possible for that, and took additional shots. here s part of what she said. i can t believe it s been a year. i know. a year this month since that picture was released. right. what a year it s been. by the way, i take the apology back. to don jr. and eric, as i call them, eddie munster and date rape. tucker: she s a lot of fun. mark steyn joins us tonight. you have this remarkable ability to stand back and see the big picture here. what are we seeing in these two appearances? i think actually we are looking at the death of comedy. to go to that abortion joke,
here we are talking about it. tucker: you ran the association when obama was president. yeah. tucker: what would happen to you personally if a comedian had attacked obama? i thought about this for many long hours and i called conan o brien because i think is very talented but also because i knew he had to face his audience on monday. i remember when michael jordan said years ago that he wouldn t endorse a democrat in a big senate race against jesse helms because he said republicans buy sneakers too? conan o brien may lean left, but he knows that republicans buy sneakers too and republicans watch late-night tv. before the kamals of the world in this anti-trump business, someone like conan o brien had a face his audience monday night and be fair, take on the president but the fair. i thought if i pick somebody who got up there and get did some of these kind of jokes we saw saturday night and ripped president obama in a very personal, negative way, fox and the white house correspo
who can t do anything but say the f word it s a semi-state occasion that the president is somehow rejecting centuries of e doesn t show up for. what do you think. is it a night of serious, sharp political comedy or its dull, turgid people mouthing off? tucker: you are right. totally willing to slay a sacred cow. if you are brave, i don t know if you re make a joke about some thing that will offend people you live near. that will never happen. absolutely. tucker: mark steyn, thank you. thank nice to see you. a lovely week on on msnbc. a guest explained that if mike pence were ever to become president, he would start sending people to concentration camps start sending gay people to concentration camps. we ll get get a response of up.
no, not the junkies. tucker: mexico is the largest manufacturer of crystal meth. we use to make it our self even they make it. they kill tens of thousands americans every year and those families 25 million we are also against that violence and responsible. tucker: we are responsible for heroin addiction, somebody taking heroin, he s responsible, the junkie living on the street is responsible for these people being here, is that what you re saying? no. what i m saying is when you have 25 million u.s. citizens who use illegal drugs, it has consequences in the whole hemisphere. the drugs are coming from b1 does mexico have a responsibility in this tucker: does mexico have a responsibility in this? the violence happening, partly responsible for the consumers in this country. tucker: i understand. 60,000 people die of drug o.d. last year. most of those drugs came from mexico. but it s our fault. not only do we have to drop our