Hello Mid-Ohio Valley farmers and gardeners! The growing season is in full swing as those ever-popular warm-season vegetables are going into the ground or in co
For a decade, ICARDA has worked with Morocco on a groundbreaking Rainfed Research Platform for sustainable and resilient livelihoods for rural communities
Editor’s note: This is the final story in a series about women gardeners in the Rogue Valley.
“Perhaps the silver lining of Colony Collapse Disorder is its wake-up call to invest time, research a.
On World Bee Day, we take a look at Dr Stefenie Christmann's Farming with Alternative Pollinators (FAP) project which shows how wild bee and pollinator protection is affordable for low- and middle-income countries
Pollinators are facing declines at a global level. One of the main factors driving this
decline is insufficient access to floral resources due to habitat loss and degradation
that can affect both diet generalist species as well as those with more restricted floral
preferences. Here we evaluated the effect of a novel mitigation strategy in agricultural
ecosystems, Farming with Alternative Pollinators (FAP) on the pollen diet of crop
pollinators. The approach dedicates 25% of the cropped area to Marketable Habitat