Expanded to black History Month. We would like to thank our sponsors. They include the prince georges truth branch. Usa today. And the law and policy group. We would also like to thank all of those people who make black history happen all year round. The year of 2019 is special for many reasons. We will explore those reasons in two parts. Part i, well talk about the theme for black History Month this year, and that is black migrations. Our press event also includes a panel of scholars who will enlighten this occasion with their expertise on the 400 years of africanamerican perseverance and resilience triggered from that arrival of 20 africans in 1619. But first, if we have her here, were looking for the president of the National Press club, alison fitzgeraldcojak. If youll go get her. Who will come to give welcome in a few minutes. We are also honored to have the presence of dr. Loni g. Bunch iii. The founding director of the National Museum of africanAmerican History and culture, and
Here for black History Month. Now the association for the study of africanAmerican Life and history was founded by dr. Carter god win woodson i started as negro history week and now of course has been expanded to black History Month. We would like to thank our sponsors. They include the prince georges truth branch of u. S. A. Today and the law and policy group. We would also like to thank you all of those people who make black history happen all year round. The year 2019 is special for many reasons. We will explore those reasons in two parts. Part one will talk about the theme for black History Month this year, and that is black my grayings. Our press event also includes a panel of migrations, our press also includes includes scholars who will share their expertise on the 400 years of perseverance triggered by that migration. First, if we have her here, Allison Fitzgerald kojak. You will get her, she will come to give welcome in a few minutes. We are also honored to have the presence o
Iraqs president has rejected the nominee for Prime Minister he says his lawyers quit someone rejected by the testers were demanding an independent candidate so whats the way forward for iraq this is inside story. Thanks alex thank you. Thank. All of them will come to the program im dead for months now iraqis have been voicing their anger and demanding a change in their Political Leadership they say they are fed up with corruption unemployment and a lack of basic services hundreds of people have been killed the Prime Minister resigned in november and now many are rejecting the nominee to replace him they say. Only help iran extend its influence in iraq and president but he says he will resign rather than appointed but the main Political Blog about picked an identity is refusing to back down well bring in our panel in just a moment but 1st this update from in baghdads. A political maneuver with potentially far reaching consequences iraqs president has sent his Resignation Letter to Parli
Fighting. World war i and the shaping of modern black identity. Published by this is sony and, is a chronicle of men and women who served the country on the battlefield as well as on the home front and their struggles for cell rights. One of the main things we will learn this evening is that while the Civil Rights Movement was away,ted was decades world war i established important questions of citizenship that paved the way toward future progress. We are fortunate to be joined conwell, theasha museums equity director Deputy Director and editor of we return fighting. The images are really very powerful, of americans at war and on the home front. It also gives us a different look at the life African Americans face when they came home after the war. Let me end by welcoming you and assuring you that you are in for a wonderful evening. Thank you for joining us and im sure you will have a great evening. [applause] men, pleasetel welcome the Deputy Director of museum of history can shasha hol
The speaker the house will be in order. The prayer will be offered by our chaplain, father conroy. Chaplain conroy let us pray. God our father, we give you thanks for giving us another day. Bless the members of this peoples house as they gather at the end of another week in the capitol. Endow each with the graces needed to attend to the issues of the day with wisdom. That the results of their efforts might benefit the citizens of our nation and the world. We also ask your blessing leading into this weekend upon fathers throughout our country. May they be their best selves and may their children appreciate fully the blessing they have been to them. May all that is done this day be for your greater honor and glory, amen. The speaker the chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedings and announces to the house her approval thereof. New england journal of medicine pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1, the journal stands approved. The pledge of allegiance will be led by the gentleman