Decided that nordstrom might be swedish forthat b stuff roll the crowd ransacked the shop, stealing 100 grand worth of designer goods. Wait a minute. This is not the right video. Thats chicago from last chicag thats the mob that looted a 7eleven. I didnt think nordstrom sold beef jerky. Can we roll the right one, ahe please . Go ahead. Alt. Condd. So in l. A. Last week, 50. Wait a second. Thats notthats n l l. A. Eithe. Thats philly. Thats hundred kids took a wawa apart. Thats the last time i i. You guys smoke weed at the Production Meeting . Lets try it again. So, out in california, for gods sake, whos working the video today . Kill me. Thatstoday . California. But its from glendale. Last week, when a Mob Lootedrant 300 Grand from an eu saintm laurent store. Laur all right, all right. Theres nordstroenm. Thoug that was long. By now, though, you doyo get thl point. I mean, this video looks soliar familiar. Hunter biden should hit on it. Another mob, another ransacking. The only differe
out of the cake. c take charlottesville. that s largelyharl . i if i remember and it was gross a disgusting did repeat.s nope. there was universal revulsionre and condemnationvoliti . just like my honeymoon. the same thing, though, happened on jan six. what made that so bad was that it was so jarring and exception to the ruls e for any dems that might have tuned in by accident. in it lasted 6 hours, not daysr weeks. but what about other events with racial components that turned violentrasht rn, as in l. mobs? it s a story so common we could just old videos. why is this so common?ommon? because it s obviouslyople being imitated. people in general will imitatez behavior if it s incentivized and allowed. so let s compared allowed.ght? in charlottesville condemnation, right? not instead of ized and so not imitated. the 2020 floyd riots incentivized by refusal to criminalizey refusa despite s