wilderness, his spokesman said he jumped into frigid waters and chased a pike for two hours before it was caught. that is amazing legend. and canada s prime minister, justin trudeau took an unintention m dip in the water while kayaking with his wife. those lucky newlyweds, they met him on the water and he posed for selfies. you notice that groom? he s standing in the middle. get away from my wife. vladimir putin loves the shirtless shots. there s a summer vacay press view for you. i m alley velshi and right now it is time for andrea mitchell reports. rapid response, north korea vowing harsh retaliation against the u.s. over those u.n. sanctions, as the secretary of state lays out his terms for negotiating with pyongyang.
social security without cuts. have to do it. get rid of the fraud, get rid of the waste and abuse. but save it. but president trump s first budget proposal seems to renege on that promise. in fact, it would arguably hurt many of the voters who helped him win the white house in 2016 as nbc s first read points out. some members of his own party are already suggesting the budget is a no-go. senator,ky a can i ask you a the president s budget? is it dead on arrival? yes. and the commitment to rebuilding the military cannot be fulfilled when there is this level of spending. well, yes, definitely dead on arrival. this budget if fully implemented would require us to retreat from the world diplomatically or put people at risk. you have a lot off benghazis in the making if this became law. i m joined by nbc anchor and business correspondent, alley
remember what we were just saying? go irish! see that? yes! i m gonna just go back to doing what i was doing. find your awesome with the xfinity x1 voice remote. all right. that wraps up this hour. i m alley velshi. kind of pointless telling you that. you want to stay in touch with me, you can mitt me up on twitter, facebook and snapchat at ali velshi. if you like snapchat, just v velshi. time to hand it over to my good friend chris jansing. a glorious day until about 1:00. a lot to cover this hour. let s get right to it. alive look at the united nations where secretary of state
we will undoubtedly be getting lots of questions on the cbo report on the republican plan to replace obamacare. lots of myths out there about this, alley velshi has become our resident myth buster. we bring him in to drill down on the numbers and separate fact and fiction. i like the conversation you had with the republican congressman from florida. he was hospital about the fact he doesn t believe health care is a right. that s a philosophical difference. either you believe it is a right and you work out a plan like this or you don t. i want to work on some of the myths out there. first of all, republican congressman jim jordan and i had a conversation about free markets the other day. listen to this. ust one of those areas that a free mart doesn t work. it will work much better than it s working now, under a complete government control of health care for goodness sake. so, craig, this speaks to the conversation that you had. because if you believe in a free market system, that m
trade deals with, but we know that some portion of his wealth is tied up there. i do love debt. i love debt. i love playing with it. we only have a small picture of his debt since he has not released his taxes. a sure way to be totally free of conflict of interest, to put his money in a blind trust. what that really means, i want to bring in my friend alley velshi. we ve been talking about this, ali. i want to clarify. he doesn t have to put his money in a blind trust. he could liquidate it. that is the simplest thing is to do. what would that look like? it s property and licensing. property you want to get it you want to sell it in a market that s favorable to you. a lot of these licensing deals, they re long-term contracts to put your name on a building, put it on underwear or socks or whatever. it takes some work to get out of it. it would have no conflict of interest aside of what you talked about with the debt. if he did that he d get a check