Craig resident Steven Tortu went to the hospital in April 2023 with strong abdominal pains and a dull ache in his lower belly area. Since the 64-year-old practices “self-care” and exercises (including snowboarding), he thought.
Fighting cancer is a tough battle. Then, add to that struggle the fact that the diagnosis is a rare cancer and the patient lives in a rural area. How does that patient cope? Rare cancers.
his communications director informed us that his next event will be an appearance with a council on foreign relations next thursday. you can see that verified here on the cfr website. webb reportedly has paid staff and has submitted a financial disclosure form. he s appeared at some large events in iowa, according to that mother jones piece, and gave an interview to allen cohn last week in which he was his brutally honest self. i m looking for a fresh approach, and also people who understand how to lead. are you the anti-establishment candidate for the democratic party? bernie probably is. and i ve known him a long time. and i like him a lot. webb wanted to say, he is the common sense candidate. and i for one, i have to say, just to be clear here. i am really glad that jim webb is in the race and will be on the debate stage next week, because i think he is a fascinating guy, an incredible writer, by the way, if you ve never read his work, and he has a different approach than so