This week in history in Douglas County.
Written By:
Rachel Barduson | 2:00 pm, Mar. 10, 2021
This week in 1971, 50 years ago: The Alexandria Developers were presented with the “Town Alive” award by the Rural Development of the Minnesota Department of Economic Development. The award, one of about 20 such awards presented in the past few years, states, in part, “The Alexandria Developers made the decision some years ago to pledge the full resources of your community behind industrial development. Because of this, Alexandria is unique in that it has the only aircraft manufacturing plant in the state.”
1971, 50 years ago: A Saturday fire did $10,000 damage to locker rooms, hand ball courts and equipment room at Central Junior High in Alexandria. It apparently started in or near the equipment room and the burning of rubber wrestling mats and other athletic equipment created a thick smoke which spread into the gymnasium. The fire and the alarm sent about 100 students