With the shutdown of schools in many states including Delhi, lakhs of students are falling out of the education system. According to an estimate, out of two crore students who dropped out of school across the country, more than 20 lakh comes from Delhi alone. Educationists are now demanding to open the schools "at any cost". According to Ashok Agarwal, President of All India
With the shutdown of schools in many states including Delhi, lakhs of students are falling out of the eduction system. According to an estimate, out of two crore students who dropped out of school across the country, more than 20 lakh comes .
New Delhi, December 5
With the shutdown of schools in many states including Delhi, lakhs of students are falling out of the eduction system. According to an estimate, out of two crore students who dr
New Delhi, November 24
The Delhi government's announcement on Wednesday on the reopening of educational institutions in the city drew mixed reactions from schools and parents' bodies with some saying