The apex body of Urban Cooperative Banks and credit societies-Nafcub in collaboration with the Ministry of Cooperation is organizing a National Conclave of Scheduled
By Satish Marathe
A. Licences for opening new UCBs have not been issued for almost 2 decades. At the same time, Licenses have been issued by RBI to variety of new Banks. Considering the continental size of the Country, the present number of UCBs is too small and several States and Districts do not have even a single UCB.
B. Committee to prepare Vision Document for Urban Co-Op Banks.
A broad-based Committee of Cooperators & Officials is constituted to prepare a Vision Document and a Roadmap with Landmarks for growth and development of the UCB Sector.
C. Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme –
Under the above Scheme, PSU Banks, Private Sector Banks, Foreign Banks, RRBs and even Small Finance Banks are eligible lending Institutions and they get cover under the Guarantee