congressman, tell us what concerns you so much about this sale. this is $165 million earmark for the state of illinois which is bankrupt. it violates the obama administration s own earmark policy. it violates it. also, it s strongly opposed by the families, and it sets the stage for the closure of guantanamo baby increasing space for de by increasing space either at that prison or at the supermax in colorado. and lastly, it jumps illinois, thompson prison where they were originally thinking of taking the guantanamo people, it jumps them above new hampshire, alabama, every other state of the union. and it s an earmark that they say is not appropriate, and yet they have done this. alisyn: as we you said it, congress understand it, congress specifically prohibited the transfer of gitmo prisoners to the u.s. how does this play into that?
georgia and a 2000 supreme court decision which said kids cannot go on the intercom and say prayerses before the games start. so right now weighing a little bit more in freedom from religion s court than in the students court. alisyn: all right. thanks so much for that background, trace. just ahead, we have breaking news on the shooting of a border agent in arizona. plus, breaking details in the benghazi consulate attack investigation. there are new documents that detail security warnings from the consulate staff, apparently ignored by washington. former secretary of defense donald rumsfeld joins us straight ahead. customer erin swenson bought from us online today.
various security senses are breached. it is happening. it isn t the arab spring, it s something that is much broader. it s across the islamic world, and it reflects a serious problem. and i think that the president characterizing it if i m correct as butches in the road as bumps in the road, i think, is inappropriate. i also think the idea that he decided to go off to las vegas to a fundraiser when the news of this broke was surprising. alisyn: secretary, we want to follow up with you, we want to talk with you a little bit longer if you can stick around for just two minutes, we want to talk to you on the other side of this break. fine. alisyn: more america live in two minutes.
jay also like it when mother nature helps him wash his car. mother nature s cool like that. mobile check deposit. easier banking. standard at citibank. alisyn: wait until you see this. it s a chilling video that shows a rare and horrifying view from inside the cabin of a plane that s about to crash. the discovery channel recreating what s supposed to be the biggest plane crash in history, staging a first of its kind experiment showing exactly what happens to passengers during every single twist and turn. trace gallagher joins us live in los angeles. this is terrifying, trace. reporter: very cool. i was just watching that, it was a 727 about 170-seat plane, and it really is the biggest deliberate crash ever. i mean, you watch this thing, right? discovery did this. they had pilots fly to baja, california, then minutes before the crash the two pilots jumped
called the health care exchange under obamacare. that s something that workers are resisting because it means they re not going to get the kind of quality of care that they want. the idea of giving people a wide range of options, though, as these two companies are doing, i m fully supportive of that. alisyn: okay, doctor, are you as sanguine as steve moore is about this is just competition, and it will help, and people will be able to make their own choices with medical care? the in the ideal world, competition and choice is great. but history will tell us many employers have already tried this, given employees fixed contributions, and it doesn t work. it doesn t work because you can t give the same amount of money to every individual. it doesn t work because the wrong people end up selling sending secting the wrong kinds of plans. so if you re somebody with diabetes and high blood pressure and a lot of medical problems, you need to be smart enough and know enough to know which p