called the health care exchange under obamacare. that's something that workers are resisting because it means they're not going to get the kind of quality of care that they want. the idea of giving people a wide range of options, though, as these two companies are doing, i'm fully supportive of that. alisyn: okay, doctor, are you as sanguine as steve moore is about this is just competition, and it will help, and people will be able to make their own choices with medical care? >> the in the ideal world, competition and choice is great. but history will tell us many employers have already tried this, given employees fixed contributions, and it doesn't work. it doesn't work because you can't give the same amount of money to every individual. it doesn't work because the wrong people end up selling -- sending -- secting the wrong kinds of plans. so if you're somebody with diabetes and high blood pressure and a lot of medical problems, you need to be smart enough and know enough to know which plans you're going to pick. otherwise what happens? costs go up. you end up not having the money,

Related Keywords

Something ,People ,Companies ,Idea ,Kind ,Workers ,Care ,Options ,Health Care Exchange ,Orange ,Quality ,Under Obamacare ,Doing ,Two ,Alisyn So Autumn Manning ,Doctor ,Choice ,Competition ,Steve Moore ,Choices ,Ideal World ,Money ,759000 Don T ,Employers ,Amount ,Employees ,It Doesn T ,History ,Doesnt Work ,Contributions ,Individual ,Selling ,Lot ,Plans ,Problems ,Costs ,Kinds ,High Blood Pressure ,Diabetes ,

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