To visit historic Lexington Kentucky Kentucky you can visit the cap a horse parks music best art and cultural world of Lexington the home of the what songs all time radio on line and visit likes. And buy them Martin Guitar Company of Nazareth Pennsylvania building practical tars for professionals and front porch pickers 833 on line at guitar dot com. I welcome everybody to the beautiful and historic Lyric Theatre in our hometown of Lexington Kentucky we re broadcasting worldwide from Australia are only in New Zealand New York Yuma Arizona into the Yukon and northern Canada worldwide on over 500 radio stations we re celebrating this magnificent world of independent and grassroots art artists come from everywhere to be on our stage and we say it every single week you don t have to be famous to be on wood songs you just have to be very very good and that is certainly the case of both of the artists are going introduce you tonight and we have an amazing would songs kids to also introduce
Well Kino s and that track is called Forever this also one of our featured C.D. s of the week a couple weeks ago and right before that we heard from the scatter lights from their cd ball of fire and we hear. A really nice upbeat version of the James Bond theme from the Skatalites Well this is k.c. Vs h.t. One San Luis Obispo can be x. 81 scenario in k s b x Ana Barbara we re streaming at k.c. Via our g I m Fred Friedman sitting in for Neal this morning on the morning cup and support for k.c. B.x. Comes from the all new all final motor cars in San Luis Obispo your home for Mercedes Chevrolet and spinner Sales and Service learn more at all final motor cars dot com and I want to let you know if you re looking for real country music on the radio then across the tracks is for you Blair Gillespie plays honky tonk outlaw country western swing rockabilly bluegrass and more tune in every Thursday night that s tonight right after the road home for across the tracks from 8 to 10 here on k c b x
Those temperatures are a little bit warmer down valley throughout the weekend even into Sunday with possible highs in the sixty s 62 degrees it s going to be a nice beautiful weekend for us here in the Gunnison Valley. And the current temperature in Crested Butte right now is 47 degrees and that is your weather forecast brought to you here on a Thursday evening the 26th of October 2017 in case you ve lost track of the time or the day or the year. And I would like to let you know that you are currently tuned in to cave u.t. Christy beauty. And I Gunnison right here and it is right now 7 o clock straight up. I think that was what I needed to. Do there with the weather and whatnot also. This hour programming is underwritten by the liquor store in c.b.s. South Red Mountain liquors is located at 81 Gillis b. Avenue and offers wine liquor cold beer soda juices and I open 10 am to 10 pm Monday through Saturday and 11 am to 7 pm Sundays. Support comes from c.b. Nordic winter is coming this ye
Drifters Yes Take it away Benny King thing the temptations were there too with loneliness made me realize it s you that I need it s one of those songs that I especially love because the title has parentheses in it. Nick Lowe is there I did have it I had my emergency stash of the very best of Nick Lowe with me but you always are just more comfortable when I have it with me no matter how few records I have you can always count on a Nick Lowe song you can and that was lonesome every Also Fredrick night suggested earlier today by Betty Beasley I don t know how you and I and my friend who helped me put this list together initially to get us going could have forgotten that one but it was good to hear it tonight and we started out with Gentleman mean and that s Jenna with Rolf Sturm but we have maybe a couple of pairs of tickets left now to Jenna and the charmers coming up at the freakin salvage on Nov 1st looks like we are down to 3 pairs of tickets to see Jenna and the charmers that s her
So I almost. I did with the jazz station I used to work with because that goes back to the day of that station interesting track though from a pianist that may have a familiar sound to you if you were a child of the eighty s and you remembered Bruce Hornsby in the range recognize the piano now he s doing a lot of bluegrass compilations and bluegrass things that was a jazz bit of work he did and 2007 Bruce Hornsby piano Jack de Janeiro drums Christian McBride bass album called Camp meeting Miles Davis solo and a new Randy Newman from dark matter and it s a jungle out there v 2 here on $8089.00 Fort Collins streaming 247 on line and care of c f o r g. Welcome to the k r f c concert calendar your guide to the Northern Colorado music scene who will you see tonight. Today s concert calendar with Mary and Robin is supported in part by c. Magazine your concert calendar for Tuesday August 29th in Fort Collins turn table at hoodies at 9 city mouse with murder burgers and plasma canvas at Surfs