To visit historic Lexington Kentucky Kentucky you can visit the cap a horse parks music best art and cultural world of Lexington the home of the what songs all time radio on line and visit likes. And buy them Martin Guitar Company of Nazareth Pennsylvania building practical tars for professionals and front porch pickers 833 on line at guitar dot com. I welcome everybody to the beautiful and historic Lyric Theatre in our hometown of Lexington Kentucky we're broadcasting worldwide from Australia are only in New Zealand New York Yuma Arizona into the Yukon and northern Canada worldwide on over 500 radio stations we're celebrating this magnificent world of independent and grassroots art artists come from everywhere to be on our stage and we say it every single week you don't have to be famous to be on wood songs you just have to be very very good and that is certainly the case of both of the artists are going introduce you tonight and we have an amazing would songs kids to also introduce you 1st up is a friend new to the show a wriggly from Ireland he's been making his home here in the United States for a little while he's got a magnificent album called North Country This is a great song called human heart please welcome Danny Burns to the woods. a lovely bride was singing with you there. Was talk about you as as a youngster growing up in in Arlon where in our only do you grow up north or south of the Northwest a place called. NICOLE the largest county on the island of Ireland and you grew up in a rather musical family is a lot of folks in Arlon music is very important to the culture to the community it's very community driven music in our own and yet we all grew up playing and singing in the kitchen and trade instruments and you know you cannot it's kind of mandatory say well let's talk about the mandatory part I mean it's like it's like you know something that is passed from grandparents to parents to kids right you know the oral tradition of songs and just share and learn a song on the grandparents and so on to chose did you learn the traditional route 1st did you get into rock and roll as a kid I mean what was your path my path would have been tried but you'd hear what you would I was dancing my my family were also Irish dancing teachers and stuff like that so there was lots of fiddle banjo tunes and then came 1st I was playing in traditional bands 1st and then went on to into the more rock stuff and tried everything out of that period and then you you moved to the states you've been you've been here in the States for several years what what caused you to leave your home in our own to come to the United States and set up home here just touring got offers came out played they were different people aside I. Didn't want to try to live in it we lived in New Orleans for a long time so that was a beautiful place to learn and progress your music and all that kind of now you're settled in Nashville now we're not sure yet so because music capital right Music City and that sort of reflected on your album you've got a lot of the princes of our roots music on your own Jerry Douglas Sam Bush Dan to Minsky to merit I think Tim O'Brien is on your album as well so this is the community you hang out with or yeah I'm sure these friendships came about from I have been open for a lot of these people and then I got to meet them when I was live and we were living openly in the D.C. Area for quite a while that we've moved around a lot yeah just you know trying to get it all in you know kind of like in the Irish music witness protection program. All over the place. So how was it what was it like to work in the studio I mean Sam Bush you know the king of Telluride Tim O'Brien a multi Grammy award winning Danton Minsky's with Alison Krauss and Union Station I mean Jerry Douglas same thing you know is that with the roles of Lester as well I mean these are the kings of bluegrass and roots music just really humble good guys great folks they kind of I think we all have a kind of bond to the Irish Celtic vibes as well so the doc cannot transatlantic kind of collaboration was kind of pretty painless for me anyway one nice thing that they all have in common is a ball but I would songs which is kind of anything so let's get back into your album it's a great great projects got wonderful musicians on it north country is the name of the CD This is a tune called Let It Go it is Danny Burns on wood song. If a new CD North Country Danny Burns on our broadcast if you want to revisit the music of Danny Burns as you hearing it on our show you can go to the wood songs website you can click on the archive page of the show number 982 if you're listening on the radio you can watch what you're hearing on the radio by seeing it in 5 camera production on our on our Web site as a show on public television on nationwide next artists up is a fellow from North Carolina and originally started playing the piano but now he's kind of focused in on what's called the hill country brew blues We're going to talk to him about that. SICHEL staff got a great album called Midnight in Memphis we're going to talk about this shortly this is a tune called Honey honey please welcome Reed churchy to the woods Thanks. Thanks A. Few. Films till it's in Memphis 3 churches nice to have you here let's talk about that guitar playing and you are should you were more of a piano player. Yes I had. Was that like your 1st interest to playing keyboards and stuff you know I had to be bribed with. My mother's a classical viola player true musician and I think she was very upset with me during a piano practicing session reassure allies I had headphones in listening to something else I don't know how do you realize that perhaps the sound I was making. So when did you discover that the guitar was going to be your thing how did that happen I did eventually fall in love with a lot of Randy Newman a New Orleans. Piano Playing others types of boogie woogie piano playing and then I fell in love with the slide guitar things I was hearing which could not be translated to piano. And that's when I made the leap Well let's talk about your guitar style I mean where why don't you hate the classification of different kinds of music and stuff I mean doesn't matter would be in you're in anymore because there's no more big break in a big record stores are gone so so but there's a style to your guitar playing how would you describe that to the audience for these songs the couple we're doing right now particularly it's very much influenced by my 1st Guitar Hero which is a guy named Mississippi Fred McDowell and the real trademark of his sound is not just the slide but playing the rhythm with the thumb and then the lead with the slide and then let's talk through that let's actually demonstrated on the guitar Let's turn that push turn the trammel up and rebuild what you just said but show it on the guitar. Here's this hand remember it's radio so you're talking about your right hand my right hand I don't write in a guitar player so with my right hand I have 2 finger pics of phone and a finger and the phone plays this game. Is on by itself. And all these songs the chord never changes either set. And match and the. Thing does the other thing. So that was the other finger getting involved excuse me that's your left hand with the song with the you've got what do you have on your finger I have a glass slide recently made the transition from copper opened up a brand new world what's the difference in the sound between the copper in the in the glass I would say the glass has more sustain and as a more open sound the copper is a little nastier which I like but. Is a lot more closed off when you go up the fret and when you go up and it's nice to have an open sound up there so when you're sitting on your front porch in North Carolina and you think about all these blues players and all the stalls and stuff and you're sitting there in your own front porch and your lovely wife Heather who thing with you tonight watch out watch out I'm married Kathleen Kathleen. That Heather's there and I play. She's cool too. I did notice and I. Don't want to go there either. So I misread here so I did I do it to apologize to Kathleen Kathleen brings you out your your wonderful. Iced tea and you're sitting there by yourself in your from 4 snows home getting back into oh yeah I'm on my way what do you play on your guitar sun's going down you're on your porch by yourself when you play on this thing I play a lot of No no I don't play it. That's a very lonely texter that. If I had a wife after this show. OK Let's talk about the name of the group on your album which we're going to talk about this in the 2nd half are you recorded son the legendary son studios members will get we'll get to that here's Shirley but in in the name of your band you call him the kudzu choir. And in Appalachia kudzu has a very distinct almost annoying meaning sure how how do you how do you say way that into the name of the band there are a few different philosophical ensemble the kudzu parietal that I perform with and so the big words in the morning to recognize. The orchestra with a K. Is a 17 to 22 piece on some that's a different show we're not here with that perception and this evening the choir The important thing about the choir is it's has a strong emphasis on vocal harmonies and singing is something that is the last thing on my list of musical gifts and. I love having singers around me to help prop me up on my journey to melody and the cards you caught their performances in recordings really embrace that. Does the choir it'll grow on you. That's going to wait. That's the part I was holding out for I was waiting for that one to carve while you're here with a couple of great singers of course Heather on keyboards over here and the lovely wife Kathleen a wife. Forrest Manning as well singing but you're getting it into a song now from this great album is called Midnight in Memphis want to talk more about the Sun Studio sessions up in the 2nd half hour this is a tune called teachers blues it is read churchy on the woods. From crown. KING. Great city for midnight in Memphis scream churchy on our broadcast we've also got a wonderful singer songwriter originally from Arlen now based in Nashville Tennessee Denny burns on our broadcast and wait until you meet this week's wood songs kid we can be back with a lot more music and a lot more conversation on the next half hour we'll be back right after this you're listening to the Sun show number 92 broadcasting around the world from the finals of Appalachia in Lexington Kentucky if you would like to attend that would sunspot cuts you can buy a reservation and says schedule is on our website which sons dot com Must be back after the break with Danny birds and return on the good songs old time radio. Presented in part by the Martin guitar company says it likes. Families from all over the world to join the broadcast in historic Lexington Kentucky quicksands is an all volunteer runs on liberation grass roots music providing a multimedia front porch for musicians and it is a worldwide you can use our library passion attended our become a good time partner for my website which. I this is called reading here and you are listening to folk singer Michael Jonathan Underwood songs old time radio are here's one of the princes of Irish music called Brave and welcome everybody to the beautiful historic Lyric Theater we're broadcasting from our hometown here in Lexington Kentucky the crossroads of American folk and bluegrass music the Gateway City to the magnificent Appalachian Mountains so much art and music comes here we are broadcasting over 537 radio stations from Australia across the United States like 90 point one the river in Asheville North Carolina all the way to Arlen Dublin City F.M. And I Dublin Ireland we're also on public television from K.Q.E.D. P.B.S. In Los Angeles all the way to Vermont $96000000.00 homes would songs is available plus to our of the television network and we're also on the American Forces Radio Network What does that mean it means what songs is available on 2 channels in 177 nations on the radio from sounds career. To Kuwait Plus every single military base in the world every U.S. Naval ship in the world every Coast Guard vessel sailing in North America as always we say hello to the men and women out there the. Family. Taste of the American music we're also in schools if you're a teacher or a homeschool parent we encourage you to visit the wood songs website click on the classroom page we've got this magnificent a selection of of projects that have lesson plans attached them from middle high and college level classes and because of that we invite a youngster from somewhere North America to come on our stage during a broadcast they get to sing one song in the presence of season during artists like Danny Burns and Reed churchy and we found ourselves a young fella from Los Angeles California Please welcome 16 year old Christian Good morning thank you Alan. All the way from Los Angeles to Europe you're on the road you're you're traveling troubadour musician these days so 16 years old and when did you start playing your guitar. Want to say about 3 years ago that's a long time you know. And we were sitting backstage and we were going to do one song and then you happen to play this other one which I thought musically was was really well written and this is on this is on an album you have a little band called Velvet starlings and it's on your album right so I'm glad we discovered this song last minute called sold down the river if you were to tell me the cliff notes version and 15 seconds what is this song about I don't know I feel like good answer let's go ahead and. Sol down the rivers the song Christian is born from Los Angeles California this week's would songs thank. we've been sold. A. You know going for his album My song is on Ville but Starling's is the name of his band I think one of the future stars of tomorrow we've got one of the future stars of today how is that possible a future star of today well he's here Eve originally from our own settled in the Nashville Tennessee among other places it's got a great album called North Country's got to follow the wood songs kid but that's OK Danny Burns only would say. Theme is the name of the song North confused the name of the album Danny Burns our broadcast and was it a hard thing for you I mean you grew up in are when you've been in the States for quite a while was a hard thing to leave your home country I know you were traveling already elides you're probably used to that part but to actually settle down in the States you know I just love to travel much my family lived here when we were kids as well so it was thoughts of them were I was going well used to high things were out here just not a not a big opprobrious decision I just wanted to kind of go with the actual most music. To some time in New York City to sometime now lead to some time in New Orleans Chicago and it's interesting how you word that you did time. When you're in that when you're trying to make a living in the music business you're sort of you know. It has changed so much just in the last 1520 less 10 years I mean 10 years ago people didn't really know what Facebook and Google and Twitter were I mean just it's just been this avalanche of digital noise and it has completely changed the make up of the music business so how are you handling that you make make records try to make good records you tour. I only started doing some co-writing stilt But this whole record I wrote on my own but now I'm kind of doing more of the co-writing thing so I think it's just a matter of finding your little place where you belong do what you do do it to the best of your ability and you know flog the trucker hots and. Say that again flog the trucker hats you know so you're Marciano. Log the truck. We're going to we're going to hot sauce coming out soon to. Sell anything you can write as well I mean the digital world has changed I mean there's a lot of artists these days not even putting a CD out you're just putting it online and it's there that is you have to cross your fingers like as opposed to Do not for a while we we're proud that we put out a vinyl release with the CD and all the other kind of ways you put it out there just trying to make good music and hopefully people that this one don't know and then maybe get into some playlist and all that kind of stuff well in the end you want to show up to your shows because that's really the through the way an artist makes a living these days they've they've got to have people in the seats in front of them right the bread and butter Yeah and you produce this album this is this is your baby this is your heart your soul your vision you put all these artists Jerry Douglas Tim O'Brien all these artists together you did all that yeah I just started annoying people texting and calling them and then they all go back to me and says Sherman thing done and I mean we were just over samba. Sam was saying to me you know what he wanted to do I was like what you mean what I want to do contribution. That's I don't think as much producing going on radio. While a good producer simply lets be artists do their thing and then else then creates the canvas A after that that happens so let's get back into your your music you're doing all songs from the CD north country this is a tune called Great Big Sea It is Danny Burns on the woods. of Danny Burns if you want to see what you're hearing on the radio visit the wood songs website click on the archive page this is show Number 982 when you get to watch the whole broadcast on your cellphone on your home computer you get to revisit the music of this guy as well he's got a great album called Midnight in Memphis is this is a tune called crave it is read Turchin on the wood song. Of the. Album Midnight in Memphis. Read churchy got a Morse Manning on vocals Heather Molder playing keyboards and Kathleen turret she's singing. So what tuning are you in when you're playing something like that on a journey right this moment but that was the tuning of open D. Open D. And most your stuff tonight was in open D. That's right OK So so you were decided to do this album you have your kudzu choir and stuff and you go and you ended up in Sun Studios I guess that was for the recording of a P.B.S. Special right yeah they have a series called The Sun studio session an ardent coincidence right. What's it like to be standing there and you know that Johnny Cash was there and I was present was there and Jerry Lee Lewis was there and Carl Perkins was there and now returned she's there. To be honest it's you know it's pretty much a tourist center during the day and that was mostly my experience I used to live in Memphis and I had experienced that feeling before but because of how the T.V. Filming worked they couldn't begin until the sun went down and this was in August almost a year ago so that was 9 or so and we ended up recording from about 12230123 at night and somewhere around midnight the daily groups of tourists and little knick knacks and the gift shop and all of that kind of faded away and playing with a full band and not space you really start to hear the Sun records sound coming out of the walls and coming out of the room and now was very inspirational Well you were you ended up with a really good project I read one magazine described the music as dirty rotten filthy stinking blues just so good. Thanks. Cook's going to get back into the album it's midnight in Memphis is the CD recording Sun Studios in Memphis Tennessee this is a tune called do for you it is read churchy on the wood songs old country if On the dance. John. What do you call it what is it that's the big question these days and like we mentioned earlier in the show it doesn't matter what bin you're in doesn't matter what you call it there's no more bins the record stores are going to do what depends on how is it good music is from the heart is a passion it is what you really feel is it honestly use an artist and certainly read churches doing that Danny Burns doing that our young would songs kid Christian because born is doing the same thing music has to come from your heart that's what the audience wants now marketing doesn't matter passion in heart is what matters once upon a time a fella asked that old blues man and he goes what is the blues in the blues man looked up at the writer and he said you know what feller when you can figure out how they sell around pizza in a square box and cut it into triangles then you're going to understand the blues. It doesn't matter what you call it it matters if it's good and we congratulate all these orders for being exactly that my name is Michael John is that I'm a folk singer I am a song farmer will see you next week ON THE would if. I may I would I THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK ME to Michael thank you so much green from the upcoming legacy album Our chief engineers Drome technical assistance or Brian. May And Eric Anderson are T.V. And internet broadcasters directed by. Technical Director Isaac may assisted by Rachel fail to put songs per member the week is Conor chance and our wood songs partners of the week are Carrie and Janet Davis special support provided by hybrid spring water makes coffee the staff of lyric cedar and Oscar did. In Lexington our shows produced for this pardon to sit like stock com During banters the market tart company frenzy string instruments ear trumpet microphones travel his magazine to bluegrass hospitality Association and their residence in Lexington South Hamburg placed visitors from all over the world to Lexington Kentucky what songs of the old song or Webster trademarks of Rachel Aubrey music are shows distributed worldwide with songs radio network N.P.R. It thanks for listening and Josh thanks for my call Jonathan India entire which I'm screwed this is Dorothy Edwards before you will join us again next week for the what songs over time radio. 88.7 F.M. 90 appoint someone to watch streaming online A K R Z U O R G connecting cultures along the way. This is your care see a daily weather forecast for Saturday the 7th of September. Today partly sunny with 70 percent chance of afternoon rain showers 78767675 tonight a 50 percent chance of thunderstorms then partly cloudy lows in Alamosa 4549 watch 47 in Crestone 49 in north central New Mexico today mostly sunny even a 40 percent chance of afternoon thunderstorms. 71. 7430 percent chance of thunderstorms then mostly cloudy lows in towns 524450. Thanks for listening to a stay tuned for more weather updates. You can dance to it and the night it. Is a case of it's going to generation arrestin to research is. Media Asheville North Carolina this is doing an excavation deep into the pop music of the ninety's 60 when the airwaves and the record store bands were filled with memorable and fresh music that laid down the template that still being followed today I'm Kim Clark and will discover and rediscover some of those records from the icons to the obscurity head this hour we're going to listen to Wilson Pickett skit from the summer of 67 the summer of one single by the Small Faces we the people in the lemon drops the California band kaleidoscope tomorrow Casey Jones and the governors and many more nuggets from 1960 S. Ahead on did. This song was originally recorded by Oscar Brown Jr in 1963 Al Wilson would have a Top 40 American hit with it in 68 and here it is getting the mob treatment in 67 by the Liverpool 5 snakes.